Dark with excessive bright. [ Milton ]
The bright consummate flower. [ Milton ]
Bright and yellow, hard and cold. [ Hood ]
All that's bright must fade -
The brightest still the fleetest;
All that's sweet was made
But to be lost when sweetest. [ Moore ]
Perfect woman, nobly planned,
To warn, to comfort, and command;
And yet a spirit still, and bright
With something of an angel light. [ Wordsworth ]
I never saw an eye so bright,
And yet so soft as hers;
It sometimes swam in liquid light.
And sometimes swam in tears;
It seemed a beauty set apart
For softness and for signs. [ Mrs. Welby ]
Do not the bright June roses blow
To meet thy kiss at morning hours. [ William Cullen Bryant ]
So bright the tear in Beauty's eye.
Love half regrets to kiss it dry. [ Byron ]
Yet, no - not words, for they
But half can tell love's feeling;
Sweet flowers alone can say
What passion fears revealing:
A once bright rose's wither'd leaf,
A tow'ring lily broken -
Oh, these may paint a grief
No words could ever have spoken. [ Moore ]
Bright pledge of peace and sunshine. [ Henry Vaughan ]
Those eyes that were so bright, love,
Have now a dimmer shine;
But what they've lost in light, love.
Is what they gave to mine.
And, still those orbs reflect, love,
The beams of former hours.
That ripened all my joys, love,
And tinted all my flowers. [ Hood ]
He whom nature thus bereaves,
Is ever fancy's favourite child;
For thee enchanted dreams she weaves
Of changeful beauty, bright and wild. [ Mrs. Osgood ]
The buttercups, bright-eyed and bold,
Held up their chalices of gold
To catch the sunshine and the dew. [ Julia C. R. Dorr ]
A bright musket, but a ragged soldier. [ Tilly ]
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies. [ Byron, She Walks in Beauty ]
Press onward through each varying hour;
Let no weak fears thy course delay;
Immortal being! feel thy power,
Pursue thy bright and endless way. [ Andrews Norton ]
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,
The bridal of the earth and sky.
The dew shall weep thy fall tonight;
For thou must die. [ Herbert ]
Sow love, and taste its fruitage pure;
Sow peace, and reap its harvest bright;
Sow sunbeams on the rock and moor.
And find a harvest-home of light. [ Horatius Bonar ]
Like angels' visits, short and bright;
Mortality's too weak to bear them long. [ J. Norris ]
How calm - how beautiful comes on
The stilly hour, when storms have gone,
When warring winds have died away
And clouds, beneath the dancing ray
Melt off and leave the land and sea,
Sleeping in bright tranquillity. [ Moore ]
But felt through all this fleshly dresse
Bright shootes of everlastingness. [ Henry Vaughan ]
While bright-eyed Science watches round. [ Gray ]
O, if so much beauty doth reveal
Itself in every vein of life and nature.
How beautiful must be the Source itself,
The Ever Bright One. [ Tegner ]
Her angel's face,
As the great eye of heaven shined bright,
And made a sunshine in the shady place. [ Spenser ]
He is only bright that shines by himself. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Eyes bright, with many tears behind them. [ Carlyle, on his Wife ]
Hard toil can roughen form and face,
And want can quench the eye's bright grace. [ Sir Walter Scott ]
Bright as does the morning star appear,
Out of the east with flaming locks bedight,
To tell the dawning day is drawing near. [ Spenser ]
And the bright faces of my young companions
Are wrinkled like my own, or are no more. [ Longfellow ]
Bright-eyed fancy, hovering over.
Scatters from her pictured urn.
Thoughts that breathe, and words that burn. [ Gray ]
All round the room my silent servants wait,
My friends in every season, bright and dim. [ Barry Cornwall ]
That come before the swallow dares, and take
The winds of March with beauty; violets dim.
But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes.
Or Cytherea's breath; pale primroses,
That die unmarried ere they can behold
Bright Phoebus in his strength - a malady
Most incident to maids; bold oxlips and
The crown-imperial; lilies of all kinds,
The flower-de-luce being one! [ William Shakespeare ]
They speak of hope to the fainting heart,
With a voice of promise they come and part,
They sleep in dust through the wintry hours,
They break forth in glory - bring flowers,
bright flowers! [ Mrs. Hemans ]
In the lexicon of youth, which fate reserves
For a bright manhood, there is no such word
As Fail. [ Edward Bulwer Lytton ]
He bore a simple wild-flower wreath:
Narcissus, and the sweet brier rose;
Vervain, and flexile thyme, that breathe
Rich fragrance; modest heath, that glows
With purple bells; the amaranth bright.
