Love will creep where it cannot go. [ Proverb ]
To contemplation's sober eye.
Such is the race of man;
And they that creep, and they that fly.
Shall end where they began.
Alike the busy and the gay,
But flutter through life's little day. [ Gray ]
Her pretty feet, like snails, did creep
A little out, and then,
As if they played at bo-peep,
Did soon draw in again. [ Robert Herrick ]
The harebells nod as she passes by,
The violet lifts its tender eye.
The ferns bend her steps to greet.
And the mosses creep to her dancing feet; [ Julia C. R. Dorr, Over The Wall ]
It would vex a dog to see a pudding creep. [ Proverb ]
'Tis sweet to listen as the night winds creep
From leaf to leaf; 'tis sweet to view on high
The rainbow, based on ocean, span the sky. [ Byron ]
Sweet nurse of nature, over the senses creep. [ Churchill ]
Far off I hear the crowing of the cocks.
And through the opening door that time unlocks
Feel the fresh breathing of Tomorrow creep. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
He sneaks as if he would creep into his mouth. [ Proverb ]
What man would be wise, let him drink of the river
That bears on his bosom the record of time;
A message to him every wave can deliver
To teach him to creep till he knows how to climb. [ John Boyle O'Reilly ]
Events of all sorts creep or fly exactly as God pleases. [ William Cowper ]
Put another man's child into your bosom and he'll creep out at your sleeves. [ Proverb ]
Let friendship creep gently to a height; if it rush to it, it may soon run itself out of breath. [ Thomas Fuller ]
Balm that tames all anguish, saint that evil thoughts and aims takest away, and into souls dost creep, like to a breeze from heaven. [ Wordsworth ]
Time, whose millioned accidents creep in betwixt vows, and change decrees of kings, tan sacred beauty, blunt the sharpest intents, divert strong minds to the course of altering things. [ William Shakespeare ]
Those who start for human glory, like the mettled hounds of Actaeon, must pursue the game not only where there is a path, but where there is none. They must be able to simulate and dissimulate; to leap and to creep; to conquer the earth like Caesar, or to fall down and kiss it like Brutus; to throw their sword like Brennus into the trembling scale, or, like Nelson, to snatch the laurels from the doubtful hand of Victory, while she is hesitating where to bestow them. [ Colton ]