I gaze upon the thousand stars
That fill the midnight sky;
And wish, so passionately wish,
A light like theirs on high.
I have such eagerness of hope
To benefit my kind;
I feel as if immortal power
Were given to my mind. [ Miss Landon ]
Oft in the tranquil hour of night
When stars illume the sky,
I gaze upon each orb of light.
And wish that thou wert by. [ George Linley ]
She listen'd with a flitting blush.
With downcast eyes, and modest grace,
For well she knew I could not choose
But gaze upon her face. [ Coleridge ]
Like Dian's kiss, unasked, unsought,
Love gives itself, but is not bought;
Nor voice, nor sound betrays
Its deep, impassioned gaze. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Endymion ]
An Arab, by his earnest gaze,
Has clothed a lovely maid with blushes;
A smile within his eyelids plays
And into words his longing gushes. [ Wm. R. Alger ]
A lover's eyes will gaze an eagle blind. [ William Shakespeare ]
I know a mount, the gracious Sun perceives
First when he visits, last, too, when he leaves
The world; and, vainly favored, it repays
The day-long glory of his steadfast gaze
By no change of its large calm front of snow. [ Robert Browning ]
Thou art gone from my gaze like a beautiful dream.
And I seek thee in vain by the meadow and stream. [ George Linley ]
His words seem'd oracles
That pierced their bosoms; and each man would turn
And gaze in wonder on his neighbour's face,
That with the like dumb wonder answer'd him.
You could have heard
The beating of your pulses while he spoke. [ George Croly ]
No one sees what is before his feet: we all gaze at the stars. [ Cicero ]
You may not, cannot, appropriate beauty. It is the wealth of the eye, and a cat may gaze upon a king. [ Theodore Parker ]
Music is a kind of inarticulate unfathomable speech, which leads us to the edge of the infinite, and lets us for moments gaze into that. [ Carlyle ]
We know there oft is found an avarice in grief; and the war eye of sorrow loves to gaze upon its secret hoard of treasured woes, and pine in solitude. [ William Mason ]
Who is there that in logical words can express the affect that music has upon us? A kind of unfathomable speech, which leads us to the edge of the infinite, and lets us for moments gaze into that. [ T. Carlyle ]
A woman whose great beauty eclipses all others is seen with as many different eyes as there are people who look at her. Pretty women gaze with envy, homely women with spite, old men with regret, young men with transport. [ D'Argens ]
A few years hence and he will be beneath the sod; but those cliffs will stand, as now, facing the ocean, incessantly lashed by its waves, yet unshaken, immovable; and other eyes will gaze on them for their brief day of life, and then they, too, will close. [ H. P. Liddon ]
Gaze not on beauty too much, lest it blast thee; nor too long, lest it blind thee; nor too near, lest it burn thee. If thou like it, it deceives thee; if thou love it, it disturbs thee; if thou hunt after it, it destroys thee. If virtue accompany it, it is the heart's paradise; if vice associate it, it is the soul's purgatory. It is the wise man's bonfire, and the fool's furnace. [ Quarles ]
When I gaze into the stars, they look down upon me with pity from their serene and silent spaces, like eyes glistening with tears over the little lot of man. Thousands of generations, all as noisy as our own, have been swallowed up by time, and there remains no record of them any more. Yet Arcturus and Orion, Sirius and Pleiades, are still shining in their courses, clear and young, as when the shepherd first noted them in the plain of Shinar! [ Carlyle ]
Who can fathom the depth of a mother's love! No friendship so pure, so devoted; the wild storm of adversity and the bright sunshine of prosperity are all alike to her; however unworthy we may be of that affection, a mother never ceases to love her erring child. Often, when alone, as we gaze up to the starry heaven, can we in imagination catch a glimpse of the angels around the great white throne,
and among the brightest and fairest of them all is our sweet mother, ever beckoning us onward and upward to her celestial home. [ R. Smith ]