Poetry is faith. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Poetry creates life. [ Fred. W. Robertson ]
The poetry of speech. [ Byron ]
It is uninspired inspiration. [ Henry Reed ]
Not poetry, but prose run mad. [ Pope ]
Poetry is the breath of beauty. [ Leigh Hunt ]
Music is the poetry of the air. [ Jean Paul Richter ]
Poetry is the music of the soul. [ Voltaire ]
The poetry of bricks and mortar. [ Horace Greeley ]
Poetry is the eloquence of verse. [ Bryant ]
Eloquence is the poetry of prose. [ Bryant ]
Love is the poetry of the senses. [ Balzac ]
Kindness, the poetry of the heart. [ Aime-Martin ]
The poetry of earth is never dead. [ Keats ]
Poetry is the child of enthusiasm. [ Sigma ]
A poem round and perfect as a star. [ Alexander Smith ]
Poetry is truth dwelling in beauty. [ Gilfillan ]
Poetry, the sister-spirit of music. [ Mme. le Vert ]
Romance is the poetry of literature. [ Mme. Necker ]
She that with poetry is won.
Is but a desk to write upon;
And what men say of her they mean
No more than on the thing they lean. [ Butler ]
The poetry of earth is ceasing never. [ Keats ]
Poetry is the apotheosis of sentiment. [ Mme. de Stael ]
The intellect colored by the feelings. [ Professor Wilson ]
Poetry is the overflowing of the soul. [ Tuckerman ]
The finest poetry was first experience. [ Emerson ]
Much is the force of heaven-bred poesy. [ William Shakespeare ]
Sweet food of sweetly uttered knowledge. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Truth shines the brighter, clad in verse. [ Pope ]
Then, rising with Aurora's light,
The muse invoked, sit down to write;
Blot out, correct, insert, refine.
Enlarge, diminish, interline;
Be mindful, when invention fails.
To scratch your head and bite your nails. [ Swift ]
The essence of poetry is will and passion. [ Hazlitt ]
Poetry is itself a thing of God;
He made his prophets poets; and the more
We feel of poesie do we become
Like God in love and power, - under makers. [ Bailey ]
Music resembles poetry; in each
Are nameless graces which no methods teach,
And which a master-hand alone can reach. [ Pope ]
Superstition is part of the poetry of life. [ Goethe ]
Poetry is the morning dream of great minds. [ Lamartine ]
Poetry is evidently a contagious complaint. [ Washington Irving ]
Blessings be with them, and eternal praise.
Who gave us nobler loves and nobler cares,
The poets, who on earth have made us heirs
Of truth and pure delight by heavenly lays. [ Wordsworth ]
A help to the composition of classic poetry.
Personality is everything in art and poetry. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Bishop Ken styled poetry thought in blossom.
[ William Winter ]
Sweet are the pleasures that to verse belong.
And doubly sweet a brotherhood in song. [ Keats ]
Nor florid prose, nor honied lies of rhyme,
Can blazon evil deeds, or consecrate a crime. [ Byron ]
Only that is poetry which cleanses and mans me. [ Emerson ]
Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history. [ Plato ]
They learn in suffering what they teach in song. [ Shelley ]
Science sees signs; Poetry, the thing signified. [ Hare ]
Most wretched men
Are cradled into poetry by wrong;
They learn in suffering what they teach in song. [ Shelley ]
Poetry is the key to the hieroglyphics of nature. [ J. C. and A. W. Hare ]
Virginity is poetry: it does not exist for fools. [ Limayrac ]
Poetry is always a personal interpretation of life. [ H. W. Mabie ]
The elegancy, facility and golden cadence of poesy. [ William Shakespeare ]
Angling is somewhat like poetry; men are to be born so. [ Izaak Walton ]
Music, rather than poetry, should be called the happy art.
