We have deep depth. [ Yogi Berra ]
The best fish swim deep. [ Proverb ]
Great ships ask deep waters. [ Proverb ]
O pilot! 'tis a fearful night,
There's danger on the deep. [ Thomas Haynes Bayly, The Pilot ]
A great ship asks deep waters. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Soul-deep eyes of darkest night. [ Joaquin Miller ]
Rock'd in the cradle of the deep,
I lay me down in peace to sleep. [ Emma Willard ]
Deep in my shut and silent heart. [ Byron ]
And thy deep eyes, amid the gloom.
Shine like jewels in a shroud. [ Longfellow ]
Plough deep while sluggards sleep. [ Benjamin Franklin ]
'Tis noon - a calm, unbroken sleep
Is on the blue waves of the deep;
A soft haze, like a fairy dream,
Is floating over wood and stream;
And many a broad magnolia flower,
Within its shadowy woodland bower,
Is gleaming like a lovely star. [ George D. Prentice ]
Deep on his front engraven
Deliberation sat, and public care. [ Milton ]
A great ship must have deep water. [ Proverb ]
Dark eyes - eternal soul of pride!
Deep life in all that's true!
Away, away to other skies!
Away over seas and sands!
Such eyes as those were never made
To shine in other lands. [ Leland ]
Despair doth strike as deep a furrow
In the brain as mischief or remorse. [ Barry Cornwall ]
The tongues of dying men
Enforce attention like deep harmony. [ Rich. II ]
And all the carnal beauty of my wife
Is but skin-deep. [ Sir Thomas Overbury ]
To dive deep and bring up a potsherd. [ Proverb ]
Like Dian's kiss, unasked, unsought,
Love gives itself, but is not bought;
Nor voice, nor sound betrays
Its deep, impassioned gaze. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Endymion ]
What probing deep
Has ever solved the mystery of sleep? [ T. B. Aldrich ]
A deep meaning resides in old customs. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
Night, when deep sleep falleth on men. [ Bible ]
He maketh the deep to boil like a pot. [ Bible ]
To every deep there is a deeper still. [ Proverb ]
As deep drinks the goose as the gander. [ Proverb ]
True beauty dwells in deep retreats,
Whose veil is unremoved.
Till heart with heart in concord beats,
And the lover is beloved. [ Wordsworth ]
It lifts the boughs, whose shadows deep,
Are life's oblivion, the soul's sleep,
And kisses the closed eyes
Of him who slumbering lies. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Endymion ]
Vast and deep the mountain shadows grew. [ Rogers ]
The fatal shaft sticks deep in her side. [ Virgil ]
Deep in the frozen regions of the north,
A goddess violated brought thee forth,
Immortal liberty. [ Smollett ]
Robed in the long night of her deep hair. [ Tennyson ]
O radiant Dark! O darkly fostered ray!
Thou hast a joy too deep for shallow Day. [ George Eliot ]
A deep meaning often lies in old Customs. [ Schiller ]
The rising world of waters dark and deep. [ Milton ]
Smooth runs the water where brook is deep. [ William Shakespeare ]
A melancholy sound is in the air,
A deep sigh in the distance, a shrill wail
Around my dwelling. 'Tis the Wind of night [ William Cullen Bryant ]
Deep subtle wits,
In truth, are master spirits in the world. [ Joanna Baillie ]
There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore;
There is society where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar. [ Byron ]
Traverse the desert, and then ye can tell
What treasures exist in the cold deep well,
Sink in despair on the red parch'd earth,
And then ye may reckon what water is worth. [ Miss Eliza Cook ]
Neptune's white herds lowing over the deep. [ Ariosto ]
Existence may be borne, and the deep root
Of life and sufferance make its firm abode
In bare and desolate bosoms: mute
The camel labors with the heaviest load.
And the wolf dies in silence: Not bestowed
In vain should such examples be; if they.
Things of ignoble or of savage mood,
Endure and shrink not, we of nobler clay
May temper it to bear - it is but for a day. [ Byron ]
Deep brown eyes running over with glee;
Blue eyes are pale, and gray eyes are sober;
Bonnie brown eyes are the eyes for me. [ Constance F. Woolson ]
A little learning is a dangerous thing:
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again. [ Alexander Pope ]
Deep versed in books and shallow in himself. [ Milton ]
Many books,
Wise men have said, are wearisome; who reads
Incessantly, and to his reading brings not
A spirit and judgment equal or superior,
Uncertain and unsettled still remains -
Deep versed in books, and shallow in himself. [ Milton ]
Be thy sleep Silent as night is, and as deep. [ Longfellow ]
What a soul, twenty fathom deep, in her eyes! [ Leigh Hunt ]
I have sworn deep oaths of thy deep kindness,
Oaths of thy love, thy truth, thy constancy;
I have sworn thee fair. [ William Shakespeare ]
For thoughts are so great - aren't they, sir?