That no decay, nor fading knows.
Like true love's holiest, rarest light;
And every purest flower, that blows,
In that sweet time, which Love most blesses,
When spring on summer's confines presses. [ Thomas Love Peacock ]
No grain of sand
But moves a bright and million-peopled land,
And hath its Eden and its Eves, I deem. [ Blanchard ]
Perseverance, dear my lord,
Keeps honour bright: to have done is to hang
Quite out of fashion, like a rusty mail
In monumental mockery. [ Shakespeare ]
With eyes that looked into the very soul -
Bright - and as black and burning as a coal. [ Byron ]
How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams
With its illusions, aspirations, dreams!
Book of Beginnings, Story without End,
Each maid a heroine, and each man a friend! [ Longfellow ]
Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike,
And, like the sun, they shine on all alike. [ Pope ]
Whose sun-bright summit mingles with the sky. [ Campbell ]
All is not golde that outward sheweth bright. [ Lydgate ]
Hail, blooming Youth!
May all your virtues with your years improve,
Till in consummate worth you shine the pride,
Of these our days, and succeeding times,
A bright example. [ Wm. Somerville ]
But on he moves to meet his latter end,
Angels around befriending virtue's friend;
Sinks to the grave with unperceived decay,
While resignation gently slopes the way;
And all his prospects bright'ning to the last,
His heaven commences, ere the world be past! [ Goldsmith ]
Dark the Night, with breath all flowers.
And tender broken voice that fills
With ravishment the listening hours, -
Whisperings, wooings.
Liquid ripples, and soft ring-dove cooings
In low-toned rhythm that love's aching stills!
Dark the night
Yet is she bright.
For in her dark she brings the mystic star.
Trembling yet strong, as is the voice of love.
From some unknown afar. [ George Eliot ]
'Tis beautiful, when first the dewy light
Breaks on the earth! while yet the scented air
Is breathing the cool freshness of the night
And the bright clouds a tint of crimson wear. [ Elizabeth M. Chandler ]
Flames rise and sink by fits; at last they soar
In one bright flame, and then return no more. [ John Dryden ]
And genius hath electric power,
Which earth can never tame;
Bright suns may scorch, and dark clouds lower -
Its flash is still the same. [ Lydia M. Child ]
Now the bright Morning-star, Day's harbinger,
Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her
The flow'ry May, who from her green lap throws
The yellow Cowslip, and the pale Primrose. [ Milton ]
Character must be kept bright as well as clean. [ Chesterfield ]
O days remembered well! remembered all!
The bitter sweet, the honey and the gall;
Those garden rambles in the silent night.
Those trees so shady, and that moon so bright.
That thickset alley by the arbor closed.
That woodbine seat where we at last reposed;
And then the hopes that came and then were gone.
Quick as the clouds beneath the moon past on. [ Crabbe ]
And one by one in turn, some grand mistake
Casts off its bright skin yearly like the snake. [ Byron ]
Early, bright, transient, chaste as morning dew.
She sparkled, was exhal'd, and went to heaven. [ Young ]
See the dapple coursers of the morn
Beat up the light with their bright silver hoofs,
And chase it through the sky. [ Marston ]
Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright;
But looked too near, have neither heat nor light. [ Webster ]
Look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold;
There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubims. [ William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice ]
Had doting Priam checked his son's desire,
Troy had been bright with fame, and not with fire. [ William Shakespeare ]
Oh! liberty, thou goddess, heavenly bright.
Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight!
Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign.
And smiling plenty, leads thy wanton train;
Eased of her load, subjection grows more light
And poverty looks cheerful in the sight;
Thou makest the gloomy face of nature gay,
Giv'st beauty to the sun, and pleasure to the day. [ Addison ]
Her eye in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright.
That birds would sing, and think it were not night. [ William Shakespeare ]
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. [ William Shakespeare ]
All days are nights to see till I see thee,
And nights bright days when dreams do show thee me. [ William Shakespeare ]
No radiant pearl which crested fortune wears,
No gem that, twinkling, hangs from beauty's ears,
Not the bright stars which night's blue arch adorn,
Nor rising suns that gild the vernal morn.
