They are finger and thumb. [ Proverb ]
God's finger touched him, and he slept. [ Tennyson ]
I sucked not this out of my finger's ends. [ Proverb ]
It is better to lose a ring than a finger. [ E. Jesse ]
O holy Night! from thee I learn to bear
What man has borne before!
Thou layest thy finger on the lips of Care,
And they complain no more. [ Longfellow ]
Spires whose silent finger points to heaven.
[ Wordsworth ]
When he should work, every finger is a thumb. [ Proverb ]
Fancy, like the finger of a clock,
Runs the great circuit, and is still at home. [ Cowper ]
Point not at other's spots with a foul finger. [ Proverb ]
Honour without profit is a ring on the finger. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Roads are many; authentic finger-posts are few. [ Carlyle ]
If I am a fool, put you your finger in my mouth. [ Proverb ]
Give a clown your finger, and he will take your hand. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
God strikes with His finger, and not with all His arm. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Put your finger into the fire, and say it was your ill fortune. [ Proverb ]
She has more goodness in her little finger than he has in his whole body. [ Swift ]
Words become luminous when the finger of the poet touches them with his phosphorus. [ Joubert ]
Words become luminous when the poet's finger has passed over them its phosphorescence. [ Joubert ]
It is pleasing to be pointed at with the finger and to have it said, There goes the man.
[ Persius ]
A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool. [ J. Roux ]
He that would live clear of envy must lay his finger on his mouth, and keep his hand out of the inkpot. [ L'Estrange ]
Happiness never lays its finger on its pulse. If we attempt to steal a glimpse of its features it disappears. [ Alexander Smith ]
A ring is a circle of vanity, worn on the finger to show off your wealth, and excite the envy of your neighbor. [ E. P. Day ]
When one is five-and-twenty, one has not chalkstones at one's finger-ends that the touch of a handsome girl should be entirely indifferent. [ George Eliot ]
Blessed are those whose blood and judgment are so well commingled that they are not a pipe for Fortune's finger to sound what stop she please. [ William Shakespeare ]
An instinctive taste teaches men to build their churches in flat countries with spire-steeples, which, as they cannot be referred to any other object, point as with silent finger to the sky and stars. [ Coleridge ]
God took his softest clay and his purest colors, and made a fragile jewel, mysterious and caressing - the finger of woman; then he fell asleep. The devil awoke, and at the end of that rosy finger put a nail. [ Victor Hugo ]
Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening. Does not Mr. Bryant say that Truth gets well if she is run over by a locomotive, while Error dies of lockjaw if she scratches her finger? [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]
It is impossible to combat enthusiasm with reason; for though it makes a show of resistance, it soon eludes the pressure, refers you to distinctions not to be understood, and feelings which it cannot explain. A man who would endeavor to fix an enthusiast by argument might as well attempt to spread quicksilver with his finger. [ Goldsmith ]