A shabby coat finds small credit. [ Italian Proverb ]
The shirt is nearer than the coat. [ Proverb ]
Cut your coat according to your cloth. [ Proverb ]
The wild bee reels from bough to bough
With his furry coat and his gauzy wing.
Now in a lily cup, and now
Setting a jacinth bell a-swing.
In his wandering. [ Oscar Wilde ]
According to her cloth she cut her coat. [ Dryden ]
He that has but one coat cannot lend it. [ Proverb ]
No man can make a good coat with bad cloth. [ Proverb ]
A smart coat is a good letter of introduction. [ Dutch Proverb ]
A royal heart is often hid under a tattered coat. [ Danish Proverb ]
The raven said to the rook, stand away black coat. [ Proverb ]
The wolf changes his coat, but not his disposition. [ Proverb ]
It is not the fine coat that makes the fine gentleman. [ Proverb ]
A thread-bare coat is armour-proof against highwaymen. [ Proverb ]
It is not every man who can afford to wear a shabby coat. [ Colton ]
Neither coat nor cloak will hold out against rain upon rain. [ Proverb ]
Were embroidery is wanting, perhaps a patched coat may serve. [ Proverb ]
A cheerful comrade is better than a waterproof coat and a foot-warmer. [ Henry van Dyke ]
The personal pronoun I
should be the coat of arms of some individuals. [ Rivarol ]
A fool may have his coat embroidered, but it will always be a fool's coat. [ Rivarol ]
When a man's coat is thread-bare, it is an easy thing to pick a hole in it. [ Proverb ]
If a louse miss its footing on his coat, it will be sure to break its neck. [ Proverb ]
A fool may have his coat embroidered with gold, but it is a fool's coat still. [ Rivarol ]
There are some people whose morals are only in the piece: they never make a coat. [ Joubert ]
Though a coat be never so fine that a fool wears, yet it is still but a fool's coat. [ Proverb ]
He that respects himself is safe from others; he wears a coat of mail that none can pierce. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
With an evening coat and a white tie, even a stock broker can gain a reputation for being civilized. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]
Let literature be an honorable augmentation to your arms, not constitute the coat or fill the escutcheon. [ S. T. Coleridge ]
A fine coat is but a livery when the person who wears it discovers no higher sense than that of a footman. [ Addison ]
Greatness is like a laced coat from Monmouth Street, which fortune lends us for a day to wear, tomorrow puts it on another's back. [ Fielding ]
Next to clothes being fine, they should be well made, and worn easily; for a man is only the less genteel for a fine coat, if, in wearing it, he shows a regard for it, and is not as easy in it as if it was a plain one. [ Chesterfield ]
A man is known to his dog by the smell, to his tailor by the coat, to his friend by the smile; each of these know him, but how little or how much depends on the dignity of the intelligence. That which is truly and indeed characteristic of the man is known only to God. [ Ruskin ]
It is not every man that can afford to wear a shabby coat; and worldly wisdom dictates to her disciples the propriety of dressing somewhat beyond their means, but of living somewhat within them, - for every one sees how we dress, but none see how we live, except we choose to let them. But the truly great are, by universal suffrage, exempted from these trammels, and may live or dress as they please. [ Colton ]
Wisdom is a fox who, after long hunting, will at last cost you the pains to dig out; it is a cheese, which, by how much the richer, has the thicker, the homlier, and the coarser coat; and whereof to a judicious palate, the maggots are best. It is a sack posset, wherein the deeper you go, you'll find it the sweeter. Wisdom is a hen, whose cackling we must value and consider, because it is attended with an egg. But lastly, it is a nut, which, unless you choose with judgment, may cost you a tooth, and pay you with nothing but a worm. [ Swift ]
Morals are an acquirement - like music, like a foreign language, like piety, poker, paralysis - no man is born with them. I wasn't myself, I started poor. I hadn't a single moral. There is hardly a man in this house that is poorer than I was then. Yes, I started like that - the world before me, not a moral in the slot. Not even an insurance moral. I can remember the first one I ever got. I can remember the landscape, the weather, the - I can remember how everything looked. It was an old moral, an old second-hand moral, all out of repair, and didn't fit, anyway. But if you are careful with a thing like that, and keep it in a dry place, and save it for processions, and Chautauquas, and World's Fairs, and so on, and disinfect it now and then, and give it a fresh coat of whitewash once in a while, you will be surprised to see how well she will last and how long she will keep sweet, or at least inoffensive. When I got that mouldy old moral, she had stopped growing, because she hadn't any exercise; but I worked her hard, I worked her Sundays and all. Under this cultivation she waxed in might and stature beyond belief, and served me well and was my pride and joy for sixty-three years; then she got to associating with insurance presidents, and lost flesh and character, and was a sorrow to look at and no longer competent for business. She was a great loss to me. Yet not all loss. I sold her - ah, pathetic skeleton, as she was - I sold her to Leopold, the pirate King of Belgium; he sold her to our Metropolitan Museum, and it was very glad to get her, for without a rag on, she stands 57 feet long and 16 feet high, and they think she's a brontosaur. Well, she looks it. They believe it will take nineteen geological periods to breed her match. [ Mark Twain, Seventieth Birthday speech ]