"editing" in the noun sense
1. editing, redaction
putting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form
"editing" in the verb sense
1. edit, redact
prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting
"Edit a book on lexical semantics"
"she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"
2. edit
supervise the publication of
"The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
3. edit, cut, edit out
cut and assemble the components of
"edit film"
"cut recording tape"
4. edit, blue-pencil, delete
cut or eliminate
"she edited the juiciest scenes"
Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)
Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.
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