Head of the army! [ Last words of Napoleon ]
From head to heel.
Hit the nail on the head. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]
A big head and little wit. [ Proverb ]
The head and feet keep warm,
The rest will take no harm. [ Proverb ]
What's a table richly spread
Without a woman at its head? [ T. Wharton ]
Counsel breaks not the head. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Contention is a hydra's head. [ Robert Burton ]
A jealous head is soon broken. [ Proverb ]
A fool's head never grows grey. [ Proverb ]
He has a head, and so has a pin. [ Port ]
Who hath no head heeds no heart. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
The comforter's head never aches. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
The head grey, and no brains yet. [ Proverb ]
Come, lay thy head upon my breast,
And I will kiss thee unto rest. [ Byron ]
An idle head is a box for the wind. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Abandon all remorse;
On horror's head horrors accumulate. [ William Shakespeare ]
In confusion; neither head nor tail. [ Proverb ]
O good gray head which all men knew. [ Tennyson ]
The tongue talks at the head's cost. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
A pitiful mother makes a scald head. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber.
Holy angels guard thy bed!
Heavenly blessings without number
Gently falling on thy head. [ Watts ]
The heart sees farther than the head. [ Proverb ]
The shadow cloaked from head to foot,
Who keeps the keys of all the creeds. [ Tennyson ]
A wise head hath a close mouth to it. [ Proverb ]
What could a woman's head contrive
Which it would not know how to excuse? [ Lessing ]
To bring an old house over one's head. [ Proverb ]
Dry feet, warm head, bring safe to bed. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
A witless heed (head) mak's weary feet. [ Scotch Proverb ]
Sweet are the uses of adversity:
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. [ William Shakespeare ]
Blessings are upon the head of the just. [ Bible ]
The head is always the dupe of the heart. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Night is the time for rest;
How sweet, when labours close,
To gather round an aching breast
The curtain of repose.
Stretch the tired limbs, and lay the head
Down on our own delightful bed. [ James Montgomery ]
A sturdy oak, which nature forms
To brave a hundred winter's storms.
While round its head the whirlwinds blow.
Remains with root infix'd below:
When fell'd to earth, a ship it sails
Through dashing waves and driving gales
And now at sea, again defies
The threatening clouds and howling skies. [ Hoole ]
Be not a baker if your head be of butter. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
With loads of learned lumber in his head. [ Pope ]
Then, rising with Aurora's light,
The muse invoked, sit down to write;
Blot out, correct, insert, refine.
Enlarge, diminish, interline;
Be mindful, when invention fails.
To scratch your head and bite your nails. [ Swift ]
Why are those tears? why droops your head
Is then your other husband dead?
Or does a worse disgrace betide?
Hath no one since his death applied? [ Gay ]
Seven cities warred for Homer being dead,
Who living had no roof to shroud his head. [ Thos. Heywood ]
You break my head then give me a plaister. [ Proverb ]
Stake not your head against another's hat. [ Proverb ]
When the head aches, all the body feels it. [ Proverb ]
To be ungrateful is to be unnatural.
The head may be thus guilty, not the heart. [ Rivarol ]
No sort of head-cloths will fit a mad head. [ Proverb ]
He hath a colt's tooth yet in his old head. [ Proverb ]
If that a pearl may in a toad's head dwell.
And may be found too in an oyster shell. [ Bunyan ]
Perfect love never settled in a light head. [ Proverb ]
Here I lie, and no wonder I am dead,
For the wheel of a wagon went over my head. [ Miscellaneous epitaph ]
Hang-head Bluebell.
Bending like Moses' sister over Moses,
Full of a secret that thou dar'st not tell! [ George MacDonald ]
The smaller the drink, the clearer the head. [ William Penn ]
All the wit in the world is not in one head. [ Proverb ]
It is a fortunate head that was never broke. [ Proverb ]
Take head you find not what you do not seek. [ Proverb ]
Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head. [ German Proverb ]
Sweet pillows, sweetest bed;
A chamber deaf to noise, and blind to light;
A rosy garland, and a weary head. [ Sir Philip Sidney ]
My, crown is in my heart, not on my head;
Not deck'd with diamonds and Indian stones,
Nor to be seen : my crown is call'd content;
A crown it is that seldom kings enjoy. [ Shakespeare ]
Taste, that eternal wanderer, which flies
From head to ears, and now from ears to eyes. [ Pope ]
When a man sleeps his head is in his stomach. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Of all the causes that conspire to blind
Man's erring judgment, and misguide the mind.
