The rising moon has hid the stars;
Her level rays, like golden bars,
Lie on the landscape green,
With shadows brown between. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Endymion ]
The lively Diamond drinks thy purest rays.
Collected light, compact. [ Thomson ]
Sweet is the memory of distant friends!
Like the mellow rays of the departing sun,
It falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart. [ Washington Irving ]
Ideality consists of the rainbow rays of intellect. [ Alfred Mercier ]
The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
O love! only a few rays of thy sacred fire radiate in this exhausted world! [ Voltaire ]
This is the method of genius, to ripen fruit for the crowd by those rays of whose heat they complain. [ Margaret Fuller ]
A fair complexion is a disgrace in a sailor; he ought to be tanned, from the spray of the sea and the rays of the sun. [ Ovid ]
Obey thy genius, for a minister it is unto the throne of fate. Draw to thy soul, and centralize the rays which are ground of the Divinity. [ Bailey ]
Were not the eye made to receive the rays of the sun, it could not behold the sun; if the peculiar power of God lay not in us, how could the godlike charm us? [ Goethe ]
Rising genius always shoots forth its rays from among clouds and vapors, but these will gradually roll away and disappear as it ascends to its steady and meridian lustre. [ Washington Irving ]
Love has the tendency of pressing together all the lights, all the rays emitted from the beloved object, by the burning-glass of fantasy, into one focus, and making of them one radiant sun without spots. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
Abstracts, abridgments, summaries, etc., have the same use with burning glasses - to collect the diffused rays of wit and learning in authors, and make them point with warmth and quickness upon the reader's imagination. [ Swift ]
At the morning hour, when the half-awakened sun, trampling down the lingering shadows of the west, spreads his ruby-tinted tresses over jessamines and roses, drying with cloths of gold Aurora's tears of mingled fire and snow, which the sun's rays converted into pearls. [ Calderon ]
Some men of a secluded and studious life have sent forth from their closet or their cloister rays of intellectual light that have agitated courts and revolutionized kingdoms; like the moon which, though far removed from the ocean, and shining upon it with a serene and sober light, is the chief cause of all those ebbings and flowings which incessantly disturb that restless world of waters. [ Colton ]