The honors of genius are eternal. [ Propertius ]
I have no urns, no dusty monuments;
No broken images of ancestors,
Wanting an ear, or nose; no forged tales
Of long descents, to boast false honors from. [ Ben Jonson ]
Honors achieved tar axceed those that are created. [ Solon ]
Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in deserving them. [ Aristotle ]
He is truly great that is little in himself, and that maketh no account of any height of honors. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
Knowledge, wit, and courage alone excite our admiration; and thou, sweet and modest Virtue, remainest without honors. [ J. J. Rousseau ]
It is a curious thing about the game of marriage - a game, by the way, that is going out of fashion - the wives hold all the honors and invariably lose the odd trick. [ Oscar Wilde, Lady Windemere's Fan ]
The enemy of art is the enemy of nature; art is nothing but the highest sagacity and exertions of human nature; and what nature will he honor who honors not the human? [ Lavater ]
The great inventor is one who has walked forth upon the industrial world, not from universities, but from hovels; not as clad in silks and decked with honors, but as clad in fustian and grimed with soot and oil. [ Isaac Taylor ]
Genius, with all its pride in its own strength, is but a dependent quality, and cannot put forth its whole powers nor claim all its honors without an amount of aid from the talents and labors of others which it is difficult to calculate. [ Bryant ]
Society is infected with rude, cynical, restless, and frivolous persons who prey upon the rest, and whom no public opinion concentrated into good manners, forms accepted by the sense of all, can reach; the contradictors and railers at public and private tables, who are like terriers, who conceive it the duty of a dog of honor to growl at any passer-by, and do the honors of the house by barking him out of sight. [ Emerson ]
Your invitation honors me, and pleases me because you still keep me in your remembrance, but I am seventy; seventy, and would nestle in the chimney-corner, and smoke my pipe, and read my book, and take my rest, wishing you well in all affection; and that when you in your return shall arrive at pier No. 70 you may step aboard your waiting ship with a reconciled spirit, and lay your course toward the sinking sun with a contented heart. [ Mark Twain, Seventieth Birthday speech ]