My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began,
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die. [ Wordsworth ]
I gaze upon the thousand stars
That fill the midnight sky;
And wish, so passionately wish,
A light like theirs on high.
I have such eagerness of hope
To benefit my kind;
I feel as if immortal power
Were given to my mind. [ Miss Landon ]
Oft in the tranquil hour of night
When stars illume the sky,
I gaze upon each orb of light.
And wish that thou wert by. [ George Linley ]
Light flashes in the gloomiest sky,
And music in the dullest plain. [ Keble ]
Bear the burden of the present,
Let the morrow bear its own;
If the morning sky be pleasant.
Why the coming night bemoan?
Holy strivings nerve and strengthen,
Long endurance wins the crown;
When the evening shadows lengthen,
Thou shalt lay the burden down. [ Thomas Mackellar ]
There is no relying on a starry sky. [ Proverb ]
Here's a sigh for those who love me,
And a smile for those who hate,
And whatever sky's above me,
Here's a heart for every fate. [ Byron ]
The dew-drop in the breeze of morn,
Trembling and sparkling on the thorn.
Falls to the ground, escapes the eye,
Yet mounts on sunbeams to the sky. [ Montgomery ]
Make knowledge circle with the winds;
But let her herald, Reverence, fly
Before her to whatever sky
Bear seed of men and growth of minds. [ Alfred Tennyson ]
The silence that is in the starry sky. [ Wordsworth ]
If the sky fall, we shall catch larks. [ Proverb ]
The mighty Rain
Holds the vast empire of the sky alone. [ William Cullen Bryant ]
Gashed with honourable scars,
Low in Glory's lap they lie;
Though they fell, they fell like stars,
Streaming splendour through the sky. [ Montgomery ]
Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,
The bridal of the earth and sky.
The dew shall weep thy fall tonight;
For thou must die. [ Herbert ]
His eye was blue and calm, as is the sky
In the serenest noon. [ Willis ]
If the sky fall the pots will be broken. [ Proverb ]
Mild arch of promise! on the evening-sky
Thou shinest fair with many a lovely ray,
Each in the other melting. [ Southey ]
He who owns the soil, owns up to the sky. [ Juvenal ]
Rain, rain, and sun! a rainbow in the sky! [ Tennyson ]
The dew-bead gem, of earth and sky begotten. [ George Eliot ]
Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye,
Thy steps I follow with my bosom bare,
Nor heed the storm that howls along the sky. [ Smollett ]
Good-humor is the clear blue sky of the soul. [ Frederic Saunders ]
Sink not in spirit: who aimeth at the sky
Shoots higher much than he that means a tree. [ George Herbert ]
'Tis sweet to listen as the night winds creep
From leaf to leaf; 'tis sweet to view on high
The rainbow, based on ocean, span the sky. [ Byron ]
Whose sun-bright summit mingles with the sky. [ Campbell ]
They are those winged messengers that can fly
From the Antarctic to the Arctic sky;
The heralds and swift harbingers that move
From east to west on embassies of love. [ Howell ]
But now the clouds in airy tumult fly;
The sun, emerging, opes an azure sky;
A fresher green the smiling leaves display,
And glittering as they tremble, cheer the day. [ Parnell ]
See the enfranchised bird, who wildly springs,
With a keen sparkle in his glowing eye
And a strong effort in his quivering wings,
Up to the blue vault of the happy sky. [ Mrs. Norton ]
The dews of the evening most carefully shun,
Those tears of the sky for the loss of the sun. [ Chesterfield ]
Immortal art! Where'er the rounded sky
Bends over the cradle where thy children lie,
Their home is earth, their herald every tongue. [ Holmes ]
The immortal mind, superior to his fate.
Amid the outrage of external things,
Firm as the solid base of this great world.
Rests on his own foundation. Blow, ye winds!
Ye waves! ye thunders! roll your tempests on!
Shake, ye old pillars of the marble sky!
Till at its orbs and all its worlds of fire
Be loosen'd from their seats; yet still serene,
The unconquer'd mind looks down upon the wreck;
And ever stronger as the storms advance,
Firm through the closing ruin holds his way,
When nature calls him to the destined goal. [ Akenside ]
O love, they die, in yon rich sky.
They faint on hill or field or river:
Our echoes roll from soul to soul.
And grow forever and forever.
Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying,
And answer, echoes, answer, dying, dying, dying. [ Tennyson ]
See the dapple coursers of the morn
Beat up the light with their bright silver hoofs,
And chase it through the sky. [ Marston ]
How beautiful is night!
A dewy freshness fills the silent air.
No mist obscures, nor cloud, nor speck, nor stain
Breaks the serene heaven:
In full-orb'd glory yonder moon divine
Rolls through the dark blue depths.
Beneath her steady ray
The desert circle spreads,
Like the round ocean, girdled with the sky.
How beautiful is night! [ Southey ]
Vain-glorious man, when fluttering wind does blow
In his light wings, is lifted up to sky;
The scorn of knighthood and true chivalry,
To think, without desert of gentle deed
And noble worth, to be advanced high,
Such praise is shame, but honour, virtue's meed.
Doth bear the fairest flower in honourable seed. [ Spenser ]
Whither away, Bluebird, Whither away?
The blast is chill, yet in the upper sky,
Thou still canst find the color of thy wing.
The hue of May.
Warbler, why speed thy southern flight? ah, why,
Thou too, whose song first told us of the Spring?
Whither away? [ E. C. Stedman ]
Like a star glancing out from the blue of the sky! [ Whittier ]
Let us weep in our darkness - but weep not for him!