What the weak head with strongest bias rules,
Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools. [ Pope ]
The tender flower that lifts its head, elate,
Helpless must fall before the blasts of fate,
Sunk on the earth, defaced its lovely form,
Unless your shelter ward th' impending storm. [ Burns ]
A spur in the head is worth two in the heels. [ Proverb ]
I gave you a stick to break my own head with. [ Proverb ]
He that has no head deserves not a laced hat. [ Proverb ]
One only thought can enter every head;
The thought of golf, to wit - and that engages
Men of all sizes, tempers, ranks and ages. [ G. F. Carnegie ]
The heart of a statesman should be in his head. [ Napoleon I ]
Like a calf, she has a sweet tooth in her head. [ Proverb ]
Stillness accompanied with sound so soft,
Charms more than silence. Meditation here
May think down hours to moments. Here the heart
May give an useful lesson to the head,
And learning wiser grow without his books. [ Cowper ]
Round its breast the rolling clouds are spread.
Eternal sunshine settles on its head. [ Goldsmith ]
They know the time to go!
The fairy clocks strike their inaudible hour
In field and woodland, and each punctual flower
Bows at the signal an obedient head
And hastes to bed. [ Susan Coolidge ]
A plaister is a small amends for a broken head. [ Proverb ]
The stream can never rise above the spring-head. [ Proverb ]
Don't carry your head too high; the door is low. [ German Proverb ]
To lather an ass's head is but spoiling of soap. [ Proverb ]
The heaviest head of corn hangs its head lowest. [ Gaelic Proverb ]
Set the hare's head against the goose's giblets. [ Proverb ]
Let not him whose head is of wax walk in the sun. [ Italian Proverb ]
Your head is so hot that your brains bubble over. [ Proverb ]
Do not turn baker if your head be made of butter. [ Proverb ]
Character teaches over our head, above our wills. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
High is the head of the stag on the mountain crag. [ Gaelic Proverb ]
He that riseth betimes hath something in his head. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Cutoff the head and tail, and throw the rest away. [ Proverb ]
From the crown of our head to the sole of our foot. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]
Try to tame a mad horse, but knock him not at head. [ Proverb ]
A broad hat does not always cover a venerable head. [ Proverb ]
Practice is to theory what the feet are to the head. [ E. de Girardin ]
While words of learned length, and thundering sound,
Amazed the gazing rustics ranged around;
And still they gazed, and still the wonder grew,
That one small head should carry all he knew. [ Goldsmith ]
Like the lily,
That once was mistress of the field, and flourished,
I'll hang my head, and perish. [ William Shakespeare ]
Little wit in the head makes much work for the feet. [ Proverb ]
He that hath a head of wax must not walk in the sun. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Stringing the stars at random round her head,
Like a pearl network, there she sits, - bright Night! [ Philip J. Bailey ]
One good head is better than an hundred strong hands. [ Proverb ]
The spell is thine that reaches
The heart, and makes the wisest head its sport;
And there's one rare, strange virtue in thy speeches,
The secret of their mastery - they are short. [ Halleck ]
Men and pyramids are not made to stand on their head. [ G. K. Pfeffel ]
If your head be glass, engage not at throwing stones. [ Proverb ]
Better's the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. [ Proverb ]
He loaths the spring-head and drinks the foul stream. [ Proverb ]
The fox's wiles will never enter into the lion's head. [ Proverb ]
Ideas in the head set hands about their several tasks. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]
A man is a man though he have but a hose upon his head. [ Proverb ]
He that strikes with his tongue must ward with his head. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
It is the diligent hand and head alone that maketh rich. [ Smiles ]
Abstaining is favorable both to the head and the pocket. [ Horace Greeley ]
Time on his head has snowed, yet still it is borne aloft. [ Young ]
Proud be the rose, with rain and dews her head impearling. [ Wordsworth ]
Better be up to the ankles, than quite over head and ears. [ Proverb ]
A fool may chance to put something into a wise man's head. [ Proverb ]
Better the head of the yeomen than the tail of the gentry. [ Proverb ]
Thy head is as full of quarrels as an egg is full of meat. [ William Shakespeare ]
A cock aye craws crousest (boldest) on his ain midden-head. [ Scotch Proverb ]
No man at the head of affairs always wishes to be explicit. [ Macaulay ]
The robe which curious Nature weaves to hang upon the head. [ Decker ]
He is false by nature that has a black head and a red beard. [ Proverb ]
An head with a good tongue in it, is worth double the price. [ Proverb ]
He who has a tongue in his head can travel all the world over. [ Italian Proverb ]
A heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute. [ Gibbon ]
He has a head as big as a horse, and brains as much as an ass. [ Proverb ]
