The law is silent during war. [ Cicero ]
I will be loyal during my life. [ Motto ]
Angry men and drunken men, during the fit, are distracted. [ Proverb ]
The table is the only place where we do not get weary during the first hour. [ Brillat-Savarin ]
Satire lies about men of letters during their life, and eulogy after their death. [ Voltaire ]
Only what we have wrought into our character during life can we take away with us. [ Humboldt ]
A philosopher is a fool who torments himself during life, to be spoken of when dead. [ D'Alembert ]
Satire lies respecting literary men during their life, and eulogy does so after their death. [ Voltaire ]
To invite a guest is to take the responsibility of his happiness during his stay under our roof. [ Brillat-Savarin ]
Suns may set and rise; we, when our short day is closed, must sleep on during one never-ending night. [ Catullus ]
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterwards. [ Richter ]
We look to our last sickness for repentance, unmindful that it is during a recovery men repent, not during a sickness. [ Hare ]
There are some men formed with feelings so blunt that they can hardly be said to be awake during the whole course of their lives. [ Burke ]
The wretch that would wish the poetry of life and feeling to be extinct, let him forever dwell in flame, in frost, in ever-during night. [ Dante ]
Death, of all estimated evils, is the only one whose presence never incommoded anybody, and which only causes concern during its absence. [ Arcesilaus ]
It is in periods of apparent disaster, during the sufferings of whole generations, that the greatest improvement in human character has been effected. [ Sir A. Alison ]
A well-cultivated mind is, so to speak, made up of all the minds of preceding ages; it is only one single mind which has been educated during all this time. [ Fontenelle ]
Our souls, piercing through the impurity of flesh, behold the highest heaven, and thence bring knowledge to contemplate the ever-during glory and termless joy. [ Sir Walter Raleigh ]
Generosity during life is a very different thing from generosity in the hour of death; one proceeds from genuine liberality and benevolence, the other from pride or fear. [ Horace Mann ]
Here's a good joke to do during an earthquake: straddle a big crack in the ground, and if it opened wider, go Whoa! Whoa!
and flail your arms around, like you're going to fall in. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Let there be an entire abstinence from intoxicating drinks throughout this country during the period of a single generation, and a mob would be as impossible as combustion without oxygen. [ Horace Mann ]
When a man's pride is subdued it is like the sides of Mount Etna. It was terrible during the eruption, but when that is over and the lava is turned into soil, there are vineyards and olive trees which grow up to the top. [ Beecher ]
What with the duties expected of one during one's lifetime, and the duties exacted from one after one's death, land has ceased to be either a profit or pleasure. It gives one position and prevents one from keeping it up. [ Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest ]
A friend whom you have been gaining during your whole life, you ought not to be displeased with in a moment. A stone is many years becoming a ruby; take care that you do not destroy it in an instant against another stone. [ Saadi ]
How would that excellent mystery, wedded life, irradiate the world with its blessed influences, were the generous impulses and sentiments of courtship but perpetuated in all their exuberant fullness during the sequel of marriage! [ Frederic Saunders ]
Try for yourselves what you can read in half-an-hour, ... and consider what treasures you might have laid by at the end of the year; and what happiness, fortitude and wisdom they would have given you during all the days of your life. [ John Morley ]
When the great Kepler had at length discovered the harmonic laws that regulate the motions of the heavenly bodies, he exclaimed: Whether my discoveries will be read by posterity or by my contemporaries is a matter that concerns them more than me. I may well be contented to wait one century for a reader, when God Himself, during so many thousand years, has waited for an observer like myself.
[ Macaulay ]
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