He that asks faintly begs a denial. [ Proverb ]
A civil denial is better than a rude grant. [ Proverb ]
A shameless beggar must have a short denial. [ Proverb ]
Where nature is sovereign, there is no need of austerity and self-denial. [ Froude ]
Great is self-denial! Life goes all to ravels and tatters where that enters not. [ Carlyle ]
Want of humility or self-denial is simply the want of all religion, of all moral worth. [ Carlyle ]
The worst education that teaches self-denial is better than the best that teaches every thing else, and not that. [ John Sterling ]
The worst education, which teaches self-denial, is better than the best which teaches everything else and not that. [ John Sterling ]
Many people think of knowledge as of money. They would like knowledge, but cannot face the perseverance and self-denial that go to the acquisition of it. [ John Morley ]
There never did and never will exist anything permanently noble and excellent in a character which was a stranger to the exercise of resolute self-denial. [ Scott ]
Teach self-denial, and make its practice pleasurable, and you create for the world a destiny more sublime than ever issued from the brain of the wildest dreamer. [ Scott ]
A thorough miser must possess considerable strength of character to bear the self-denial imposed by his penuriousness. Equal sacrifices, endured voluntarily in a better cause, would make a saint or a martyr. [ W. B. Clulow ]
It is a beautiful self-denial for the affluent to set an example of neatness, plainness, and simplicity. Such an influence is peculiarly salutary in our state of society, where the large class of young females, who earn a subsistance by labor, are so addicted to the love of finery. [ Mrs. Sigourney ]
Ridicule intrinsically is a small faculty; we may say, the smallest of all faculties that other men are at the pains to repay with any esteem. It is directly opposed to thought, to knowledge, properly so called; its nourishment and essence is denial, which hovers on the surface, while knowledge dwells far below. [ Carlyle ]