They seem to lie upon us like a deep flood. [ George Eliot ]
Youth dreams a bliss on this side death.
It dreams a rest, if not more deep.
More grateful than this marble sleep;
It hears a voice within it tell:
Calm's not life's crown, though calm is well.
'Tis all perhaps which man acquires,
But 'tis not what our youth desires. [ Matthew Arnold ]
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. [ Wordsworth ]
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. [ Wordsworth ]
With a bloody flux of oaths vows deep revenge. [ Quarles ]
How well he fell asleep!
Like some proud river, widening toward the sea;
Calmly and grandly, silently and deep,
Life joined eternity. [ S. T. Coleridge ]
Love lieth deep; Love dwells not in lip-depths;
Love laps his wings on either side the heart
Absorbing all the incense of sweet thoughts,
So that they pass not to the shrine of sound. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
As winds come lightly whispering from the west.
Kissing, not ruffling the blue deep's serene. [ Byron ]
Family likeness has often a deep sadness in it. [ George Eliot ]
Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence. [ Alfieri ]
Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean, - roll!
Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain;
Man marks the earth with ruin - his control
Stops with the shore. [ Byron ]
Ah! that deceit should steal such gentle shapes
And with a virtuous visor hide deep vice. [ William Shakespeare, Richard III ]
Love lieth deep; love dwells not in lip-depths. [ Tennyson ]
Midnight hags.
By force of potent spells, of bloody characters,
And conjurations, horrible to hear,
Call fiends and spectres from the yawning deep,
And set the ministers of hell at work. [ Rowe ]
All the beauty of the world, 'tis but skin deep. [ Ralph Venning ]
Inopportune consolations increase a deep sorrow. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
Passions are likened best to floods and streams;
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb. [ Sir Walter Raleigh ]
Never can true reconcilement grow,
Where wounds of deadly hate have pierced so deep. [ Milton ]
And as great seamen, using all their wealth
And skills in Neptune's deep invisible paths.
In tall ships richly built and ribbed with brass,
To put a girdle round about the world. [ Geo. Chapman ]
Here lies Dame Dorothy Peg,
Who never had issue except in her leg,
So great was her art, so deep was her cunning,
That while one leg stood, the other kept running. [ Epitaph ]
The long day wanes; the slow moon climbs the deep. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
There is a strength
Deep-bedded in our hearts, of which we reck
But little, till the shafts of heaven have pierced
Its fragile dwelling. Must not earth be rent
Before her gems are found? [ Mrs. Hemans ]
Kind messages, that pass from land to land;
Kind letters, that betray the heart's deep history.
In which we feel the pressure of a hand,
One touch of fire - and all the rest is mystery! [ Longfellow ]
The poet's pen is the true divining rod
Which trembles towards the inner founts of feeling;
Bringing to light and use, else hid from all.
The many sweet clear sources which we have
Of good and beauty in our own deep bosoms;
And marks the variations of all mind
As does the needle. [ Bailey ]
The fountain of my heart dried up within me, -
With nought that loved me, and with nought to love,
I stood upon the desert earth alone.
And in that deep and utter agony,
Though then, then even most unfit to die
I fell upon my knees and prayed for death. [ Maturin ]
Truth lies deep, and must be fetched up at leisure. [ Proverb ]
Look on the bee upon the wing among flowers;
How brave, how bright his life! then mark him hiv'd,
Cramp'd, cringing in his self-built, social cell,
Thus it is in the world-hive; most where men
Lie deep in cities as in drifts. [ Bailey ]
Thine eyes are like the deep, blue, boundless heaven
Contracted in two circles underneath
Their long, fine lashes; dark, far, measureless,
Orb within orb, and line through line inwoven. [ Shelley ]
Myself am hell; And in the lowest deep a lower deep,
Still threatening to devour me, opens wide;
To which the hell I suffer seems a heaven. [ Milton ]
The heavens are as deep as our aspirations are high. [ Thoreau ]
He leaps into a deep river to avoid a shallow brook. [ Proverb ]
Deep in my heart subsides the infrequent word.
And there dies slowly throbbing like a wounded bird. [ Francis Thompson ]
Silent men, like still waters, are deep and dangerous. [ Proverb ]
Search not a wound too deep, lest thou make a new one. [ Proverb ]
They are the heritage that glorious minds
Bequeath unto the world! — a glittering store
Of gems, more precious far than those he finds
Who searches miser's hidden treasures over.
