The giver makes the gift valuable. [ Motto ]
We like the gift when we the giver prize. [ Sheffield ]
For the will and not the gift makes the giver. [ Lessing ]
The gift derives its value from the rank of the giver. [ Ovid ]
While you look at what is given, look also at the giver. [ Seneca ]
A benefit is estimated according to the mind of the giver. [ Seneca ]
Those gifts are ever the most acceptable which the giver makes precious. [ Ovid ]
The manner of giving shows the character of the giver more than the gift itself. [ Lavater ]
Those presents are always the most acceptable which owe their value to the giver. [ Ovid ]
Nature is good, but intellect is better, as the law-giver is before the law-receiver. [ Emerson ]
He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
A benefit consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer. [ Seneca ]
Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver, and adulation is not of more service to the people than to kings. [ Burke ]
When thou receivest praise, take it indifferently, and return it to God, the giver of the gift, or blesser of the action. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
Love is the eldest, noblest, and mightiest of the gods, and the chiefest author and giver of virtue in life and happiness after death. [ Plato ]
A journalist is a grumbler, a censurer, a giver of advice, a regent of sovereigns, a tutor of nations. Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets. [ Napoleon I ]
We are not fond of praising, and never praise any one except from interested motives. Praise is a clever, concealed, and delicate flattery, which gratifies in different ways the giver and the receiver. The one takes it as a recompense of his merit, and the other bestows it to display his equity and discernment. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal; whereas it was its continuance which should have taught us its value. There are three requisitions to the proper enjoyment of earthly blessings, - a thankful reflection on the goodness of the Giver, a deep sense of our unworthiness, a recollection of the uncertainty of long possessing them. The first would make us grateful; the second, humble; and the third, moderate. [ Hannah More ]