Money breeds money. [ Italian Proverb ]
Familiarity breeds contempt. [ Proverb ]
One suit of law breeds twenty. [ Proverb ]
Equality of two domestic powers
Breeds scrupulous faction. [ William Shakespeare ]
Too much familiarity breeds contempt. [ Proverb ]
O! the gallant fisher's life.
It is the best of any:
'Tis full of pleasure, void of strife
And 'tis beloved by many.
Other joys
Are but toys;
Only this,
Lawful is;
For our skill
Breeds no ill,
But content and pleasure. [ Izaak Walton ]
She spins well that breeds her children. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
To live peaceably with all breeds good blood. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Slackness breeds worms; but the sure traveller,
Though he alight sometimes, still goeth on. [ George Herbert ]
The worst of law is that one suit breeds twenty. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Let thy mind still be bent, still plotting where,
And when, and how thy business may be done,
Slackness breeds worms; but the sure traveller,
Though he alights sometimes, still goeth on. [ George Herbert ]
Care draws on care, woe comforts woe again,
Sorrow breeds sorrow, one grief brings forth twain. [ Dayton ]
He that brings up his son to nothing, breeds a thief. [ Proverb ]
Water breeds frogs in the belly; but wine kills worms. [ Proverb ]
Not to resolve is to resolve; and many times it breeds as many necessities, and engageth as far in some other sort, as to resolve. [ Bacon ]
Extremes, though contrary, have the like effect; extreme heat mortifies, like extreme cold; extreme love breeds satiety, as well as extreme hatred. [ Chapman ]
They fix attention, heedless of your pain, With oaths like rivets forced into the brain; And e'en when sober truth prevails throughout, They swear it, till affirmance breeds a doubt. [ Cowper ]
Poverty breeds wealth; and wealth in its turn breeds poverty. The earth, to form the mould, is taken out of the ditch; and whatever may be the height of the one will be the depth of the other. [ J. C. and A. W. Hare ]