[ Richter ]
Science is for those who learn, poetry for those who know. [ J. Roux ]
Poetry, the eldest sister of all arts, and parent of most. [ Congreve ]
Poetry has been the guardian angel of humanity in all ages. [ Lamartine ]
Poetry is to be found nowhere unless we carry it within us. [ Joubert ]
Take the sweet poetry of life away, and what remains behind? [ Wordsworth ]
Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a speaking picture. [ Simonides ]
To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion - all in one. [ John Ruskin ]
What makes poetry? A full heart, brimful of one noble passion. [ Goethe ]
Poetry is an attempt man makes to render his existence harmonious. [ Carlyle ]
He murmurs near the running brooks a music sweeter than their own. [ Wordsworth ]
The heaven of poetry and romance still lies around us and within us. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
Poetry is the music of thought, conveyed to us in music of language. [ Chatfield ]
Poetry implies the whole truth, philosophy expresses a particle of it. [ Thoreau ]
Words are rather the drowsy part of poetry; imagination the life of it. [ Owen Feltham ]
Heroic poetry has ever been esteemed the greatest work of human nature. [ Dryden ]
Poetry is the attempt which man makes to render his existence harmonious. [ Carlyle ]
You arrive at truth through poetry, and I arrive at poetry through truth. [ Joubert ]
Of all kinds of ambition, that which pursues poetical fame is the wildest. [ Goldsmith ]
Nothing which does not transport is poetry. The lyre is a winged instrument. [ Joubert ]
True poets, like great artists, have scarcely any childhood, and no old age. [ Mme. Swetchine ]
Poetry is the music of the soul, and, above all, of great and feeling souls. [ Voltaire ]
Poetry is only born after painful journeys into the vast regions of thought. [ Balzac ]
Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows and of lending existence to nothing. [ Burke ]
Philosophy becomes poetry, and science imagination, in the enthusiasm of genius. [ Isaac Disraeli ]
Poetry is the robe, the royal apparel, in which truth asserts its divine origin. [ Beecher ]
As yet a child, not yet a fool to fame, I lisped in numbers, for the numbers came. [ Pope ]
Willmott, the English essayist, says poetry is the natural religion of literature. [ W. R. Alger ]
With poetry second-rate in quality, no one ought to be allowed to trouble mankind. [ John Ruskin ]
Poetry is inestimable as a lonely faith, a lonely protest in the uproar of atheism. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
In the earliest ages science was poetry, as in the latter poetry has become science. [ Lowell ]
The poet's leaves are gathered one by one, in the slow process of the doubtful years. [ Bayard Taylor ]
Our poetry in the eighteenth century was prose; our prose in the seventeenth, poetry. [ J. C. and A. W. Hare ]
Poetry is the record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds. [ Shelley ]
There is no heroic poem in the world but is at bottom a biography, the life of a man. [ Carlyle ]
The kingdom of poetry is the kingdom of truth; open the sanctuary and there is light. [ A. v. Chamisso ]
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and in fewer words than prose. [ Voltaire ]
Words become luminous when the poet's finger has passed over them its phosphorescence. [ Joubert ]
Those are poets who write thoughts as fragrant as flowers, and in as many colored words. [ Mme. de Krudener ]
The art of poetry is to touch the passions, and its duty to lead them on the side of virtue. [ Cowper ]
Poetry is an art, the easiest to dabble in, and the hardest in which to reach true excellence. [ Stedman ]
Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth by calling imagination to the help of reason. [ Johnson ]
Poetry is right royal. It puts the individual for the species, the one above the infinite many. [ Hazlitt ]
I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is,
prose = words in their best order;
poetry = the best words in the best order. [ Coleridge ]
Poetry is a spirit, not disembodied, but in the flesh, so as to affect the senses of living men. [ Stedman ]
Every great poem is in itself limited by necessity, but in its suggestions unlimited and infinite. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
Music is not a science any more than poetry is. It is a sublime instinct, like genius of all kinds. [ Ouida ]
Poesy is of so subtle a spirit, that in pouring out of one language into another, it will evaporate. [ Denham ]
Lyrical poetry is much the same in every age, as the songs of the nightingales in every spring-time. [ Heine ]
I have not wounded any one with stinging satire, nor does my poetry contain a charge against any man. [ Ovid ]
That which moveth the heart most is the best poetry; it comes nearest unto God, the source of all power. [ Landor ]
