What exile from himself can flee? [ Byron ]
It is said the lion will turn and flee
From a maid in the pride of her purity. [ Byron ]
May bees flee not at this time of the year. [ Proverb ]
Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [ St. James ]
While we flee from our fate, we like fools rush on it. [ Buchanan ]
Luck seeks those who flee, and flees those who seek it. [ German Proverb ]
What we seek, we shall find; what we flee from,flees from us. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Duty only frowns when you flee from it; follow it, and it smiles upon you. [ Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania ]
Time glides away, and we grow older through the noiseless years; the days flee away, and are restrained by no rein. [ Ovid ]
A jest that makes a virtuous woman only smile, often frightens away a prude; but, when real danger forces the former to flee, the latter does not hesitate to advance. [ Latena ]
Close thine ear against him that shall open his mouth secretly against another; if thou receive not his words, they fly back and wound the reporter; if thou receive them, they flee forward and wound the receiver. [ Quarles ]
Good-humor, gay spirits, are the liberators, the sure cure for spleen and melancholy. Deeper than tears, these irradiate the tophets with their glad heavens. Go laugh, vent the pits, transmuting imps into angels by the alchemy of smiles. The satans flee at the sight of these redeemers. [ Alcott ]