Love too late can never glow. [ Keble ]
The glow of the angel in woman. [ Mrs. Balfour ]
The sunset glow of self-possession. [ Chamfort ]
Breasts that beat, and cheeks that glow. [ Dr. Johnson ]
The heart must glow before the tongue can gild. [ W. R. Alger ]
Thy pleasure points the shaft, and bends the bow;
The cluster blasts, or bids it brightly glow. [ Dr. Young ]
When wrapt in fire, the realms of ether glow,
And Heaven's last thunder shakes the world below,
Thou, undismayed, shalt o'er the ruins smile,
And light thy torch at Nature's funeral pile. [ Thomas Campbell ]
Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright;
But looked too near, have neither heat nor light. [ Webster ]
Look in the glass when you with anger glow,
And you'll confess you scarce yourself would know. [ Ovid ]
The windflower and the violet, they perished long ago.
And the brier-rose and the orchis died amid the summer glow;
But on the hills the golden-rod, and the aster in the wood,
And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood.
Till fell the frost from the clear cold heaven, as falls the plague on men.
And the brightness of their smile was gone, from upland glade and glen. [ Bryant ]
They teach us to dance; O that they could teach us to blush, did it cost a guinea a glow! [ Madame Deluzy ]
A ray of imagination or of wisdom may enlighten the universe, and glow into remotest centuries. [ Bishop Berkeley ]
True goodness is like the glow-worm; it shines most when no eyes, except those of heaven are upon it. [ Anonymous ]
Decay and disease are often beautiful, like the pearly tear of the shellfish and the hectic glow of consumption. [ Thoreau ]
True goodness is like the glow-worm in this, that it shines most when no eyes except those of heaven are upon it. [ J. C. Hare ]
Sea Islanders; but a real human heart, with Divine love in it, beats with the same glow under all the patterns of all earth's thousand tribes. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]
If the Vikings were around today, they would probably be amazed at how much glow-in-the-dark stuff we have, and how we take so much of it for granted. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Men are tatooed with their special beliefs like so many South Sea islanders; but a real human heart, with divine love in it, beats with the same glow under all the patterns of all earth's thousand tribes. [ Oliver Wendell Holmes ]
Glow-worms are the image of women: when they are in the dark, one is struck with their brilliancy; as soon as they appear in the broad light of the world, one sees them in their true colors, with all their defects. [ Mme. Necker ]
Some men find happiness in gluttony and in drunkenness, but no delicate viands can touch their taste with the thrill of pleasure, and what generosity there is in wine steadily refuses to impart its glow to their shriveled hearts. [ Whipple ]
Association is the delight of the heart not less than of poetry. Alison observes that an autumn sunset, with its crimson clouds, glimmering trunks of trees, and wavering tints upon the grass, seems scarcely capable of embellishment. But if in this calm and beautiful glow the chime of a distant bell steal over the fields, the bosom heaves with the sensation that Dante so tenderly describes. [ Willmott ]
Art, not less eloquently than literature, teaches her children to venerate the single eye. Remember Matsys. His representations of miser-life are breathing. A forfeited bond twinkles in the hard smile. But follow him to an altar-piece. His Apostle has caught a stray tint from his usurer. Features of exquisite beauty are seen and loved; but the old nature of avarice frets under the glow of devotion. Pathos staggers on the edge of farce. [ Willmott ]