He that flees not will be fled from. [ Gaelic Proverb ]
The harp that once through Tara's halls
The soul of music shed.
Now hangs as mute on Tara's walls,
As if that soul were fled. [ Moore ]
No longer mourn for me when I am dead.
Than you shall hear the surly sullen bell
Give warning to the world that I am fled. [ William Shakespeare ]
The day begins to break, and night is fled.
Whose pitchy mantle over-veil'd the earth. [ William Shakespeare ]
Procrastination is the thief of time,
Year after year it steals, till all are fled
And to the mercies of a moment leaves
The vast concourse of an eternal scene. [ Young ]
Thyself no more deceive, thy youth hath fled. [ Petrarch ]
I fled, and cried out Death!
Hell trembled at the hideous name, and sigh'd
From all her caves, and back resounded Death. [ Milton ]
There was a laughing devil in his sneer,
That raised emotions both of rage and fear;
And where his frown of hatred darkly fell,
Hope withering fled, and mercy sighed farewell. [ Byron ]
Hope, withering, fled - and Mercy sighed farewell. [ Byron ]
Hope, withering, fled — and fancy sighed farewell. [ Byron ]
What remains when hope is fled? She answered, Endless weeping.
[ Rogers ]
We must not suppose ourselves always to have conquered a temptation when we have fled from it. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
Darkness is fled. Now flowers unfold their beauties to the sun, and blushing kiss the beam he sends to wake them. [ Sheridan ]