Like seeks like. [ French Proverb ]
Like loves like. [ Proverb ]
Like cures like. [ Proverb ]
Like father, like son. [ French Proverb ]
Like master, like man. [ Proverb ]
Like author, like book. [ Proverb ]
Like lips, like lettuce. [ Proverb ]
Like prince, like people. [ Proverb ]
Like priest, like people. [ Proverb ]
Like mistress, like maid. [ Proverb ]
Like mother, like daughter. [ Proverb ]
Like things are cured by like.
O that I had wings like a dove. [ Bible ]
Envy, like flame, soars upwards. [ Livy ]
Fall silently like dew on roses. [ Dryden ]
He had a face like a benediction. [ Cervantes ]
Like to like, and Nan to Nicholas. [ Proverb ]
Devotion, like fire, goeth upward. [ Zoroaster ]
Like draws to like, the world over. [ Proverb ]
Eyes that droop like summer flowers. [ Miss L. E. Landon ]
Flaw-seeing eyes, like needle points. [ Lowell ]
There is no education like adversity. [ Beaconsfield ]
If her husband like it, I like it also. [ Proverb ]
A face like nestling luxury of flowers. [ Gerald Massey ]
Like angel visits, few and far between. [ Campbell ]
A fabric huge Rose, like an exhalation. [ Milton ]
Chastity, like piety, is a uniform grace. [ Richardson ]
An eye like Mars, to threaten or command. [ William Shakespeare ]
Good jests bite like lambs, not like dogs. [ Proverb ]
Ambition, like a torrent, never looks back. [ Ben Jonson ]
Like fragile ice anger passes away in time. [ Ovid ]
Art, however innocent, looks like deceiving. [ Aaron Hill ]
We are never like angels till our passion dies. [ Thomas Dekker ]
Her cheek like apples which the sun had ruddied. [ Spenser ]
Many talk like philosophers and live like fools. [ Proverb ]
Children like olive plants round about thy table. [ Psalm cxxviii. 3 ]
Wealth comes and goes like smoke, like everything. [ Bret. Proverb ]
Like a star glancing out from the blue of the sky! [ Whittier ]
Duty grows everywhere - like children, like grass. [ Emerson ]
Nothing in his life Became him like the leaving it. [ William Shakespeare ]
Like doth quit like, and measure still for measure. [ William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure ]
If Socrates died like a sage, Jesus died like a God. [ Rousseau ]
Great minds, like heaven, are pleased in doing good. [ Rowe ]
Like will to like, as the devil said to the collier. [ Proverb ]
Affliction, like the iron-smith, shapes as it smites. [ Bovee ]
The place of charity, like that of God, is everywhere. [ Professor Vinet ]
Anger is a transient hatred; or at least very like it. [ South ]
Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest. [ Jean Paul Richter ]
Angling is somewhat like poetry; men are to be born so. [ Izaak Walton ]
There are ceremonious bows that repel one like a cudgel. [ Bovee ]
Anger is like rain which breaks itself whereon it falls. [ Seneca ]
As a wolf is like a dog, so is a flatterer like a friend. [ Proverb ]
The craven's fear is but selfishness, like his merriment. [ Whittier ]
We are led on, like little children, by a way we know not. [ George Eliot ]
Murder, like talent, seems occasionally to run in families. [ George Henry Lewes ]
Men, like musical instruments, seem made to be played upon. [ Bovee ]
Ambition is like love, impatient both of delays and rivals. [ Denham ]
He promises like a merchant man, and pays like a man-of-war. [ Proverb ]
Great books, like large skulls, have often the least brains. [ W. B. Clulow ]
Antiquity! I like its ruins better than its reconstructions. [ Joubert ]
The enthusiasm of old men is singularly like that of infancy. [ Gerard de Nerval ]
True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Loving souls are like paupers. They live on what is given them. [ Madame Swetchine ]
Advice is seldom welcome. Those who need it most, like it least. [ Johnson ]
Once every atom of this ground lived, breathed, and felt like me! [ James Montgomery ]
Censure is like the lightning which strikes the highest mountains. [ Balthasar Gracian ]
Display is like shallow water, where you can see the muddy bottom. [ Alphonse Karr ]
Whether your time calls you to live or die, do both like a prince. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Beauty, like truth, never is so glorious as when it goes plainest. [ Sterne ]
Second-hand cares, like second-hand clothes, come easily off and on. [ Dickens ]
Blessings star forth forever; but a curse is like a cloud, it passes. [ Bailey ]
Her face, all red and white, like the inside of a shoulder of mutton. [ Foote ]
The way to fame, is like the way to heaven, through much tribulation. [ Sterne ]
And when the echoes had ceased, like a sense of pain was the silence. [ Longfellow ]
Men are like stone jugs - you may lug them where you like by the ears. [ Johnson ]
They that talk like philosophers are often observed to act like fools. [ Proverb ]
Arguments, like children, should be like the subject that begets them. [ Thomas Decker ]
The benediction of these covering heavens fall on their heads like dew. [ William Shakespeare ]
God is like us to this extent, that whatever in us is good is like God. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
Advice is like kissing: it costs nothing and is a pleasant thing to do. [ H. W. Shaw ]
Mutual content is like a river, which must have its banks on either side. [ Le Sage ]
To attempt to advise conceited people is like whistling against the wind. [ Hood ]
Beauty is no local deity, like the Greek and Roman gods, but omnipresent. [ Bartol ]
Like the last beam of evening thrown on a white cloud, just seen and gone. [ Walter Scott ]
Like Dian's kiss, unasked, unsought, love gives itself, but is not bought. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
I do not like giving advice: it is incurring an unnecessary responsibility. [ Beaconsfield ]
The defects of the mind, like those of the face, grow worse as we grow old. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Beautiful eyes in the face of a handsome woman are like eloquence to speech. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
To succeed as a lawyer, a man must work like a horse and live like a hermit. [ Lord Eldon ]
Our actions are like the terminations of verses, which we rhyme as we please. [ Rochefoucauld ]
Envy, like flame, blackens that which is above it, and which it cannot reach. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
Education is only like good culture, - it changes the size, but not the sort. [ Henry Ward Beecher ]
One whom the music of his own vain tongue doth ravish like enchanting harmony. [ William Shakespeare ]
Advice is seldom welcome; those who want it the most always like it the least. [ Chesterfield ]
On this side and on that, men see their friends drop off like leaves in autumn. [ Blair ]
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones. [ Bible ]
That same face of yours looks like the title-page to a whole volume of roguery. [ Colley Gibber ]
There is no weariness like that which rises from doubting. It is unfixed reason. [ South ]
Experience does take dreadfully high school-wages, but he teaches like no other. [ Carlyle ]
Men are like Geneva watches with crystal faces, which expose the whole movement. [ Emerson ]
Truth, like the sun, submits to be obscured; but, like the sun, only for a time. [ Bovee ]