The seat of knowledge is in the head; of wisdom, in the heart. [ William Hazlitt ]
A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart. [ Swift ]
Nature holds an immense uncollected debt over every man's head. [ Ward Beecher ]
The tall, the wise, the reverend head. Must lie as low as ours. [ Isaac Watts ]
He makes a feint at the lungs, but lays his stroke on the head. [ Proverb ]
It is good to strike the serpent's head with your enemy's hand. [ Proverb ]
It is better to be the head of a lizard than the tail of a lion. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
It is the flash that murders; the poor thunder never harm'd head. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
There is not so variable a thing in nature as a lady's head-dress. [ Addison ]
Rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man. [ Bible ]
He that hath horns in his bosom, let him not put them on his head. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
He has more wit in his head than Sampson had in both his shoulders. [ Proverb ]
A man with a running head never wants wherewith to trouble himself. [ Proverb ]
Look not to a woman's head for her brains, but rather to her heart. [ Haliburton ]
A good heart will, at all times, betray the best head in the world. [ Fielding ]
When two men quarrel, who owns the cooler head is the more to blame. [ Goethe ]
He is now stretching out his foolish head to the matrimonial halter. [ Juv ]
If he had two ideas in his head, they would fall out with each other. [ Johnson ]
He that works after his own manner, his head aches not at the matter. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
O bed! O bed! delicious bed! That heaven upon earth to the weary head. [ Hood ]
If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him. [ Franklin ]
The smaller the drink, the cooler the blood, and the clearer the head. [ Proverb ]
The stone which the builders refused has become the head of the corner. [ Bible ]
When bounteous autumn rears her head, he joys to pull the ripened pear. [ Dryden ]
As lazy as Ludlam's dog, that leaned his head against the wall to bark. [ Proverb ]
A woman needs a stronger head than her own for counsel - she should marry. [ Calderon ]
A large head of hair adds beauty to a good face, and terror to an ugly one. [ Lycurgus ]
The head, however strong it may be, can accomplish nothing against the heart. [ Mlle. de Scuderi ]
'T is the good reader that makes the good book: a good head cannot read amiss. [ Emerson ]
The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness. [ Bible ]
A constrained will seeks every opportunity to slip its head out of the collar. [ Proverb ]
A woman who throws herself at a man's head will soon find her place at his feet. [ Louis Desnoyers ]
And to bring in a new word by the head and shoulders, they leave out the old one. [ Montaigne ]
Keep the bowels open, the head cool, and the feet warm, and a fig for the doctors. [ Proverb ]
When a head and a book come into collision, and one sounds empty, is it always the book? [ Lichtenberg ]
It is not always like to like in love. Titania loved the weaver Bottom, with the ass's head. [ Anthony Trollope ]
The head has the most beautiful appearance, as well as the highest station, in a human figure. [ Addison ]
An excellent scholar: One that hath a head fill'd with calves' brains without any sage in them. [ Webster ]
Great was the respect paid of old to the hoary head, and great the honour to the wrinkles of age. [ Ovid ]
A man of maxims only is like a Cyclops with one eye, and that eye placed in the back of his head. [ Coleridge ]
There is not a more melancholy object than a man who has his head turned with religious enthusiasm. [ Addison ]
To correct the faults of man, we address the head; to correct those of woman, we address the heart. [ Beauchene ]
A woman's head is always influenced by her heart; but a man's heart is always influenced by his head. [ Lady Blessington ]
I have never known a trader in philanthropy who was not wrong in his head or heart somewhere or other. [ Coleridge ]
The value of statuary is owing to its difficulty. You would not value the finest head cut upon a carrot. [ Dr. Johnson ]
He that will believe only what he can fully comprehend, must have a very long head, or a very short creed. [ C. C. Colton ]
There is a time when the hoary head of inveterate abuse will neither draw reverence nor obtain protection. [ Burke ]
Who can speak broader than he that has no house to put his head in? - Such may rail against great buildings. [ William Shakespeare ]
Love is of all the passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses. [ Voltaire ]
You cannot put a quartern loaf into a child's head; you must break it up, and give him the crumb in warm milk. [ Spurgeon ]
What sad faces one always sees in the asylums for orphans! It is more fatal to neglect the heart than the head. [ T. Parker ]
In perfect wedlock, the man, I should say, is the head, but the woman the heart, with which he cannot dispense. [ Rückert ]
The wise man tells not what he knows. It is not prudent to sport with one's head by revealing the king's secrets. [ Saadi ]
He had a head which statuaries loved to copy, and a foot the deformity of which the beggars in the streets mimicked. [ Macaulay ]
If thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. [ Bible ]
The mob is a monster, with the hands of Briareus, but the head of Polyphemus, - strong to execute, but blind to perceive. [ Colton ]
Her hair was not more sunny than her heart, though like a natural golden coronet it circled her dear head with careless art. [ Lowell ]
Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he sticks his head out when you're coming home his face might burn up. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
They who love dancing too much seem to have more brains in their feet than their head, and think to play the fool with reason. [ Terence ]
Nature is full of freaks, and now puts an old head on young shoulders, and then a young heart beating under fourscore winters. [ Emerson ]
An aged Christian with the snow of time on his head may remind us that those points of earth are whitest that are nearest heaven. [ E. H. Cbapin ]
If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. [ Benjamin Franklin ]
Her head was bare, but for her native ornament of hair, which in a simple knot was tied above - sweet negligence, unheeded bait of love! [ Dryden ]
Rules may teach us not to raise the arms above the head; but if passion carries them, it will be well done; passion knows more than art. [ Baron ]
However bright the comedy before, the last act is always stained with blood. The earth is laid upon our head, and there it lies forever. [ Pascal ]
There is not the least flower but seems to hold up its head, and to look pleasantly, in the secret sense of the goodness of its Heavenly Maker. [ R. South ]
I struggle against an opposing current; the torrent which sweeps away others does not overpower me, and I make head against the on-rushing stream. [ Ovid ]
Indolent people, whatever taste they may have for society, seek eagerly for pleasure, and find nothing. They have an empty head and seared hearts. [ Zimmermann ]
After all, the head only reproduces what the heart creates; and so we give the mocking-bird credit when he imitates the loving murmurs of the dove. [ G. J. W. Melville ]
No; creation, one would think, cannot be easy; your Jove has severe pains, and fire flames, in the head out of which an armed Pallas is struggling. [ Carlyle ]
The fate of a man of feeling is, like that of a tuft of flowers, twofold; he may either mount upon the head of all, or go to decay in the wilderness. [ Hitopadesa ]
We should always keep a corner of our heads open and free, that we may make room for the opinions of our friends. Let us have heart and head hospitality. [ Joubert ]
The most precious wine is produced upon the sides of volcanoes. Now bold and inspiring ideals are only born of a clear head that stands over a glowing heart. [ Horace Mann ]
We used to laugh at Grandpa when he'd head off and go fishing. But we wouldn't be laughing that evening when he'd come back with some whore he picked up in town. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Three letters! but one syllable! Still less, a single motion of the head, and all is done! one is married for ever! I do not know any breakneck comparable to it. [ A. Ricard ]
The head learns new things, but the heart forevermore practices old experiences. Therefore our life is but a new form of the way men have lived from the beginning. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
Some people carry their hearts in their heads; very many carry their heads in their hearts. The difficulty is to keep them apart, yet both actively working together. [ Hare ]
I think a good movie would be about a guy who's a brain scientist, but he gets hit on the head and it damages the part of the brain the makes you want to study the brain. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
I wish scientists would come up with a way to make dogs a lot bigger, but with a smaller head. That way, they'd still be good as watchdogs, but they wouldn't eat as much. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
A beautiful face fires our imagination, and we see higher virtue and intelligence in it than we can detect in its owner's head or heart when we descend to calm inspection. [ Charles Reade ]
Sometimes the beauty of the world is so overwhelming, I just want to throw back my head and gargle. Just gargle and gargle, and I don't care who hears me, because I am beautiful. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
The sea does not contain all the pearls, the earth does not enclose all the treasures, and the flintstone does not inclose all the diamonds, since the head of man encloses wisdom. [ Saadi ]
Do not think of knocking out another person's brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as rational to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago. [ Horace Mann ]
Socrates, who is by all accounts the undoubted head of the sect of the hen-pecked, owed, and acknowledged that he owed a great part of his virtue to the exercise his useful wife constantly gave him. [ Steele ]
