Quotations for you

As you sow you shall reap. [ Proverb ]

As you sow, you are like to reap. [ Butler ]

God save you, and give you a cloak. [ Proverb ]

Be old early you you can long be so. [ Proverb ]

As you make your bed you must lie on it. [ Proverb ]

I wish you all the joy that you can wish. [ William Shakespeare ]

Be you never so high, the law is above you. [ Proverb ]

Enjoy what you have; hope for what you lack. [ Levis ]

Fill what you will, and drink what you fill. [ Proverb ]

You love a nothing when you love an ingrate. [ Plautus ]

Woe unto you when all men speak well of you. [ Bible ]

Let time that makes you homely make you sage. [ Parnell ]

Do all you can to be good, and you will be so. [ Proverb ]

Better have a dog fawn upon you than bite you. [ Proverb ]

He that fears you present will hate you absent. [ Proverb ]

As kind as a kite; all you cannot eat you hide. [ Proverb ]

As you are old and reverend, you should be wise. [ William Shakespeare ]

As you do to others, expect others to do to you. [ Proverb ]

Where you have friends you should not go to inns. [ George Eliot ]

Know not what you know, and see not what you see. [ Plautus ]

If you would create something, you must be something. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

You believe that easily which you hope for earnestly. [ Terence ]

If you would be good, first believe that you are bad. [ Epictetus ]

A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can. [ Proverb ]

You, if you are wise, will not know what you do know. [ Ter ]

If you could run as you drink you might catch a hare. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

To whom you betray your secret you sell your liberty. [ Franklin ]

You do not believe, you only believe that you believe. [ Coleridge ]

You despise a man for avarice; but you do not hate him. [ Dr. Johnson ]

If you wish to be good, first believe that you are bad. [ Epictetus ]

As often as you do wrong, justice has you on the score. [ Proverb ]

How can He grant you what you do not desire to receive? [ St. Augustine ]

He that does you a very ill turn will never forgive you. [ Proverb ]

Tell me what you like, and I will tell you what you are. [ John Ruskin ]

Here if you beat a bush, its odds but you start a thief. [ Proverb ]

As you do to others, you may expect another to do to you. [ Laber ]

The more you are talked about, the less powerful you are. [ Benjamin Disraeli ]

He that bestows but a bone on you would not have you die. [ Proverb ]

Enter upon love when you will, but give over when you can. [ Proverb ]

Whenever you find Humor, you find Pathos close by its side. [ Whipple ]

Do you never look at yourself when you abuse another person? [ Plautus ]

A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you. [ Proverb ]

God has given you one face, and you make yourselves another. [ William Shakespeare ]

He loves you as a ferret does a rabbit, to make a meal of you. [ Proverb ]

Perhaps you may have such broth sent you as you will not like. [ Proverb ]

As soon as you have drank, you turn your back upon the spring. [ Proverb ]

You ought to obtain what you ask, as you only ask what is fair. [ Plaut ]

God grant you fortune, my son, for knowledge avails you little. [ Spanish Proverb ]

Be as careful of the books you read as of the company you keep. [ Paxton Hood ]

You should not fear, nor yet should you wish for your last day. [ Martial ]

The more you speak of yourself, the more you are likely to lie. [ Zimmermann ]

If you wish to remove avarice you must remove its mother, luxury. [ Cicero ]

As you can not do what you wish, you should wish what you can do. [ Terence ]

Unless you bear with the faults of a friend, you betray your own. [ Syrus ]

Be sure you can obey good laws before you seek to alter bad ones. [ John Ruskin ]

Allow no man to be so free with you as to praise you to your face. [ Steele ]

You live a true life if you make it your care to be what you seem. [ Horace ]

Before you begin, consider well; and when you have considered, act. [ Sall ]

If you be angry, you may turn the buckle of your girdle behind you. [ Proverb ]

Bring something lass along with you, if you intend to live with me. [ Proverb ]

