I never saw an eye so bright,
And yet so soft as hers;
It sometimes swam in liquid light.
And sometimes swam in tears;
It seemed a beauty set apart
For softness and for signs. [ Mrs. Welby ]
Playful blushes, that seemed nought
But luminous escapes of thought. [ Moore ]
Love masters agony; the soul that seemed
Forsaken feels her present God again
And in her Father's arms
Contented dies away. [ John Keble ]
To me at least was never evening yet
But seemed far beautifuller than its day. [ Robert Browning ]
Till sorrow seemed to wear one common face. [ Congreve ]
A six-foot suckling, mincing in its gait.
Affected, peevish, prim and delicate;
Fearful it seemed, tho' of athletic make,
Lest brutal breezes should so roughly shake
Its tender form, and savage motion spread
O'er its pale cheeks, the horrid manly red. [ Churchill ]
Soft o'er the shrouds aerial whispers breathe.
That seemed but zephyrs to the train beneath. [ Pope ]
A Spirit, zealous, as he seemed, to know
More of the Almighty's works, and chiefly Man,
God's latest image. [ Milton ]
No age ever seemed the age of Romance to itself. [ Carlyle ]
There bloomed the strawberry of the wilderness;
The trembling eyebright showed her sapphire blue,
The thyme her purple, like the blush of Even;
And if the breath of some to no caress
Invited, forth they peeped so fair to view.
All kinds alike seemed favorites of heaven. [ Wordsworth ]
The invention all admired, and each, how he
To be the inventor missed; so easy it seemed,
Once found, which yet unfound most would have thought
Impossible. [ Milton ]
So lonely it was that God himself scarce seemed there to be. [ Coleridge ]
When she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
He seemed for dignity composed and high exploit; but all was false and hollow. [ Milton ]
I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day, as each day came. [ Lincoln ]
The most fruitful and elevating influence I have ever seemed to meet has been my impression of obligation to God. [ Daniel Webster ]
Pain is the deepest thing we have in our nature, and union through pain has always seemed more real and holy than any other. [ Hallam ]
It does not take twenty years for men to change their opinions of things which had seemed to them the truest, and most certain. [ La Bruyere ]
It has long seemed to me that it would be more honorable to our ancestors to praise them in words less, but in deeds to imitate them more. [ Horace Mann ]
Diligence is a steady, constant, and pertinacious study, that naturally leads the soul into the knowledge of that which at first seemed locked up from it. [ R. South ]
When I cast my bread to the birds on the shores, the waves seemed to say: Hope! for, when thou comest to want, God will return thy bread! God still owes it to me. [ Hegesippe Moreau ]
Beautiful to Ledyard, stiffening in the cold of a northern winter, seemed the diminutive, smoke-stained women of Lapland, who wrapped him in their furs, and ministered to his necessities with kindness and gentle words. [ Whittier ]
What was your dream? It seemed to me that a woman in white raiment, graceful and fair to look upon, came towards me and calling me by name said: On the third day, Socrates, thou shalt reach the coast of fertile Phthia. [ Plato ]
As unity demanded for its expression what at first might have seemed its opposite - variety; so repose demands for its expression the implied capability of its opposite - energy. It is the most unfailing test of beauty; nothing can be ignoble that possesses it, nothing right that has it not. [ Ruskin ]
If I ever opened a trampoline store, I don't think I'd call it Trampo-Land, because you might think it was a store for tramps, which is not the impression we are trying to convey with our store. On the other hand, we would not prohibit tramps from browsing, or testing the trampolines, unless a tramp's gyrations seemed to be getting out of control. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
When the dusk of evening had come on, and not a sound disturbed the sacred stillness of the place, - when the bright moon poured in her light on tomb and monument, on pillar, wall, and arch, and most of all (it seemed to them) upon her quiet grave, - in that calm time, when all outward things and inward thoughts teem with assurances of immortality, and worldly hopes and fears are humbled in the dust before them, - then, with tranquil and submissive hearts they turned away, and left the child with God. [ Dickens ]