'Tis the good reader that makes the good book; a good head cannot read amiss; in every book he finds passages which seem confidences, or asides, hidden from all else and unmistakably meant for his ear. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Vanity is a confounded donkey, very apt to put his head between his legs, and chuck us over; but pride is a fine horse, that will carry us over the ground, and enable us to distance our fellow-travelers. [ Marryat ]
The heart will commonly govern the head, and it is certain that any strong passion, set the wrong way, will soon infatuate even the wisest of men, therefore the first part of wisdom is to watch the affections. [ Dr. Waterland ]
Give him gold enough, and marry him to a puppet, or an aglet-baby; or an old trot with never a tooth in her head, though she have as many diseases as two and fifty horses; why, nothing comes amiss, so money comes withal. [ William Shakespeare ]
Despair is like forward children, who, when you take away one of their playthings, throw the rest into the fire for madness. It grows angry with itself, turns its own executioner, and revenges its misfortunes on its own head. [ Charron ]
But the grave is not deep; it is the shining tread of an angel that seeks us. When the unknown hand throws the fatal dart at the end of man, then boweth he his head and the dart only lifts the crown of thorns from his wounds. [ Richter ]
He that aspires to be the head of a party will find it more difficult to please his friends than to perplex his foes. He must often act from false reasons, which are weak, because he dares not avow the true reasons, which are strong. [ Colton ]
What a curious workmanship is that of the eye, which is in the body, as the sun in the world; set in the head as in a watch-tower, having the softest nerves for receiving the greater multitude of spirits necessary for the act of vision! [ Charnock ]
A woman who is guided by the head, and not by the heart, is a social pestilence: she has all the defects of the passionate and affectionate woman, with none of her compensations; she is without pity, without love, without virtue, without sex. [ Balzac ]
A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against and not with the wind. Even a head wind is better than none. No man ever worked his passage anywhere in a dead calm. Let no man wax pale, therefore, because of opposition. [ John Neal ]
When we think of the tenderness, of the solicitude, of the protection, of the grace, of the charm, of the happiness, or at least of the consolation that woman brings to the life of man, one is tempted to speak to her only with uncovered head, and bowed knee. [ L. Desnoyers ]
Eloquence, to produce her full effect, should start from the head of the orator, as Pallas from the brain of Jove, completely armed and equipped. Diffidence, therefore, which is so able a mentor to the writer, would prove a dangerous counsellor for the orator. [ Colton ]
Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first and second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood. [ St. Augustine ]
From the crown of his head to the sole of his foot he is all mirth; he has twice or thrice cut Cupid's bowstring, and the little hangman dare not shoot at him: he hath a heart as sound as a bell, and his tongue is the clapper; for what his heart thinks his tongue speaks. [ William Shakespeare ]
We ought, in humanity, no more to despise a man for the misfortunes of the mind than for those of the body, when they are such as he cannot help; were this thoroughly considered we should no more laugh at a man for having his brains cracked than for having his head broke. [ Pope ]
If all fools had baubles* we should want fuel. (*The fool or jester carried in his hand a wooden sceptre called a bauble. It was a short stick ornamented at the end with the figure of a fool's head, or with that of a puppet or doll. Jesters were still retained in Herbert's day.) [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Many men are mere warehouses full of merchandise - the head, the heart, are stuffed with goods. There are apartments in their souls which were once tenanted by taste, and love, and joy, and worship, but they are all deserted now, and the rooms are filled with earthy and material things. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart; it is not contempt; its essence is love: it issues not in laughter, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper. It is a sort of inverse sublimity, exalting, as it were, into our affections what is below us, while sublimity draws down into our affections what is above us. [ Carlyle ]
I remember that one fateful day when Coach took me aside. I knew what was coming. You don't have to tell me,
I said. I'm off the team, aren't I?
said Coach, you never were really ON the team. You made that uniform you're wearing out of rags and towels, and your helmet is a toy space helmet. You show up at practice and then either steal the ball and make us chase you to get it back, or you try to tackle people at inappropriate times.
It was all true what he was saying. And yet, I thought something is brewing inside the head of this Coach. He sees something in me, some kind of raw talent that he can mold. But that's when I felt the handcuffs go on. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]