Court a mistress, she denies you; let her alone, she will court you. [ Ben Jonson ]

If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all? [ S. T. Coleridge ]

When you have counted your cards, you will find you have little left. [ Proverb ]

Men are like stone jugs - you may lug them where you like by the ears. [ Johnson ]

If you tell me all you see, you'll tell what will make you feel shame. [ Gaelic Proverb ]

All things but one you can restore; the heart you get returns no more. [ Waller ]

Moderate riches will carry you, if you have more, you must carry them. [ Proverb ]

Life is a sleep, love is a dream; and you have lived if you have loved. [ Alfred de Musset ]

Accustom yourself to that which you bear ill, and you will bear it well. [ Seneca ]

Speak to living ears as you will wish you had spoken when they are dead.

Good works will never save you, but you can never be saved without them. [ Proverb ]

Do you wish men to speak well of you? Then never speak well of yourself. [ Pascal ]

Had you the world on your chess-board you could not fill all to your mind. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Duty only frowns when you flee from it; follow it, and it smiles upon you. [ Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania ]

The company in which you will improve most will be least expensive to you. [ George Washington ]

He's a friend at a sneeze; the most you can get of him is a God bless you. [ Proverb ]

If you wish to avoid seeing a fool you must first break your looking-glass. [ Rabelais ]

If you let a fool play with you at home, he will do with you in the market. [ Proverb ]

You have lost no reputation at all unless you repute yourself such a loser. [ William Shakespeare ]

A thing is worth what it can do for you, not what you choose to pay for it. [ John Ruskin ]

If you oblige those that can never pay you, you make providence your debtor. [ Proverb ]

So long as you do not quarrel with sin, you will never be a truly happy man. [ J. C. Ryle ]

If you always live with those who are lame, you will yourself learn to limp. [ Latin Proverb ]

It is a true proverb that if you live with a lame man you will learn to halt. [ Plutarch ]

If you want enemies, excel others; if you want friends, let others excel you. [ Colton ]

If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone. [ Benjamin Franklin ]

You have lost your money; perhaps, if you had kept it, it would have lost you.

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant. [ Robert Louis Stevenson ]

By persisting in your path, though you forfeit the little, you gain the great. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Do you fear to trust the word of a man whose honesty you have seen in business? [ Terence ]

When you are an anvil, hold you still; when you are a hammer, strike your fill. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Rumor is like bees: the more you fight them the more you don't get rid of them. [ H. W. Shaw ]

Fortune is like a coquette; if you don't run after her, she will run after you. [ H. W. Shaw ]

You are in a pitiable condition when you have to conceal what you wish to tell. [ Syrus ]

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality. [ Yoko Ono ]

You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow, but your lips must touch the toe. [ Downtown Hotel in Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, The Sour-Toe Cocktail ]

You will never live to my age without you keep yourself in breath with exercise. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

Buy not what you want, but what you need; what you don't want is dear at a cent. [ Cato ]

I have found you an argument; but I am not obliged to find you an understanding. [ Samuel Johnson ]

Madam, you have bereft me of all words. Only my blood speaks to you in my veins. [ William Shakespeare ]

He who praises you for what you have not, wishes to take from you what you have. [ Manuel ]

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you + 1 blank (2 words)

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Longer words containing you

bayou bayous

buyout buyouts

carryout carryouts

grayout grayouts

joyous joyously

joyous joyousness

layout layouts

payout payouts

thankyou thankyous

tryout tryouts


young youngberries

young youngberry

young younger youngers

young youngest

young youngish

young youngling younglings

young youngs youngster youngsters

younker younkers

youpon youpons

your yourn

your yours yourself doityourself

your yours yourselves


youth youthen youthened

youth youthen youthening

youth youthen youthens

youth youthful overyouthful

youth youthful youthfully

youth youthful youthfulness

youth youthless

youth youthlike

youth youths

youth youthwort youthworts