Fancy may kill or cure. [ Proverb ]
Kill a cockatrice in the egg. [ Proverb ]
What God will no frost can kill. [ Proverb ]
To kill two birds with one stone. [ Proverb ]
Hang sorrow! care will kill a cat,
And therefore let's be merry. [ G. Wither ]
Spiders that kill a man cure an ape. [ Proverb ]
Dogs that put up many hares kill none. [ Proverb ]
To shoot at a pigeon, and kill a crow. [ Proverb ]
Take not a musket to kill a butterfly. [ Proverb ]
Steel assassinates; the passions kill. [ Mme. Deluzy ]
Remove an old tree and you'll kill it. [ Proverb ]
I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways. [ William Shakespeare ]
Quartane agues kill old men and cure young. [ Proverb ]
Looks kill love, and love by looks reviveth. [ Shakespeare ]
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods;
They kill us for their sport. [ William Shakespeare ]
'Tis godlike to have power, but not to kill. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]
To bed, to bed; sleep kill those pretty eyes,
And give as soft attachment to thy senses,
As infants empty of all thought. [ William Shakespeare ]
Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. [ William Shakespeare ]
It is possible for a sheep to kill a butcher. [ Proverb ]
It is godlike to have power, but not to kill. [ Beaumont and Fletcher ]
There are more ways to kill a dog than hanging. [ Proverb ]
So lived our sires, ere doctors learned to kill,
And multiplied with theirs the weekly bill. [ Dryden ]
Neglect will sooner kill an injury than revenge. [ Proverb ]
The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers. [ William Shakespeare ]
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. [ Thoreau ]
Good men must die, but death cannot kill them quite. [ Proverb ]
Yet stab at thee who will, No stab the soul can kill! [ Sir Walter Raleigh ]
Who asks after the pedigree of a swine he is to kill? [ Proverb ]
Care will kill a cat, yet there is no living without it. [ Proverb ]
He that dallies with his enemy gives him leave to kill him. [ Proverb ]
He briskly and cheerfully asked him how a man should kill time. [ Rabelais ]
Obstacles usually stimulate passion, but sometimes they kill it. [ George Sand ]
Kill the lion's whelp; you will strive in vain when he is grown. [ Proverb ]
Many men kill themselves for love, but many more women die of it. [ Lemontey ]
Interest, ambition, fortune, time, temper, love, all kill friendship. [ Joseph Roux ]
She is not so ugly as to fright one, nor so beautiful as to kill one. [ Proverb ]
To kill two flies with one flapper; to kill two birds with one stone. [ German Proverb ]
This I ask, is it not madness to kill thyself in order to escape death! [ Martial ]
And when obedient nature knows his will, a fly, a grapestone, or a hair can kill. [ Prior ]
He who cannot govern his passions should kill them, as we kill a horse when we cannot master it. [ Chamfort ]
I have adopted the Roman sentiment, that it is more honorable to save a citizen than to kill an enemy. [ Dr. Johnson ]
Out, you impostors, quack-salving, cheating mountebanks! Your skill is to make sound men sick, and sick men kill. [ Massinger ]
If you're a young Mafia gangster out on your first date, I bet it's real embarrassing if someone tries to kill you. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
The pen is a formidable weapon; but a man can kill himself with it a great deal more easily than he can other people. [ G. D. Prentice ]
Calumny is a vice of curious constitution; trying to kill it keeps it alive; leave it to itself and it will die a natural death. [ Thomas Paine ]
All thought is immoral. Its very essence is destruction. If you think of anything you kill it. Nothing survives being thought of. [ Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance ]
Neglect will banish love, kill a lie, and silence slander; yet it will feed a malady, nourish hatred, and fill a garden with weeds. [ E. P. Day ]
I consider your very testy and quarrelsome people in the same light as I do a loaded gun, which may, by accident, go off and kill one. [ William Shenstone ]
You should not use a rifle that will kill an animal when everything goes right; you should use one that will do the job when everything goes wrong. [ Bob Hagel ]
As good almost kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself. [ Milton ]
A man may kill a tender and delicate wife by cold neglect, and ruin himself and her too by debauchery; but if he keeps within his own dwellings and does not disturb his neighbors, the law would be slow to move against him. [ A. S. Roe ]
We cannot speak a loyal word and be meanly silent; we cannot kill and not kill at the same moment; but a moment is room enough for the loyal and mean desire, for the outflash of a murderous thought, and the sharp backward stroke of repentance. [ George Eliot ]
To continue love in marriage is a science. It requires so little to kill those sweet emotions, those precious illusions, which form the charm of life; and it is so difficult to maintain a man at the height on which an exalted passion has placed him, especially when that man is one's husband! [ Mme. Reybaud ]
It takes twenty years to bring man from the state of embryo, and from that of a mere animal, as he is in his first infancy, to the point when his reason begins to dawn. It has taken thirty centuries to know his structure; it would take eternity to know something of his soul; it takes but an instant to kill him. [ Voltaire ]
I bet a fun thing would be to go way back in time to where there was going to be an eclipse and tell the cave men, If I have come to destroy you, may the sun be blotted out from the sky.
Just then the eclipse would start, and they'd probably try to kill you or something, but then you could explain about the rotation of the moon and all, and everyone would get a good laugh. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]