We hold that the most wonderful and splendid proof of genius is a great poem produced in a civilized age. [ Macaulay ]
The test or measure of poetic genius is to read the poetry of affairs, to fuse the circumstance of today. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Milton saw not, and Beethoven heard not, but the sense of beauty was upon them, and they fain must speak. [ Ruskin ]
Poetry teaches the enormous force of a few words, and, in proportion to the inspiration, checks loquacity. [ Emerson ]
Good poetry is always personification, and heightens every species of force by giving it a human volition. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
He who, in an enlightened and literary society, aspires to be a great poet, must first become a little child. [ Macaulay ]
Poetry is deep pain, and the genuine song issues only from the human heart through which a deep sorrow glows. [ Justin Kerner ]
Marriage has its unknown great men, as war has its Napoleons, poetry its Cheniers, and philosophy its Descartes. [ Balzac ]
The essence of poetry is invention; such invention as, by producing something unexpected, surprises and delights. [ Samuel Johnson ]
Poetry is the blossom and the fragrance of all human knowledge, human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language. [ Coleridge ]
Poetry has given me the habit of wishing to discover the good and the beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me. [ Coleridge ]
There are certain things in which mediocrity is not to be endured, such as poetry, music, painting, public speaking. [ La Bruyère ]
Poetry is simply the most beautiful, impressive and widely effective mode of saying things, and hence its importance. [ Matthew Arnold ]
Poetry is in itself strength and joy, whether it be crowned by all mankind, or left alone in its own magic hermitage. [ Sterling ]
There comes a period of the imagination to each - a later youth - the power of beauty, the power of looks, of poetry. [ Emerson ]
Poetry uses the rainbow tints for special effects, but always keeps its essential object in the purest light of truth. [ Holmes ]
Poetry is enthusiasm with wings of fire; it is the angel of high thoughts, that inspires us with the power of sacrifice. [ Mazzini ]
Poetry is the sister of Sorrow. Every man that suffers and weeps is a poet; every tear is a verse, and every heart a poem. [ Marc Andre ]
Sooner or later that which is now life shall be poetry, and every fair or manly trait shall add a richer strain to the song. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
With poetry, as with going to sea, we should push from the shore and reach a certain elevation before we unfurl all our sails. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Since a true knowledge of nature gives us pleasure, a lively imitation of it in poetry or painting must produce a much greater. [ Dryden ]
Never did poesy appear so full of heaven to me as when I saw how it pierced through pride and fear to the lives of coarsest men. [ Lowell ]
Good poetry has a lot in common with good copy. A poem evokes vivid images and strong emotions through very careful word choice. [ Kathy Kleidermacher, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Copywriter's Words And Phrases ]
There is as much difference between good poetry and fine verses as between the smell of a flower-garden and of a perfumer's shop. [ Hare ]
Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge; it is the impassioned expression which is the countenance of all science. [ Wordsworth ]
Poetry is unfallen speech. Paradise knew no other, for no other would suffice to answer the need of those ecstatic days of innocence. [ Abraham Coles ]
The tree of the world hath its poisons, but beareth two fruits of exquisite flavor, the nectar of poetry and the society of noble men. [ Hitopadesa ]
The wretch that would wish the poetry of life and feeling to be extinct, let him forever dwell in flame, in frost, in ever-during night. [ Dante ]
Poetry is music in words, and music is poetry in sound: both excellent sauce, but they have lived and died poor, that made them their meat. [ Fuller ]
Poesy, drawing within its circle all that is glorious and inspiring, gave itself but little concern as to where its flowers originally grew. [ Karl Ottfried Muller ]
Power of imagination is regulated only by art, especially by poetry. There is nothing more frightful than imaginative faculty without taste. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Without poetry our science will appear incomplete, and most of what now passes with us for religion and philosophy will be replaced by poetry. [ Matthew Arnold ]
Poetry is something to make us wiser and better by continually revealing those types of beauty and truth which God has set in all men's souls. [ Lowell ]
The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness. [ Percival ]
