Fortune favors fools. [ Anonymous ]
Fortune favors the bold. [ Cicero ]
Fortune favors the brave. [ Virgil ]
Chance generally favors the prudent. [ Joubert ]
Be secret and discreet; the fairy favors are lost when not concealed. [ Dryden ]
If fortune favors you do not be elated; if she frowns do not despond. [ Ausonius ]
The gratitude of place-expectants is a lively sense of future favors. [ Sir Robert Walpole ]
Many dream not to find, neither deserve, and yet are steeped in favors. [ Shakespeare ]
Fortune never seems so blind as to those upon whom she confers no favors. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
The acceptance of favors from the other sex is a woman's first step towards self-committal. [ Mme. de Puisieux ]
Fortune, like a coy mistress, loves to yield her favors, though she makes us wrest them from her. [ Bovee ]
Be generous, and pleasant-tempered, and forgiving; even as God scatters favors over thee, do thou scatter over the people. [ Saadi ]
Necessity is a bad recommendation to favors of any kind, which as seldom fall to those who really want them, as to those who really deserve them. [ Fielding ]
I am not aware that payment, or even favors, however gracious, bind any man's soul and conscience in questions of highest morality and highest importance. [ Charles Kingsley ]
Glory is sometimes a low courtesan who on the road entices many who did not think of her. They are astonished to obtain favors without having done anything to deserve them. [ Prince de Ligne ]
Extremes touch: he who wants no favors from Fortune may be said to have obtained the very greatest that she can bestow, in realizing an independence which no changes can diminish. [ Chatfield ]
Many favors which God giveth us, ravel out for want of hemming, through our own unthankfulness, for through prayer purchaseth blessings, giving praise doth keep the quiet possession of them. [ Thomas Fuller ]
Love is rarely a hypocrite; but hate - how detect and how guard against it! It lurks where you least expect it; it is created by causes that you can the least foresee; and civilization multiplies its varieties, whilst it favors its disguise. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]