Allwork and no play,
Makes Jack a dull boy. [ Proverb ]
Love is a boy by poets spoiled. [ S. Butler ]
A boy's will is the wind's will. [ Longfellow ]
Leave boy's play and go to push-pin. [ Proverb ]
A boy is better unborn than untaught. [ Gascoigne ]
A boy is known by the company he keeps. [ Proverb ]
Oh, say! what is that thing called light,
Which I must never enjoy?
What are the blessings of the sight?
Oh, tell your poor blind boy! [ Colley Cibber ]
The least boy carries the biggest fiddle. [ Proverb ]
And I have loved thee. Ocean! and my joy
Of youthful sports was on thy breast to be
Borne, like thy bubbles, onward; from a boy
I wanton'd with thy breakers. [ Byron ]
As waggish boys in games themselves forswear,
So the boy love is perjured everywhere. [ William Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream, Act I. Sc.1 ]
Thanks to the gods; my boy has done his duty. [ Addison ]
If you play with boys, you must take boy's play. [ Proverb ]
A child's birds, and a boy's wife are well used. [ Proverb ]
Ah! happy years! once more who would not be a boy! [ Byron ]
Every man to his trade, quoth the boy to the bishop. [ Proverb ]
He's an ill boy that goes like a top, no longer than it is whipt. [ Proverb ]
What is that to him that reaps not harvest of his youthful joys,
Though the deep heart of existence beat forever like a boy's? [ Tennyson ]
And all labor without any play, boys. Makes Jack a dull boy in the end. [ H. A. Page ]
The boy who uses vulgar words will be shunned by all right-minded boys.
That blind, rascally boy that abuses everyone's eyes, because his own are out. [ William Shakespeare ]
Let nothing foul to either eye or ear reach those doors within which dwells a boy. [ Juvenal ]
No boy is well prepared for rough climbing, unless he is well shod with Christian principles.
Once he saw a youth blushing, and addressed him, Courage, my boy; that is the complexion of virtue.
[ Diogenes Laertius ]
I would keep better hours, if I were a boy again; that is I would go to bed earlier than most boys do. [ James Fields ]
Love is a malicious blind boy, who seeks to blind the eyes of his guide, that both may go astray together.
I think I should know how to educate a boy, but not a girl; I should be in danger of making her too learned. [ Niebuhr ]
Happy is the boy whose mother is tired of talking nonsense to him before he is old enough to know the sense of it. [ Hare ]
The influence of custom is incalculable; dress a boy as a man and he will at once change his own conception of himself. [ Bayle St. John ]
No flattery, boy! an honest man cannot live by it; it is a little, sneaking art, which knaves use to cajole and soften fools withal. [ Otway ]
I like books. I was born and bred among them, and have the easy feeling when I get in their presence, that a stable-boy has among horses. [ O. W. Holmes ]
Every school boy and school girl who has arrived at the age of reflection ought to know something about the history of the art of printing. [ Horace Mann ]
Beautiful is Peace! A lovely boy lies he reclining by a quiet rill. But war too has its honour, the promoter as it is of the destiny of man. [ Friedrich Schiller ]
The good things of life are not to be had singly, but come to us with a mixture; like a school-boy's holiday, with a task affixed to the tail of it. [ Charles Lamb ]
The idiot, the Indian, the child, and unschooled farmer's boy stand nearer to the light by which nature is to be read, than the dissector or the antiquary. [ Emerson ]
Bright and illustrious illusions! Who can blame, who laugh at the boy, who not admire and commend him, for that desire of a fame outlasting the Pyramids by which he insensibly learns to live in a life beyond the present, and nourish dreams of a good unattainable by the senses? [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
Give me the boy who rouses when he is praised, who profits when he is encouraged and who cries when he is defeated. Such a boy will be fired by ambition; he will be stung by reproach, and aminated by preference; never shall I apprehend any bad consequences from idleness in such a boy. [ Quintilian ]
Mankind are in the end always governed by superiority of intellectual faculties, and none are more sensible of this than the military profession. When, on my return from Italy, I assumed the dress of the Institute, and associated with men of science, I knew what I was doing: I was sure of not being misunderstood by the lowest drummer boy in the army. [ Napoleon I ]
One man affirms that he has rode post a hundred miles in six hours: probably it is a lie; but supposing it to be true, what then? Why, he is a very good post-boy; that is all. Another asserts, and probably not without oaths, that he has drunk six or eight bottles of wine at a sitting; out of charity I will believe him a liar; for, if I do not, I must think him a beast. [ Chesterfield ]
If you're a Thanksgiving dinner, but you don't like the stuffing or the cranberry sauce or anything else, just pretend like you're eating it, but instead, put it all in your lap and form it into a big mushy ball. Then, later, when you're out back having cigars with the boys, let out a big fake cough and throw the ball to the ground. Then say, Boy, these are good cigars!
[ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]
Mr. Johnson had never, by his own account, been a close student, and used to advise young people never to be without a book in their pocket, to be read at bye-times, when they had nothing else to do. It has been by that means,
said he to a boy at our house one day, that all my knowledge has been gained, except what I have picked up by running about the world with my wits ready to observe, and my tongue ready to talk.
[ Mrs. Piozzi ]
Throughout the pages of history we are struck with the fact that our remarkable men possessed mothers of uncommon talents for good or bad, and great energy of character; it would almost seem from this circumstance, that the impress of the mother is more frequently stamped on the boy, and that of the father upon the girl - we mean the mental intellectual impress, in distinction from the physical ones. Mothers will do well to remember that their impress is often stamped upon their sons. [ Helen Mar ]