Poetry and flowers are the wine and spirit of The Arab; a couplet is equal to a bottle, and a rose to a dram, without the evil effects of either. [ Layard ]
Rightly, poetry is organic. We cannot know things by words and writing, but only by taking a central position in the universe and living in its forms. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
The direct relation of music is not to ideas, but emotions. Music, in the works of its greatest masters, is more marvellous, more mysterious, than poetry. [ Henry Giles ]
Pretty conceptions, fine metaphors, glittering expressions, and something of a neat cast of verse are properly the dress, gems, or loose ornaments of poetry. [ Pope ]
There is a majesty and mystery in nature, take her as you will. The essence of poetry comes breathing to a mind that feels from every province of her empire. [ Carlyle ]
Music, when combined with a pleasurable idea, is poetry; music without the idea is simply music; the idea without the music is prose from its very definiteness. [ Edgar Allan Poe ]
Poetry has been to me its own exceeding great reward; it has given me the habit of wishing to discover the good and beautiful in all that meets and surrounds me. [ S. T. Coleridge ]
When the Divine Artist would produce a poem, He plants a germ of it in a human soul, and out of that soul the poem springs and grows as from the rose-tree the rose [ James A. Garfield ]
The poet may say or sing, not as things were, but as tbey ought to have been; but the historian must pen them, not as they ought to have been, but as they really were. [ Cervantes ]
The lines of poetry, the periods of prose, and even the texts of Scripture most frequently recollected and quoted, are those which are felt to be pre-eminently musical. [ Shenstone ]
See, indeed, that your daughter is thoroughly grounded and experienced in household duties; but take care, through religion and poetry, to keep her heart open to heaven. [ Richter ]
The poet in prose or verse - the creator - can only stamp his images forcibly on the page in proportion as he has forcibly felt, ardently nursed, and long brooded over them. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
Flowers are the terrestrial stars that bring down heaven to earth, and carry up our thoughts from earth to heaven; the poetry of the Creator, written in beauty and fragrance. [ Chatfield ]
Poetry incorporates those spirits which, like angels, can never assume the body of an outward act; and sheds the perfume of those flowers which spring up but never bear any seed. [ Jean Paul ]
The poetry of the ancients was that of possession, ours is that of aspiration; the former stands fast on the soil of the present, the latter hovers between memory and anticipation. [ Schlegel ]
Art itself, in all its methods, is the child of religion. The highest and best works in architecture, sculpture and painting, poetry and music, have been born out of the religion of Nature. [ James Freeman Clarke ]
Fiction is of the essence of poetry as well as of painting; there is a resemblance in one of human bodies, things, and actions which are not real, and in the other of a true story by fiction. [ Dryden ]
O brave poets! keep back nothing, nor mix falsehood with the whole; look up Godward; speak the truth in worthy song from earnest soul; hold, in high poetic duty, truest truth the fairest beauty! [ Mrs. Browning ]
Good dressing includes a suggestion of poetry. One nowhere more quickly detects sentiment than in dress. A well-dressed woman in a room should fill it with poetic sense, like the perfume of flowers. [ Miss Oakey ]
D'Alembert tells us that Voltaire had always lying on his table the Petit Careme
of Massillon and the Tragedies
of Racine; the former to fix his taste in prose composition, and the latter in poetry. [ Dugald Stewart ]
Imagining is in itself the very height and life of poetry, which, by a kind of enthusiasm or extraordinary emotion of the soul, makes it seem to us that we behold those things which the poet paints. [ Dryden ]
Men are what their mothers made them; you may as well ask a loom which weaves huckaback, wiry it does not make cashmere, as expect poetry from this engineer, or a chemical discovery from that jobber. [ R. W. Emerson ]
Over all life broods Poesy, like the calm blue sky with its motherly, rebuking face. She is the great reformer, and where the love of her is strong and healthy, wickedness and wrong cannot long prevail. [ Lowell ]
Poetry is musical thought, thought of a mind that has penetrated into the inmost heart of a thing, detected the melody that lies hidden in it, ... the heart of Nature being everywhere music, if you can only reach it. [ Carlyle ]
An artist that works in marble or colors has them all to himself and his tribe: but the man who moulds his thoughts in verse has to employ the materials vulgarized by everybody's use, and glorify them by his handling. [ O. W. Holmes ]