Shine with such lustre as the tear that breaks
For other's woe, down virtue's manly cheeks. [ Darwin ]
Look on the bee upon the wing among flowers;
How brave, how bright his life! then mark him hiv'd,
Cramp'd, cringing in his self-built, social cell,
Thus it is in the world-hive; most where men
Lie deep in cities as in drifts. [ Bailey ]
Small service is true service while it lasts.
Of humblest friends, bright creature! scorn not one:
The daisy, by the shadow that it casts,
Protects the lingering dewdrop from the sun. [ Wordsworth, to a child ]
Let fate do her worst; there are moments of joy,
Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy;
Which come in the nighttime of sorrow and care,
And bring back the features that joy used to wear. [ Moore ]
Stringing the stars at random round her head,
Like a pearl network, there she sits, - bright Night! [ Philip J. Bailey ]
They may rail at this life - from the hour I began it,
I've found it a life full of kindness and bliss;
And until they can show me some happier planet.
More social and bright, I'll content me with this. [ Moore ]
Look at the bright side of a failure as well as the dark. [ Anon ]
Proverbs were bright shafts in the Greek and Latin quivers. [ Disraeli ]
No hope so bright but is the beginning of its own fulfilment. [ R. W. Emerson ]
Moral excellence is the bright consummate flower of all progress. [ Charles Sumner ]
Trembling lips, tuned to such grief that they say bright words sadly. [ Sydney Dobell ]
What is philosophy? It is something that lightens up, that makes bright. [ Victor Cousin ]
I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression. [ Margaret Fuller ]
Where bright imagination reigns, the fine-wrought spirit feels acuter pains. [ Hannah More ]
Emblems of our own great resurrection, emblems of the bright and better land. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
The sunshine of life is made up of very little beams that are bright all the time. [ Dr. John Aiken ]
Whose wit in the combat, gentle as bright, never carried a heart-stain away on its blade. [ Moore ]
An old age serene and bright, and lovely as a Lapland night, shall lead thee to thy grave. [ Wordsworth ]
He that has light within his own clear breast may sit in the center, and enjoy bright day. [ Milton ]
Beholding the bright countenance of truth in the quiet and still air of delightful studies. [ Milton ]
Modesty is a bright dish-cover, which makes us fancy there is something very nice underneath it. [ Douglas Jerrold ]
Thy eye can make the world dark or bright for thee; as thou look'st on it, it will weep or laugh. [ Rückert ]
Cheerfulness is also an excellent wearing quality. It has been called the bright weather of the heart. [ Samuel Smiles ]
It is with flowers as with moral qualities; the bright are sometimes poisonous, but I believe never the sweet. [ J. C. Hare ]
I have found the saying of the ancients true, that better is a bright comrade on a weary road than a horse-litter. [ Charles Reade ]
The astrologer who spells, the stars, mistakes his globes, and in her bright eye interprets heaven's physiognomies. [ John Cleaveland ]
Woe for my vine-clad home, that it should ever be so dark to me, with its bright threshold and its whispering tree! [ N. P. Willis ]
Love is ever busy with his shuttle, is ever wearing into life's dull warp bright gorgeous flowers and scenes Arcadian. [ Longfellow ]
All the gazers on the skies read not in fair heaven's story expresser truth or truer glory than they might in her bright eyes. [ Ben Jonson ]
In the destroyer's steps there spring up bright creations that defy his power and his dark path becomes a way of light to heaven. [ Dickens ]
However bright the comedy before, the last act is always stained with blood. The earth is laid upon our head, and there it lies forever. [ Pascal ]
Gradual as the snow, at heaven's breath, melts off and shows the azure flowers beneath, her lids unclosed, and the bright eyes were seen. [ Moore ]
The bride, lovely herself, and lovely by her side a bevy of bright nymphs, with sober grace came glittering like a star, and took her place. [ Dryden ]
A good heart is the sun and moon, or, rather, the sun. and not the moon; for it shines bright and never changes, but keeps its course truly. [ William Shakespeare ]
Talents angel-bright, if wanting worth, are shining instruments in false ambition's hand, to finish faults illustrious, and give infamy renown. [ Young ]
The reputation of a woman may also be compared to a mirror of crystal, shining and bright, but liable to be sullied by every breath that comes near it. [ Cervantes ]
I don't believe that the way to make a man love heaven is to disgust him with earth. Let us love all that is bright and beautiful and good in this world. [ Beecher ]
He used words as mere steppingstones, upon which, with a free and youthful bound, his spirit crosses and recrosses the bright and rushing stream of thought. [ Longfellow ]
Nature glories in death more than in life. The month of departure is more beautiful than the month of coming.... Every green thing loves to die in bright colours. [ Ward Beecher ]
