You mean now? [ Yogi Berra ]
I must sleep now. [ Dying words of Byron ]
Now it rains into the sea. [ Proverb ]
Now you have feathered your nest. [ Congreve ]
Now is now, and Yule's in winter. [ Scotch Proverb ]
What the hell's wrong with him now? [ Yogi Berra, after his wife Carmen said she took Tim to see Doctor Zhivago ]
"Now" is the watchword of the wise. [ Proverb ]
I am not now That which I have been. [ Byron ]
I now see which leg you are lame of. [ Proverb ]
Now, infidel, I have thee on the hip. [ William Shakespeare ]
No season now for calm, familiar talk. [ Homer ]
His glory now lies buried in the dust. [ Quarles ]
No greater men are now than ever were. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Words that are now dead were once alive. [ A. Coles ]
Nothing now is left but a majestic memory. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
What is reason now was passion heretofore. [ Ovid ]
His tongue is now a stringless instrument. [ William Shakespeare ]
I wasted time, and now doth time waste me. [ William Shakespeare ]
A fool may now and then be right by chance. [ Cowper ]
Could I love less, I should be happier now. [ Bailey ]
The worse luck now, the better another time. [ Proverb ]
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. [ William Shakespeare ]
The earth now supports many bad and weak men. [ Juv ]
He wants nothing now but the itch to scratch. [ Proverb ]
Wit, now and then, struck smartly, shows a spark. [ Cowper ]
I taught you to swim, and now you would drown me. [ Proverb ]
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. [ Bible ]
Virtue now is in herbs, and stones, and words only. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
What were once vices are now the fashion of the day. [ Seneca ]
It is but a short journey across the isthmus of Now. [ Bovee ]
I wept when I was born, and now every day shews why. [ Proverb ]
I was once a poet and a historian, and now I am nothing. [ Boudier, for his epitaph ]
So now you act like yourself, and nobody will trust you. [ Proverb ]
Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. [ Daniel Webster ]
Now, good digestion wait on appetite. And health on both! [ William Shakespeare ]
You have fouled yourself, and now would have me clean you. [ Proverb ]
I have been dying for twenty years, now I am going to live. [ Jas. Drummond Burns ]
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. [ Anonymous ]
Close up the sluices now, lads; the meadows have drunk enough. [ Virgil ]
The glittering tresses which, now shaken loose, Showered gold. [ Owen Meredith ]
One of our poets - which is it? - speaks of an everlasting now. [ Southey ]
A tomb now suffices for him for whom the world did not suffice. [ Apropos of Alexander the Great ]
Now I have got an ewe and a lamb, every one cries welcome Peter. [ Proverb ]
Flattery, which was formerly a vice, is now grown into a custom. [ Publius Syrus ]
It is now as in the days of yore when the sword ruled all things. [ Schiller ]
Let him say what he will, men have spoken well of God before now. [ Proverb ]
It is more pitiable once to have been rich than not to be rich now. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Then sing by turns, by turns the Muses sing; Now hawthorns blossom. [ Pope ]
He is now stretching out his foolish head to the matrimonial halter. [ Juv ]
'Twas glory once to be a Roman; She makes it glory, now, to be a man. [ Bayard Taylor ]
A strange ox every now and then turns its eyes wistfully to the door. [ Proverb ]
The most penitent anchorite has now and then a small flight of vanity. [ Proverb ]
Here, where the city now stands, was at that time nothing but its site. [ Ovid ]
There never was so great a thought labouring in the breasts of men as now. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
The people once belonged to the kings; now the kings belong to the people. [ Heine ]
The devil hath owed me a cake of a long time, and now hath paid me a loaf. [ Proverb ]
All June I bound the rose in sheaves. Now, rose by rose, I strip the leaves. [ Robert Browning ]
I have not wept these forty years; but now my mother comes afresh into my eyes. [ Dryden ]
No historic event is so important as the advent of a conviction of a now truth. [ James Freeman Clarke ]
There was a time when the world acted upon books; now books act upon the world. [ Joubert ]
Who now travels that dark path to the bourne from which they say no one returns. [ Catullus ]
Why will you break the Sabbath of my days? Now sick alike of envy and of praise. [ Pope ]
My son, be not now negligent, for the Lord hath chosen thee to stand before Him. [ Apoc ]