Poetry, like truth, is a common flower. God has sown it over the earth like daisies, sprinkled with tears, or glowing in the sun, even as he places the crocus and the March frosts together, and beautifully mingles life and death. [ Ebenezer Elliott ]
Do not fear to put novels into the hands of young people as an occasional holiday experiment, but above all, good poetry in all kinds, - epic, tragedy, lyric. If we can touch the imagination, we serve them; they will never forget it. [ Emerson ]
The Bible contains more true sublimity, more exquisite beauty, more pure morality, more important history, and finer strains of poetry and eloquence than can be collected from all other books, in whatever age or language they have been written. [ Sir William Jones ]
The drama embraces and applies all the beauties and decorations of poetry. The sister arts attend and adorn it. Painting, architecture, and music are her handmaids. The costliest lights of a people's intellect burn at her show. All ages welcome her. [ Willmott ]
Friends are discovered rather than made; there are people who are in their own nature friends, only they do not know each other; but certain things, like poetry, music, and paintings are like the freemasons sign - they reveal the initiated to each other. [ Mrs. Stowe ]
The tragedy of Hamlet
is critically considered to be the masterpiece of dramatic poetry; and the tragedy of Hamlet
is also, according to the testimony of every sort of manager, the play of all others which can invariably be depended on to fill a theater. [ G. A. Sala ]
There is to me a daintiness about early flowers that touches me like poetry; they blow out with such a simple loveliness among the common herbs of pastures, and breathe their lives so unobstrusively, like hearts whose beatings are too gentle for the world. [ N. P. Willis ]
What a conception of art must those theorists have who exclude portraits from the proper province of the fine arts! It is exactly as if we denied that to be poetry in which the poet celebrates the woman he really loves. Portraiture is the basis and the touchstone of historic painting. [ Schlegel ]
Poetry can make even the thought of death beautiful, and the sadness of bereavement not without a certain pleasure. Great poets have elicited from the sternest suffering a principle of enjoyment. Sublime faith and earnest love can conjure spirits the most lovely from the darkest abyss. [ Tuckerman ]
Art is a jealous mistress, and, if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture, or philosophy, he makes a bad husband, and an ill provider, and should be wise in season, and not fetter himself with duties which will imbitter his days, and spoil him for his proper work. [ Emerson ]
We have often thought it strange that moralists should have written and spoken of the mutability of human life as if it were a thing to be dreaded and mourned over; to our mind, mutability is the soul of poetry, and the source of nearly all the most delightful and sacred pleasures of life. [ Stubbs ]
By eloquence I understand those appeals to our moral perceptions that produce emotion as soon as they are uttered. This is the very enthusiasm that is the parent of poetry. Let the same man go to his closet and clothe in numbers conceptions full of the same fire and spirit, and they will be poetry. [ Bryant ]
Harmony of period and melody of style have greater weight than is generally imagined in the judgment we pass upon writing and writers. As a proof of this, let us reflect what texts of scripture, what lines in poetry, or what periods we most remember and quote, either in verse or prose, and we shall find them to be only musical ones. [ Shenstone ]
Neither can we admit that definition of genius that some would propose - a power to accomplish all that we undertake;
for we might multiply examples to prove that this definition of genius contains more than the thing defined. Cicero failed in poetry. Pope in painting. Addison in oratory; yet it would be harsh to deny genius to these men. [ Colton ]
There are so many tender and holy emotions flying about in our inward world, which, like angels, can never assume the body of an outward act; so many rich and lovely flowers spring up which bear no seed, - that it is a happiness poetry was invented, which receives into its limbus all these incorporated spirits and the perfume of all these flowers. [ Richter ]
Poetry interprets in two ways: it interprets by expressing, with magical felicity, the physiognomy and movements of the outward world; and it interprets by expressing, with inspired conviction, the ideas and laws of the inward world of man's moral and spiritual nature. In other words, poetry is interpretative both by having natural magic in it, and by having moral profundity. [ Matthew Arnold ]
Poetry deserves the honor it obtains as the eldest offspring of literature, and the fairest. It is the fruitfulness of many plants growing into one flower and sowing itself over the world in shapes of beauty and color, which differ with the soil that receives and the sun that ripens the seed. In Persia, it comes up the rose of Hafiz; in England, the many-blossomed tree of Shakespeare. [ Willmott ]
