Spick and span new. [ -Cervantes ]
New things are fair. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Turn over a new leaf. [ Thomas Dekker ]
New brooms sweep clean. [ Proverb ]
Everything new is fine. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
New lords have new laws. [ Proverb ]
New grief awakens the old. [ Proverb ]
In pain is a new time born. [ Chamisso ]
An old friend is a new house. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Of a new prince, new bondage. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Every day brings a new light. [ Proverb ]
New things are most looked at. [ Proverb ]
New occasions teach new duties. [ James Russell Lowell ]
New dishes beget new appetites. [ Proverb ]
Old reckonings make new quarrels. [ Proverb ]
To put new handles to an old pot. [ Proverb ]
Old thanks pay not for a new debt. [ Proverb ]
Navigation adds new worlds to the old. [ S. Cabot ]
Whiter than new snow on a raven's back. [ William Shakespeare ]
Tired of the last, and eager of the new. [ Prior ]
By navigation new worlds are made known. [ J. G. Zarco ]
Your old brass will bring you a new pan. [ Proverb ]
That was new in last year's new almanack. [ Proverb ]
Death is not an end. It is a new impulse. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
It is an old story, yet remains ever new. [ Heinrich Heine ]
To-morrow a new scene of things may open. [ Proverb ]
Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new. [ Milton ]
New dressed and blooming as a bridal maid. [ Walter Harte ]
Always something new, seldom anything good. [ German Proverb ]
Every one hath a penny for the new alehouse. [ Proverb ]
Old porridge is sooner warmed than new made. [ Proverb ]
Remembering of old injuries invites new ones. [ Proverb ]
When a new book comes out, I read an old one. [ Rogers ]
Old acquaintances are better than new friends. [ Mme. du Deffand ]
There is nothing new except what is forgotten. [ Mademoiselle Bertin ]
The geologist is a new species of antiquarian. [ ? ]
Every age confutes old errors, and begets new. [ Proverb ]
This fidelity will bring new glory to our race. [ Motto ]
New vows to plight, and plighted vows to break. [ Dryden ]
The seed dies into a new life, and so does man. [ George MacDonald ]
We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]
Whatever good is said of us, we learn nothing new. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
What society wants is a new motive, not a new cant. [ Macaulay ]
Freedom is a new religion, the religion of our time. [ Heine ]
An old cart well used may last out a new one abused. [ Proverb ]
A thinking man is always striking out something new. [ Proverb ]
Gratitude preserves old friendship, and procures new. [ Proverb ]
What's the newest grief? Each minute tunes a new one. [ William Shakespeare ]
The old withie-tree would have a new gate hung at it. [ Proverb ]
Search not a wound too deep, lest thou make a new one. [ Proverb ]
Sin every day takes out a patent for some new invention. [ Whipple ]
It it often easier to make new, than to cobble up the old. [ Proverb ]
A new friend is sometimes only a troublesome acquaintance. [ James Ellis ]
One seeks new friends only when too well known by old ones. [ Mme. de Puisieux ]
I must have something new, even were there none in the world. [ La Fontaine ]
There is no more hold of a new friend, than of a new fashion. [ Proverb ]
All things must change to something new, to something strange. [ Longfellow ]
The day that you do a good thing there will be seven new moons. [ Proverb ]
And let me tell you that every misery I miss is a new blessing. [ Izaak Walton ]
When we destroy an old prejudice, we have need of a new virtue. [ Mme. de Stael ]
Old houses mended cost little less than new before they're ended. [ Gibber ]
Men are never very wise and select in the exercise of a new power. [ Wm. Ellery Channing ]
Go on in new deeds of valour, my son! That is the way to the stars. [ Virgil ]
Day presses on the heels of day, and new moons hasten to their wane. [ Horace ]
Then came your new friend: you began to change - I saw it and grieved. [ Tennyson ]
The best way to keep good acts in memory, is to refresh them with new. [ Cato ]
To select well among old things, is almost equal to inventing new ones. [ Abbe Trublet ]
Foster the beautiful, and every hour thou callest new flowers to birth. [ Schiller ]
The old falls, the time changes, and new life blossoms out of the ruins. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
The same refinement which brings us new pleasures exposes us to new pains. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
What stories are new? All types of all characters march through all fables. [ Thackeray ]
The great objection to new books is, that they prevent our reading old ones. [ Joseph Joubert ]
In proportion as society refines, new books must ever become more necessary. [ Goldsmith ]
Friendship's the wine of life; but friendship new is neither strong nor pure. [ Young ]
All things are admired either because they are new or because they are great. [ Bacon ]
Not a ray is dimmed, not an atom worn; nature's oldest force is as good as new. [ Emerson ]
Stinging envy is more merciful to good things that are old than such as are new. [ Phaedr ]
New national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions. [ President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Inaugeration Speech, Jan 20, 2017 ]