Syllables govern the world. [ Coke ]
Hap and mishap govern the world. [ Proverb ]
The king reigns, but does not govern. [ Jan Zamoiski ]
Fortune and caprice govern the world. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
They that govern most make least noise. [ John Selden ]
The right divine of kings to govern wrong. [ Pope ]
Those who think must govern those who toil. [ Henry D. Thoreau ]
Those who think must govern those that toil. [ Goldsmith ]
Riches either serve or govern the possessor. [ Horace ]
Madame, bear in mind
That princes govern all things - save the wind. [ Victor Hugo ]
The stars govern men, but God governs the stars.
Show is not substance; realities govern wise men. [ William Penn ]
The man who can govern a woman can govern a nation. [ Balzac ]
Man is the weeping animal born to govern all the rest. [ Pliny ]
Who then is free? The wise man who can govern himself. [ Horace ]
Govern your passions or otherwise they will govern you. [ Horace ]
Prejudice, vanity, calculation: these are what govern the world. [ Chamfort ]
Govern the lips as they were palace doors, the king within;
Tranquil and fair and courteous be all words which from that presence win. [ Sir Edwin Arnold ]
Look about, my son, and see how little wisdom it takes to govern the world. [ Oxenstiern ]
It is absurd that he should govern others, who knows not how to govern himself. [ Law Max ]
Women can accomplish everything, because they govern those who govern everything. [ French Proverb ]
A wise man neither suffers himself to be governed, nor attempts to govern others. [ La Bruyère ]
O you much partial gods! why gave ye men affections, and not power to govern them? [ Ludovic Barry ]
One father is enough to govern one hundred sons, but not a hundred sons one father. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
To govern men, you must either excel them in their accomplishments, or despise them. [ Beaconsfield ]
He who cannot govern his passions should kill them, as we kill a horse when we cannot master it. [ Chamfort ]
There will be mistakes in divinity while men preach, and errors in governments while men govern. [ Sir Dudley Carlton ]
The Golden Rule Of Three.
Three things to be - pure, just and honest.
Three things to govern - temper, tongue and conduct.
Three things to live - courage, affection and gentleness.
Three things to love - the wise, the virtuous and the innocent.
Three things to commend - thrift, industry and promptness.
Three things about which to think - life, death and eternity.
Three things to despise - cruelty, arrogance and ingratitude.
Three things to admire - dignity, gracefulness and intellectual power.
Three things to cherish - the true, the beautiful and the good.
Three things for which to wish - health, friends and contentment.
Three things for which to fight - honor, home and country.
Three things to attain - goodness of heart, integrity of purpose and cheerfulness of disposition.
Three things to give - alms to the needy, comfort to the sad and appreciation to the worthy.
Three things to desire - the blessing of God, an approving conscience and the fellowship of the good.
Three things for which to work - a trained mind, a skilled hand and a regulated heart.
Three things for which to hope - a haven of peace, a robe of righteousness and the crown of life. [ Beattie ]
I will govern my life and my thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and to read the other. [ Seneca ]
To talk of luck and chance only shows how little we really know of the laws which govern cause and effect. [ Hosea Ballou ]
As the mind must govern the hands, so in every society the man of intelligence must direct the man of labor. [ Dr. Johnson ]
Since I cannot govern my own tongue, though within my own teeth, how can I hope to govern the tongue of others? [ Franklin ]
If there were a people of gods, they would govern themselves democratically: so perfect a government is not suitable to men. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
To have the tongue cut out, and to be seated deaf and dumb in a corner, were preferable to his condition who cannot govern his tongue. [ Sadi ]
No dynamite will ever be invented that can rule; it can but dissolve and destroy. Only the word of God and the heart of man can govern. [ John Ruskin ]
The great business of a man is to improve his mind and govern his manners; all other projects and pursuits, whether in our power to compass or not, are only amusements. [ Pliny ]
The heart will commonly govern the head, and it is certain that any strong passion, set the wrong way, will soon infatuate even the wisest of men, therefore the first part of wisdom is to watch the affections. [ Dr. Waterland ]
The misfortune in the state is that nobody can enjoy life in peace, but that everybody must govern, and in art, that nobody will enjoy what has been produced, but that every one wants to reproduce on his own account. [ Goethe ]
Wise men, for the most part, are silent at present, and good men powerless; the senseless vociferate, and the heartless govern; while all social law and providence are dissolved by the enraged agitation of a multitude, among whom every villain has a chance of power, every simpleton of praise, and every scoundrel of fortune. [ John Ruskin ]