They are the light, the guiding star of youth.
Leading his spirit to the realms of thought,
Pointing the way to Virtue, Knowledge, Truth,
And teaching lessons, with deep wisdom fraught.
They cast strange beauty round our earthly dreams,
And mystic brightness over our daily lot;
They lead the soul afar to fairy scenes,
Where the world's under visions enter not;
They're deathless and immortal — ages pass away,
Yet still they speak, instruct, inspire, amidst decay! [ Emeline S. Smith ]
Light boats sail swift, though greater hulks draw deep. [ William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida ]
Silence is deep as eternity; speech is shallow as time. [ Carlyle ]
The Image of Eternity - the throne
Of the Invisible; even from out thy slime
The monsters of the deep are made; each zone
Obeys thee; thou goest forth, dread, fathomless, alone. [ Byron ]
Who has not seen that feeling born of flame
Crimson the cheek at mention of a name?
The rapturous touch of some divine surprise
Flash deep suffusion of celestial dyes:
When hands clasped hands, and lips to lips were pressed,
And the heart's secret was at once confessed? [ Abraham Coles ]
He gave a deep sigh; I saw the iron enter into his soul. [ Sterne ]
Gold lies deep in the mountain, but dirt on the highway. [ German Proverb ]
Deep is the sleep of the dead, low their pillow of dust. [ Ossian ]
They say, the tongues of dying men
Enforce attention, like deep harmony;
Where words are scarce, they're seldom spent in vain;
For they breathe truth, that breathe their words in pain. [ William Shakespeare ]
Beauty is but skin deep; within is filth and putrefaction. [ Proverb ]
Beauty is a quality of the heart. It is more than skin deep.
The swallowing gulf of dark forgetfulness and deep oblivion. [ William Shakespeare ]
A man deep-wounded may feel too much pain to feel much anger. [ George Eliot ]
Deep rest, and sweet, most like indeed to death's own quietness. [ Virgil ]
What is that to him that reaps not harvest of his youthful joys,
Though the deep heart of existence beat forever like a boy's? [ Tennyson ]
Feeling is deep and still, and the word that floats on the surface
Is as the tossing buoy that betrays where the anchor is hidden. [ Longfellow ]
Why must we first weep before we can love so deep that our hearts ache. [ Richter ]
Deep insight will always, like Nature, ultimate its thought in a thing. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
God brings men into deep waters, not to drown them, but to cleanse them. [ Aughey ]
Deep joy is a serene and sober emotion, rarely evinced in open merriment. [ Mme. Roland ]
Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. [ Bible ]
There is no solemnity so deep, to a right-thinking creature, as that of dawn. [ Ruskin ]
Of darkness visible so much be lent, as half to show, half veil, the deep intent. [ Pope ]
Its summit stretches as far into the upper ether as its root into the nether deep.
There is in the heart of woman such a deep well of love that no age can freeze it. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
So the false spider, when her nets are spread, deep ambushed in her silent den does lie. [ Dryden ]
To me the meanest flower that blows, can give thoughts that often lie too deep for tears. [ Wordsworth ]
How can such deep-imprinted images sleep in us at times, till a word, a sound, awake them? [ Lessing ]
Education is the only interest worthy the deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughtful man. [ Wendell Phillips ]
Literature draws its sap from the deep soil of human nature's common and everlasting sympathies. [ Lowell ]
The words of a man's mouth are as deep waters, and the well-spring of wisdom as a flowing brook. [ Bible ]
The knell, the shroud, the mattock, and the grave, the deep, damp vault, the darkness and tbe worm. [ Young ]
We have some writers so abstruse and deep that they drown themselves in their fathomless sentences. [ H. W. Shaw ]
The mingled incentives which lead to action are often too subtle and lie too deep for us to analyze. [ Lavater ]
Sincerity, a deep, great, genuine sincerity, is the first characteristic of all men in any way heroic. [ Carlyle ]
Hatred is a heavy burden. It sinks the heart deep in the breast, and lies like a tombstone on all joys. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Poetry is deep pain, and the genuine song issues only from the human heart through which a deep sorrow glows. [ Justin Kerner ]
See deep enough, and you see musically; the heart of Nature being everywhere music, if you can only reach it. [ Carlyle ]
The treasures of the deep are not so precious as are the concealed comforts of a man locked up in woman's love. [ Middleton ]
She felt his flame; but deep within her breast, in bashful coyness or in maiden pride, the soft return concealed. [ Thomson ]
I should say sincerity, a deep, great, genuine sincerity, is the first characteristic of all men in any way heroic. [ Carlyle ]
Time knows not the weight of sleep or weariness, and night's deep darkness has no chain to bind his rushing pinion. [ George D. Prentice ]
A great book that comes from a great thinker, - it is a ship of thought, deep-freighted with truth and with beauty. [ Theodore Parker ]
There is in all this cold and hollow world no fount of deep, strong, deathless love, save that within a mother's heart. [ Mrs. Hemans ]
