Eyes of most unholy blue! [ Moore ]
He who loves most has most. [ Henry van Dyke ]
He that lives most dies most. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
He that burns most shines most. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
The most useful is the greatest. [ Theodore Parker ]
By education most have been misled. [ Dryden ]
He who knows most believes the least. [ Buckle ]
The most essential point is lowliness. [ Fenelon ]
They that govern most make least noise. [ John Selden ]
The lie that flatters I abhor the most. [ Cowper ]
The most happy ought to wish for death. [ Seneca ]
Woman is most perfect when most womanly. [ Gladstone ]
Your noblest natures are most credulous. [ Chapman ]
The most seditious is the most cowardly. [ Tacitus ]
She most attracts who longest can refuse. [ Aaron Hill ]
The best known evil is the most tolerable. [ Livy ]
Habit is the most imperious of all masters. [ Goethe ]
The bravest men are subject most to chance. [ Dryden ]
Fire that's closest kept burns most of all. [ William Shakespeare ]
Brave deeds are most estimable when hidden. [ Pascal ]
They most enjoy the world who least admire. [ Young ]
The sense of death is most in apprehension. [ William Shakespeare ]
They who forgive most shall be most forgiven. [ Bailey ]
Who makes the fairest show means most deceit. [ William Shakespeare ]
Who seems most hideous when adorned the most. [ Ariosto ]
Much danger makes great hearts most resolute. [ Marston ]
Bad advice is often most fatal to the adviser. [ Flaccus ]
He who has most of heart, knows most of sorrow. [ Bailey ]
He who knows most grieves most for wasted time. [ Dante ]
The most curious offspring of shame is shyness. [ Sydney Smith ]
He that eats most porridge shall have most meat. [ Proverb ]
A coward; a most devout coward; religious in it. [ William Shakespeare ]
Noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed. [ Pascal ]
It is common to esteem most what is most unknown. [ Tacitus ]
The ruin of most men dates from some idle moment. [ Hillard ]
The most tangible of all visible mysteries - fire. [ Leigh Hunt ]
Expense of time is the most costly of all expenses. [ Theophrastus ]
Generous souls are still most subject to credulity. [ Sir W. Davenant ]
False modesty is the most decent of all falsehoods. [ Chamfort ]
Almost always the most indigent are the most generous. [ Stanislaus ]
Gallantry thrives most in the atmosphere of the court. [ Mme. Necker ]
An enemy despised is the most dangerous of all enemies. [ Publius Syrus ]
Sure, occasion is the father of most that is good in us. [ Thackeray ]
The most violent friendships soonest wear themselves out. [ Hazlitt ]
Religion is among the most powerful causes of enthusiasm. [ Burke ]
Benevolence and feeling ennoble the most trifling actions. [ Thackeray ]
That is a most wretched fortune which is without an enemy. [ Publius Syrus ]
In man's most dark extremity 0"ft succor dawns from Heaven. [ Scott ]
The most manifest sign of wisdom is continued cheerfulness. [ Montaigne ]
Obstinacy is ever most positive when it is most in the wrong. [ Madame Necker ]
Fancy runs most furiously when a guilty conscience drives it. [ Fuller ]
Those faces which have charmed us most escape us the soonest. [ Walter Scott ]
God often visits us, but most of the time we are not at home. [ Joseph Roux ]
Knowledge of our duties is the most useful part of philosophy. [ Whately ]
The most natural beauty in the world is honesty and moral truth. [ Shaftesbury ]
Advice is seldom welcome. Those who need it most, like it least. [ Johnson ]
The hatred of persons related to each other is the most violent. [ Tacitus ]
We prize books, and they prize them most who are themselves wise. [ Emerson ]
It is the enemy whom we do not suspect who is the most dangerous. [ Rojas ]
The most advanced nations are always those who navigate the most. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Pride is the most uneasy thing in the world, and the most odious. [ Proverb ]
When the state is most corrupt, then the laws are most multiplied. [ Tacitus ]
What most increases anger is the feeling that one is in the wrong. [ Richter ]
The least reliance can be placed even on the most exalted fortune. [ Livy ]
The most enthusiastic man in a cause is rarely chosen as a leader. [ Arthur Helps ]
Of two heroes, he who esteems his rivals the most is the greatest. [ Beaumelle ]
Learning hath gained most by those books by which printers have lost. [ Fuller ]
Most men have more courage than even they themselves think they have. [ Greville ]
The most chaste woman may be the most voluptuous, if she truly loves. [ Mirabeau ]
The weakest and most timorous, are the most revengeful and implacable. [ Proverb ]
Friendship is the gift of the gods, and the most precious boon to man. [ Earl of Beaconsfield ]
A single grateful thought towards fiea%-en is the most perfect prayer. [ Lessing ]
Who knows most, doubts most; entertaining hope means recognizing fear. [ Browning ]
Self-made men are most always apt to be a little too proud of the job. [ H. W. Shaw ]
Truly great men are ever most heroic to those most intimate with them. [ John Ruskin ]
The books which help you most, are those which make you think the most. [ Theodore Parker ]
The most dangerous of all flattery is the inferiority of those about us. [ Mme. Swetchine ]
We should ask, not who is the most learned, but who is the best learned. [ Lady Montagu ]
Those gifts are ever the most acceptable which the giver makes precious. [ Ovid ]
The most skillful flattery is to let a person talk on, and be a listener. [ Addison ]
Nicknames stick to people, and the most ridiculous are the most adhesive. [ Haliburton ]
Real excellence, indeed, is most recognized when most openly looked into. [ Plutarch ]
The company in which you will improve most will be least expensive to you. [ George Washington ]
The most wretched fortune is safe; for there is no fear of anything worse. [ Ovid ]
The avaricious man is kind to no person, but he is most unkind to himself. [ Latin Proverb ]
Our domestic affections are the most salutary basis of all good government. [ Beaconsfield ]
Our blessings are the least heeded, because the most common events of life. [ Hosea Ballou ]
The highest and most lofty trees have the most reason to dread the thunder. [ Rollin ]
The most important part of every business is to know what ought to be done. [ Columella ]
It is want of diligence rather than want of means that causes most failures. [ Alfred Mercier ]
The scorn of genius is the most arrogant and the most boundless of all scorn. [ Ouida ]
The most careful reasoning characters are very often the most easily abashed. [ Mme. de Stael ]
The greatest man is he who chooses right with the most invincible resolution. [ Seneca ]
Decency is the least of all laws, yet the law which is most strictly observed. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Advice is seldom welcome; those who want it the most always like it the least. [ Chesterfield ]
What we need most is not so much to realize the ideal as to idealize the real. [ F. H. Hedge ]
The most subtle flattery that a woman can receive is by actions, not by words. [ Mme. Necker ]
Most women indulge in idle gossip, which is the henchman of rumor and scandal. [ Octave Feuillet ]
The angriest person in a controversy is the one most liable to be in the wrong. [ Tillotson ]
Weeds are omnipresent; errors are to be found in the heart of the most lovable. [ George Sand ]
Amiability is very often a weakness, but the most unobjectionable one as a rule. [ Lady Morgan ]