Depend upon it, my younger brethren, the bright, self-sacrificing enthusiasms of early manhood are among the most precious things in the whole course of human life. [ H. P. Liddon ]
A smile is ever the most bright and beautiful with a tear upon it. What is the dawn without the dew? The tear is rendered by the smile precious above the smile itself. [ Landor ]
Wit, bright, rapid, and blasting as the lightning, flashes, strikes, and vanishes in an instant; humour, warm and all-embracing as the sunshine, bathes its object in a genial and abiding light. [ Whipple ]
Flowers are the bright remembrances of youth; they waft us back, with their bland, odorous breath, the joyous hours that only young life knows, ere we have learnt that this fair earth hides graves. [ Countess of Blessington ]
All the means of action, the shapeless masses - the materials - lie everywhere about us. What we need is the celestial fire to change the flint into transparent crystal, bright and clear. That fire is genius! [ Longfellow ]
Against specious appearances we must set clear convictions, bright and ready for use. When death appears as an evil, we ought immediately to remember that evils are things to be avoided, but death is inevitable. [ Epictetus ]
One must always regret that law of growth which renders necessary that kittens should spoil into demure cats, and bright, joyous school-girls develop into the spiritless, crystallized beings denominated young ladies. [ Abba Goold Woolson ]
Dreams are the bright creatures of poem and legend, who sport on the earth in the night season, and melt away with the first beam of the sun, which lights grim care and stern reality on their daily pilgrimage through the world. [ Dickens ]
Like a morning dream, life becomes more and more bright the longer we live, and the reason of everything appears more clear. What has puzzled us before seems less mysterious, and the crooked path looks straighter as we approach the end. [ Richter ]
Bright and illustrious illusions! Who can blame, who laugh at the boy, who not admire and commend him, for that desire of a fame outlasting the Pyramids by which he insensibly learns to live in a life beyond the present, and nourish dreams of a good unattainable by the senses? [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
With a clear sky, a bright sun, and a gentle breeze, you have friends in plenty; but let fortune frown, and the firmament be overcast, and then your friends will prove like the strings of the lute, of which you tighten ten before you find one that will bear the stretch and keep the pitch. [ Gotthold ]
A pair of bright eyes with a dozen glances suffice to subdue a man; to enslave him, and inflame; to make him even forget; they dazzle him so that the past becomes straightway dim to him; and he so prizes them that he would give all his life to possess them. What is the fond love of dearest friends compared to his treasure? Is memory as strong as expectancy, fruition as hunger, gratitude as desire? [ Thackeray ]
It is to be hoped that, with all the modern improvements, a mode will be discovered of getting rid of bores: for it is too bad that a poor wretch can be punished for stealing your pocket handkerchief or gloves, and that no punishment can be inflicted on those who steal your time, and with it your temper and patience, as well as the bright thoughts that might have entered into your mind (like the Irishman who lost the fortune before he had got it), but were frightened away by the bore. [ Byron ]
When the dusk of evening had come on, and not a sound disturbed the sacred stillness of the place, - when the bright moon poured in her light on tomb and monument, on pillar, wall, and arch, and most of all (it seemed to them) upon her quiet grave, - in that calm time, when all outward things and inward thoughts teem with assurances of immortality, and worldly hopes and fears are humbled in the dust before them, - then, with tranquil and submissive hearts they turned away, and left the child with God. [ Dickens ]
Who can fathom the depth of a mother's love! No friendship so pure, so devoted; the wild storm of adversity and the bright sunshine of prosperity are all alike to her; however unworthy we may be of that affection, a mother never ceases to love her erring child. Often, when alone, as we gaze up to the starry heaven, can we in imagination catch a glimpse of the angels around the great white throne,
and among the brightest and fairest of them all is our sweet mother, ever beckoning us onward and upward to her celestial home. [ R. Smith ]
Man little knows what calamities are beyond his patience to bear till he tries them; as in ascending the heights of ambition, which look bright from below, every step we rise shows us some new and gloomy prospect of hidden disappointment; so in our descent from the summits of pleasure, though the vale of misery below may appear, at first, dark and gloomy, yet the busy mind, still attentive to its own amusement, finds, as we descend, something to flatter and to please. Still as we approach, the darkest objects appear to brighten, and the mortal eye becomes adapted to its gloomy situation. [ Goldsmith ]