Mystic, deep as the world's centre, are the roots a man has struck into his native soil; no tree that grows is rooted so. [ Carlyle ]
Her deep blue eyes smile constantly, as if they had by fitness won the secret of a happy dream she does not care to speak. [ Mrs. Browning ]
For there is no air that men so greedily draw in, that diffuses itself so soon, and that penetrates so deep as that of license. [ Montaigne ]
Deep is the sea, and deep is hell, but pride mineth deeper; it is coiled as a poisonous worm about the foundations of the soul. [ Tupper ]
Art rests on a kind of religious sense, on a deep, steadfast earnestness; and on this account it unites so readily with religion. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Now black and deep the night begins to fall, a shade immense; sunk in the quenching gloom, magnificent and vast, are heaven and earth. [ Thomson ]
Why should I start at the plough of my Lord, that maketh deep furrows on my soul? I know he is no idle husbandman; he purposeth a crop. [ Rutherford ]
The woman's vision is deep reaching, the man's far reaching. With the man the world is his heart, with the woman her heart is her world. [ Grabbe ]
Wherever you find a sentence musically worded, of true rhythm and melody in the words, there is something deep and good in the meaning also. [ Coleridge ]
Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; morals, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. [ Bacon ]
If you ever discover that what you're seeing is a play within a play, just slow down, take a deep breath, and hold on for the ride of your life. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Too many instances there are of daring men, who by presuming to sound the deep things of religion, have cavilled and argued themselves out of all religion. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
Immortality o'ersweeps all pains, all tears, all time, all fears, and peals, like the eternal thunder of the deep, into my ears this truth: Thou livest forever! [ Byron ]
Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry. Then plough deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep. [ Benjamin Franklin ]
Which of us that is thirty years old has not had his Pompeii? Deep under ashes lie life, youth, the careless sports, the pleasures and passions, the darling joy. [ William M. Thackeray ]
A weak mind sinks under prosperity as well as under adversity. A strong and deep one has two highest tides, when the moon is at the full, and when there is no moon. [ Hare ]
Those great actions whose luster dazzles us are represented by politicians as the effects of deep design; whereas they are commonly the effects of caprice and passion. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Though looks and words, by the strong mastery of his practiced will, are overruled, the mounting blood betrays an impulse in its secret spring too deep for his control. [ Southey ]
The young mind is naturally pliable and imitative, but in a more advanced state it grows rigid, and must be warmed and softened before it will receive a deep impression. [ Joshua Reynolds ]
When God thought of mother, He must have laughed with satisfaction, and framed it quickly - so rich, so deep, so divine, so full of soul, power, and beauty, was the conception. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
All was ended now, the hope and the fear and the sorrow, all the aching of heart, the restless, unsatisfied longing, fill the dull, deep pain, and constant anguish of patience. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
The art of saying well what one thinks is different from the faculty of thinking. The latter may be very deep and lofty and far-reaching, while the former is altogether wanting. [ Joubert ]
Redundancy of language is never found with deep reflection. Verbiage may indicate observation, but not thinking. He who thinks much says but little in proportion to his thoughts. [ Washington Irving ]
Science has done much for us; but it is a poor science that would hide from us the great deep sacred infinitude of Nescience, on which all science swims as a mere superficial film. [ Carlyle ]
I will tell you what to hate. Hate hypocrisy, hate cant, hate indolence, oppression, injustice; hate Pharisaism; hate them as Christ hated them - with a deep, living, godlike hatred. [ F. W. Robertson ]
There is strength deep bedded in our hearts, of which we reck but little till the shafts of heaven have pierced its fragile dwelling. Must not earth be rent before her gems are found? [ Mrs. Hemans ]
Happy contractedness of youth, nay, of mankind in general, that they think neither of the high nor the deep, of the true nor the false, but only of what is suited to their own conceptions. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
A belief in the Bible, the fruit of deep meditation, has served me as the guide of my moral and literary life. I have found it a capital safely invested, and richly productive of interest. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Some eyes threaten like a loaded and levelled pistol, and others are as insulting as hissing or kicking; some have no more expression than blueberries, while others are as deep as a well which you can fall into. [ Emerson ]
The deep mellow voice of the waves of the mighty deep is full of mystery and awe; and the ocean moaning over the dead it holds in its bosom, lulls them to unbroken slumbers in the chambers of its unfathomable depths. [ Haliburton ]
