A pious fraud. [ Ovid ]
Liberty under a pious king. [ Motto ]
Religion is the pious worship of God. [ Cicero ]
Dreadful is their doom, whom doubt has driven
To censure fate, and pious hope forego. [ Beattie ]
Many wish to be pious, but none to be humble. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
The worst-behaved students turn out the most pious preachers. [ German Proverb ]
No author can be as moral as his works, as no preacher is as pious as his sermons. [ Jean Paul ]
A wicked fellow is the most pious when he takes to it. He'll beat you all in piety. [ Johnson ]
Secure their religion; season their younger years with prudent and pious principles. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
A pious man said: If I ignored the existence of God, I would adore the sun and women.
Indulgence is lovely in the sinless; toleration, adorable in the pious and believing heart. [ Mme. Swetchine ]
Superstition is an unreasoning fear of God; religion consists in the pious worship of the gods. [ Cicero ]
The aspiring youth that fired the Ephesian dome outlives in fame the pious fool that raised it. [ Colley Gibber ]
Unattainable wishes are often called pious.
This seems to indicate that only profane wishes are fulfilled. [ Marie Ebner-Eschenbach ]
You think much too well of me as a man. No author can be as moral as his works, as no preacher is as pious as his sermons. [ Richter ]
No tongue can tell the joy of a pious mother, when her child is converted or turned from the way of folly to that of true wisdom. [ Mrs. Willard ]
Love is swift, sincere, pious, pleasant, gentle, strong, patient, faithful, prudent, long-suffering, manly, and never seeking her own. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
Drawing near her death, she sent most pious thoughts as harbingers to heaven; and her soul saw a glimpse of happiness through the chinks of her sickness-broken body. [ Thomas Fuller ]
The instructions received at the mother's knee and the maternal lessons, together with the pious and sweet souvenirs of the fireside, are never effaced entirely from the soul. [ Lamennais ]
When I beheld human affairs involved in such dense darkness, the guilty exulting in their prosperity, and pious men suffering wrong, what religion I had began to reel backward and fall. [ Claudius, Claudian ]
See a fond mother encircled by her children; with pious tenderness she looks around, and her soul even melts with maternal love. One she kisses on its cheeks, and clasps another to her bosom; one she sets upon her knee, and finds a seat upon her foot for another. And while, by their actions, by their lisping words, and asking eyes, she understands their numberless little wishes, to these she dispenses a look, and a word to those; and whether she grants or refuses, whether she smiles or frowns, it is all in tender love. [ Krummacher ]