Association is the delight of the heart not less than of poetry. Alison observes that an autumn sunset, with its crimson clouds, glimmering trunks of trees, and wavering tints upon the grass, seems scarcely capable of embellishment. But if in this calm and beautiful glow the chime of a distant bell steal over the fields, the bosom heaves with the sensation that Dante so tenderly describes. [ Willmott ]
Since I have known God in a saving manner, painting, poetry, and music have had charms unknown to me before. I have received what I suppose is a taste for them, or religion has refined my mind and made it susceptible of impressions from the sublime and beautiful. O, how religion secures the heightened enjoyment of those pleasures which keep so many from God, by their becoming a source of pride! [ Henry Martyn ]
Music may be classed into natural, social, sacred, and martial; it is the twin sister of poetry, and like it has the power to sway the feelings and command the mind; in devotion it breathes the pure spirit of inspiration and love; in martial scenes it rouses the soul to fearless deeds of daring and valor, while it alleviates the cares, and enhances the innocent and cheerful enjoyments of domestic life. [ Acton ]
Poetical taste is the only magician whose wand is not broken. No hand, except its own, can dissolve the fabric of beauty in which it dwells. Genii, unknown to Arabian fable, wait at the portal. Whatever is most precious from the loom or the mine of fancy is poured at its feet. Love, purified by contemplation, visits and cheers it; unseen musicians are heard in the dark; it is Psyche in the palace of Cupid. [ Willmott ]
Poetry reveals to us the loveliness of nature, brings back the freshness of youthful feeling, revives the relish of simple pleasures, keeps unquenched the enthusiasm which warmed the springtime of our being, refines youthful love, strengthens our interest in human nature, by vivid delineations of its tenderest and softest feelings, and, through the brightness of its prophetic visions, helps faith to lay hold on the future life. [ Channing ]
How fitting to have every day, in a vase of water on your table, the wild flowers of the season which are just blossoming. Can any house be said to be furnished without them? Shall we be so forward to pluck the fruits of Nature and neglect her flowers? These are surely her finest influences. So may the season suggest the thoughts it is fitted to suggest. Let me know what pictures Nature is painting, what poetry she is writing, what ode composing now. [ Thoreau ]
In the hands of genius, the driest stick becomes an Aaron's rod, and buds and blossoms out in poetry. Is he a Burns? the sight of a mountain daisy unseals the fountains of his nature, and he embalms the bonny gem
in the beauty of his spirit. Is he a Wordsworth? at his touch all nature is instinct with feeling; the spirit of beauty springs up in the footsteps of his going, and the darkest, nakedest grave becomes a sunlit bank empurpled with blossoms of life. [ H. N. Hudson ]
We have more poets than judges and interpreters of poetry. It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one. There is, indeed, a certain low and moderate sort of poetry, that a man may well enough judge by certain rules of art: but the true, supreme, and divine poesy is equally above all rules and reason. And whoever discerns the beauty of it with the most assured and most steady sight sees no more than the quick reflection of a flash of lightning. [ Montaigne ]
Poetry is the first and last of all knowledge: it is immortal as the heart of men. If the labors of the men of science should ever create any revolution, direct or indirect, in our condition, and in the impressions which we habitually receive, the poet will then sleep no more than at present; he will be ready to follow the steps of the man of science, not only in those general indirect effects, but he will be at his side, carrying sensation into the midst of the objects of the science itself. The remotest discoveries of the chemist, the botanist, or mineralogist will be as proper objects of the poet's art as any upon which it can be employed, if the time should ever come when these things shall be familiar to us, and the relations under which they are contemplated by the followers of the respective sciences shall be manifestly and palpably material to us as enjoying and suffering beings. If the time should ever come when what is now called science, thus familiarized to men, shall be ready to put on. as it were, a form of flesh and blood, the poet will lend his divine spirit to aid the transfiguration, and will welcome the being thus produced as a dear and genuine inmate of the household of man. [ Wordsworth ]