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. [ Lord Bacon ]
But the grave is not deep; it is the shining tread of an angel that seeks us. When the unknown hand throws the fatal dart at the end of man, then boweth he his head and the dart only lifts the crown of thorns from his wounds. [ Richter ]
There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love. [ Washington Irving ]
To one given to day-dreaming, and fond of losing himself in reveries, a sea-voyage is full of subjects for meditation; but then they are the wonders of the deep and of the air, and rather tend to abstract the mind from worldly themes. [ W. Irving ]
As ships meet at sea a moment together, when words of greeting must be spoken, and then away upon the deep, so men meet in this world; and I think we should cross no man's path without hailing him, and if he needs giving him supplies. [ Beecher ]
The tongue of man is powerful enough to render the ideas which the human intellect conceives; but in the realm of true and deep sentiments it is but a weak interpreter. These are inexpressible, like the endless glory of the Omnipotent. [ Kossuth ]
The iron hand of necessity commands, and her stern decree is supreme law, to which the gods even must submit. In deep silence rules the uncounselled sister of eternal fate. Whatever she lays upon thee, endure; perform whatever she commands. [ Goethe ]
My first and last secret of Art is to get a thorough intelligence of the fact to be painted, represented, or, in whatever way, set forth - the fact deep as Hades, high as heaven, and written so, as to the visual face of it on this poor earth. [ Carlyle ]
Unconsciousness belongs to pure unmixed life; consciousness, to a diseased mixture and conflict of life and death; unconsciousness is the sign of creation; consciousness, at best, that of manufacture. So deep, in this existence of ours, is the significance of mystery. [ Carlyle ]
Great men stand like solitary towers in the city of God, and secret passages running deep beneath external Nature give their thoughts intercourse with higher intelligences, which strengthens and consoles them, and of which the labourers on the surface do not even dream. [ Longfellow ]
The higher enthusiasm of man's nature is for the while without exponent; yet does it continue indestructible, unweariedly active, and work blindly in the great chaotic deep. Thus sect after sect, and church after church, bodies itself forth, and melts again into new metamorphosis. [ Carlyle ]
Of all studies, the most delightful and the most useful is biography. The seeds of great events lie near the surface; historians delve too deep for them. No history was ever true. Lives I have read which, if they were not, had the appearance, the interest, and the utility of truth. [ Landor ]
My May of life is fallen into the sear, the yellow leaf; and that which should accompany old age, as honor, love, obedience, troops of friends, I must not look to have; but in their stead, curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honor, breath which the poor heart would fain deny and dare not. [ William Shakespeare ]
I have mentioned mathematics as a way to settle in the mind a habit of reasoning closely, and in train; not that I think it necessary that all men should be deep mathematicians, but that having got the way of reasoning, which that study necessarily brings the mind to, they might be able to transfer it to other parts of knowledge, as they have occasion. [ J. Locke ]
Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal; whereas it was its continuance which should have taught us its value. There are three requisitions to the proper enjoyment of earthly blessings, - a thankful reflection on the goodness of the Giver, a deep sense of our unworthiness, a recollection of the uncertainty of long possessing them. The first would make us grateful; the second, humble; and the third, moderate. [ Hannah More ]
Some authors write nonsense in a clear style, and others sense in an obscure one; some can reason without being able to persuade, others can persuade without being able to reason; some dive so deep that they descend into darkness, and others soar so high that they give us no light; and some, in a vain attempt to be cutting and dry, give us only that which is cut and dried. We should labor, therefore, to treat with ease of things that are difficult; with familiarity, of things that are novel; and with perspicuity, of things that are profound. [ Colton ]
This is my seventieth birthday, and I wonder if you all rise to the size of that proposition, realizing all the significance of that phrase, seventieth birthday. The seventieth birthday! It is the time of life when you arrive at a new and awful dignity; when you may throw aside the decent reserves which have oppressed you for a generation and stand unafraid and unabashed upon your seven-terraced summit and look down and teach--unrebuked. You can tell the world how you got there. It is what they all do. You shall never get tired of telling by what delicate arts and deep moralities you climbed up to that great place. You will explain the process and dwell on the particulars with senile rapture. I have been anxious to explain my own system this long time, and now at last I have the right. [ Mark Twain, Seventieth Birthday speech ]