There is war in the skies! [ Lord Lytton ]
Dark eyes - eternal soul of pride!
Deep life in all that's true!
Away, away to other skies!
Away over seas and sands!
Such eyes as those were never made
To shine in other lands. [ Leland ]
The tall oak, towering to the skies,
The fury of the wind defies,
From age to age, in virtue strong.
Inured to stand, and suffer wrong. [ Montgomery ]
Though stars in skies may disappear,
And angry tempests gather,
The happy hour may soon be near
That brings us pleasant weather. [ Burns ]
Those laughing orbs, that borrow
From azure skies the light they wear.
Are like heaven - no sorrow
Can float over hues so fair. [ Mrs. Osgood ]
How blue were Ariadne's eyes
When, from the sea's horizon line,
At eve, she raised them on the skies!
My Psyche, bluer far are thine. [ Aubrey De Vere ]
Religion, richest favor of the skies. [ Cowper ]
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies. [ Byron, She Walks in Beauty ]
In this dim world of clouding cares,
We rarely know, till bewildered eyes
See white wings lessening up the skies.
The angels with us unawares. [ Gerald Massey ]
A sturdy oak, which nature forms
To brave a hundred winter's storms.
While round its head the whirlwinds blow.
Remains with root infix'd below:
When fell'd to earth, a ship it sails
Through dashing waves and driving gales
And now at sea, again defies
The threatening clouds and howling skies. [ Hoole ]
Unextinguish'd laughter shakes the skies. [ Pope ]
True glory is a flame lighted at the skies. [ Horace Mann ]
Heaven is not reached at a single bound,
But we build the ladder by which we rise
From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies,
And we mount to its summit, round by round. [ J. G. Holland, Pseudonym: Timothy Titcomb ]
Come, fair repentance, daughter of the skies!
Soft harbinger of soon returning virtue!
The weeping messenger of grace from heaven! [ Brown ]
The sea! the sea!- the open sea!
The blue, the fresh, the ever free!
Without a mark, without a bound,
It runneth the earth's wide regions round;
It plays with the clouds; it mocks the skies;
Or like a cradled creature lies. [ Barry Cornwall ]
There is ever a song somewhere, my dear,
Be the skies above or dark or fair,
There is ever a song that our hearts may hear -
There is ever a song somewhere, my dear -
There is ever a song somewhere. [ James Whitcomb Riley ]
In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies;
All quit their sphere, and rush into the skies.
Pride still is aiming at the bless'd abodes,
Men would be angels, angels would be gods.
Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell,
Aspiring to be angels men rebel;
And who but wishes to invert the laws
Of order, sins against the Eternal cause. [ Pope ]
The tempest is over-blown, the skies are clear,
And the sea charmed into a calm so still
That not a wrinkle ruffles her smooth face. [ Dryden ]
Wealth in the gross is death, but life diffused;
As poison heals, in just proportion used;
In heaps, like ambergrise, a stink it lies,
But well dispersed, is incense to the skies. [ Pope ]
The careful insect 'midst his works I view,
Now from the flowers exhaust the fragrant dew.
With golden treasures load his little thighs,
And steer his distant journey through the skies. [ Gay ]
Those dreams, that on the silent night intrude,
And with false flitting shades our minds delude,
Jove never sends us downward from the skies;
Nor can they from infernal mansions rise;
But are all mere productions of the brain,
And fools consult interpreters in vain. [ Swift ]
Your peaks are beautiful, ye Apennines!
In the soft light of these serenest skies;
From the broad highland region, black with pines,
Fair as the hills of Paradise they rise.
Bathed in the tint Peruvian slaves behold
In rosy flushes on the virgin gold. [ William Cullen Bryant ]
Believing hear, what you deserve to hear.
Your birthday as my own to me is dear.
Blest and distinguish'd days! which we should prize
The first, the kindest bounty of the skies.
But yours gives most; for mine did only lend,
Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend. [ Martial ]
He raised a mortal to the skies; She drew an angel down. [ Dryden ]
Whose roots earth's centre touch, whose heads the skies. [ Walter Harte ]
Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies. [ Tennyson ]
What are ye orbs? The words of God? The Scripture of the skies? [ Philip J. Bailey ]
Those laughing orbs, that borrow from azure skies the light they wear. [ Frances S. Osgood ]
So shines the setting sun on adverse skies, and paints a rainbow on the storm. [ Dr. Watts ]
Teach me, O lark! with thee to greatly rise, to exalt my soul and lift it to the skies. [ Burke ]
All nature mourns, the skies relent in showers; hushed are the birds, and closed the drooping flowers. [ Pope ]
All the gazers on the skies read not in fair heaven's story expresser truth or truer glory than they might in her bright eyes. [ Ben Jonson ]
Leave a friend! So base I am not. I followed him in his prosperity, when the skies were clear and shining, and will not leave him when storms begin to rise. [ Metastasio ]
He who boasts of being perfect is perfect in folly. I never saw a perfect man. Every rose has its thorns, and every day its night. Even the sun shows spots, and the skies are darkened with clouds; and faults of some kind nestle in every bosom. [ Spurgeon ]
Liberty is the richest inheritance which man has received from the skies! When shall its sacred fire burn in every bosom, and kindling with the thrilling force of inspiration, spread from heart to heart and from mind to mind, and be the common privilege and birthright of every human being? [ Acton ]
The world produces for every pint of honey a gallon of gall, for every dram of pleasure a pound of pain, for every inch of mirth an ell of moan; and as the ivy twines around the oak, so does misery and misfortune encompass the happy man. Felicity, pure and unalloyed felicity, is not a plant of earthly growth: her gardens are the skies. [ Robert Burton ]
Nature, at all events, humanly speaking, is manifestly very fond of color; for she has made nothing without it. Her skies are blue; her fields, green; her waters vary with her skies; her animals, vegetables, minerals, are all colored. She paints a great many of them in apparently superfluous hues, as if to show the dullest eye how she loves color. [ Leigh Hunt ]