Not for him - who, departing, leaves millions in tears!
Not for him - who has died full of honor and years!
Not for him - who ascended Fame's ladder so high.
From the round at the top he has stepped to the sky. [ N. P. Willis ]
Go forth under the open sky, and listen to nature's teaching. [ Bryant ]
Strange an astrologer should die without one wonder in the sky. [ Swift ]
Triumphant arch, that fill'st the sky when storms prepare to part! [ Campbell ]
The saints will aid if men will call: For the blue sky bends over all. [ Coleridge ]
Where did you get your eyes so blue? Out of the sky as I came through. [ Geo. MacDonald ]
Maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. [ William Shakespeare ]
On her cheek blushes the richness of an autumn sky with ever-shifting beauty. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
Sweet as dew-drops on the flowery lawns when the sky opens, and the morning dawns. [ Tickell ]
As the evening twilight fades away, the sky is filled with stars, invisible by day. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
And now the thickened sky like a dark ceiling stood; down rushed the rain impetuous. [ Milton ]
Take my word for it, the saddest thing under the sky is a soul incapable of sadness. [ Mme. de Gasparin ]
Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by the letting of water. [ Rivarol ]
Her face is like the Milky Way in the sky, - A meeting of gentle lights without a name. [ Sir John Suckling ]
The fir-trees dark and high; I used to think their slender tops were close against the sky. [ Hood ]
The burning of a little straw may hide the stars of the sky; but the stars are there, and will reappear. [ Carlyle ]
The soul of man is larger than the sky. Deeper than ocean, or the abysmal dark Of the unfathomed centre. [ Hartley Coleridge ]
The affection of young ladies is of as rapid growth as Jack's beanstalk, and reaches up to the sky in a night. [ Thackeray ]
Every soul has a landscape that changes with the wind that sweeps the sky, with the clouds that return after its rain. [ George MacDonald ]
... they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
Those eyes, soft and capricious as a cloudless sky, whose azure depth their color emulates, must needs be conversant with upward looks - prayer's voiceless service. [ Wordsworth ]
Superstition is passing away without return. Religion cannot pass away. The burning of a little straw may hide the stars in the sky; but the stars are there, and will re-appear. [ Carlyle ]
National character varies as it fades under invasion or corruption; but if ever it glows again into a new life, that life must be tempered by the earth and sky of the country itself. [ John Ruskin ]
An instinctive taste teaches men to build their churches in flat countries with spire-steeples, which, as they cannot be referred to any other object, point as with silent finger to the sky and stars. [ Coleridge ]
Over all life broods Poesy, like the calm blue sky with its motherly, rebuking face. She is the great reformer, and where the love of her is strong and healthy, wickedness and wrong cannot long prevail. [ Lowell ]
Of permanent griefs there are none, for they are but clouds. The swifter they move through the sky. the more follow after them; and even the immovable ones are absorbed by the other, and become smaller till they vanish. [ Richter ]
Under the sky is no uglier spectacle than two men with clenched teeth and hell-fire eyes hacking one another's flesh, converting precious living bodies and priceless living souls into nameless masses of putrescence, useful only for turnip manure. [ Carlyle ]
With a clear sky, a bright sun, and a gentle breeze, you have friends in plenty; but let fortune frown, and the firmament be overcast, and then your friends will prove like the strings of the lute, of which you tighten ten before you find one that will bear the stretch and keep the pitch. [ Gotthold ]
Individuals may wear for a time the glory of our institutions, but they carry it not to the grave with them. Like raindrops from heaven, they may pass through the circle of the shining bow and add to its luster; but when they have sunk in the earth again, the proud arch still spans the sky and shines gloriously on. [ James A. Garfield ]
The very greatest genius, after all, is not the greatest thing in the world, any more than the greatest city in the world is the country or the sky. It is the concentration of some of its greatest powers, but it is not the greatest diffusion of its might. It is not the habit of its success, the stability of its sereneness. [ Leigh Hunt ]
I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky.
Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Wherever there is a sky above him and a world around him, the poet is in his place; for here too is man's existence, with its infinite longings and small acquirings; its ever-thwarted, ever-renewed endeavours; its unspeakable aspirations, its fears and hopes that wander through eternity; and all the mystery of brightness and of gloom that it was ever made of, in any age or climate, since man first began to live. [ Carlyle ]
My friends, if you had but the power of looking into the future you might see that great things may come of little things. There is the great ocean, holding the navies of the world, which comes from little drops of water no larger than a woman's tears. There are the great constellations in the sky, made up of little bits of stars. Oh, if you could consider his future you might see that he might become the greatest poet of the universe, the greatest warrior the world has ever known, greater than Caesar, than Hannibal, than--er--er" (turning to the father) - What's his name?
The father hesitated, then whispered back: His name? Well, his name is Mary Ann.
[ Mark Twain, Educations and Citizenship ]
All things are engaged in writing their history. The planet, the pebble, goes attended by its shadow. The rolling rock leaves its scratches on the mountain; the river, its channel in the soil; the animal, its bones in the stratum; the fern and leaf, their modest epitaph in the coal. The falling drop makes its sculpture in the sand or the stone. Not a foot steps into the snow or along the ground, but prints, in characters more or less lasting, a map of its march. Every act of the man inscribes itself in the memories of its fellows, and in his own manners and face. The air is full of sounds, the sky of tokens, the ground is all memoranda and signatures, and every object covered over with hints which speak to the intelligent. [ Emerson ]