Help from above. [ Motto ]
Truth and oil are ever above. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
Who the race of men doth love,
Loves also him above. [ Lewis Morris ]
Little moments make an hour.
Little thoughts a book,
Little seeds a tree or flower.
Water-drops a brook;
Little deeds of faith and love
Make a home for you above. [ Anonymous ]
O Thou above all gods supreme. [ Klopstock ]
Above all, gentlemen, no zeal. [ Talleyrand ]
Not as a vulture, but a dove,
The Holy Ghost came from above. [ Longfellow, after Fuller ]
A lovely girl is above all rank. [ Charles Buxton ]
A gallant man is above ill words. [ Selden ]
Wise above that which is written. [ St. Paul ]
Not God above gets all men's love. [ Proverb ]
The wind breathes not, and the wave
Walks softly as above a grave. [ Bailey ]
Above all things reverence thyself. [ Pythagoras ]
And the Raven, never flitting.
Still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas
Just above my chamber door;
And his eyes have all the seeming
Of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamplight over him streaming
Throws his shadow on the floor.
And my soul from out that shadow,
That lies floating on the floor,
Shall be lifted - nevermore. [ Poe ]
Here's a sigh for those who love me,
And a smile for those who hate,
And whatever sky's above me,
Here's a heart for every fate. [ Byron ]
Just above yon sandy bar,
As the day grows fainter and dimmer.
Lonely and lovely, a single star
Lights the air with a dusky glimmer. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]
I live for those who love me.
For those who know me true,
For the heavens that bend above me.
And await my spirit too;
For the cause that needs assistance.
For the wrongs that lack resistance,
For the future in the distance.
And the good that I can do. [ Thomas Guthrie ]
The price of wisdom is above rubies. [ Bible ]
To be beloved is above all bargains. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]
In blissful dream, in silent night.
There came to me, with magic might,
With magic might, my own sweet love,
Into my little room above. [ Heine ]
For faith, and peace, and mighty love
That from the Godhead flow,
Show'd them the life of heaven above
Springs from the earth below. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Neither above nor below his business. [ Tacitus ]
Grass grows at last above all graves. [ Julia C. R. Dorr ]
You put the clown above the gentleman. [ Proverb ]
Good health is infinitely above wealth. [ Proverb ]
Even the gods above are subject to law. [ Ovid ]
Then fill each hour with what will last;
Buy up the moments as they go;
The life above, when this is past,
Is the ripe fruit of life below. [ Horatius Bonar ]
Caesar's wife should be above suspicion. [ Plut ]
Oh, if there is one thing above the rest
Written in Wisdom - if there is a word
That I would trace as with a pen of fire
Upon the unsullied temper of a child —
If there is anything that keeps the mind
Open to angel visits, and repels
The ministry of ill - It is Love. [ N. P. Willis ]
Above the vulgar flight of common souls. [ Arthur Murphy ]
Look above you, and then look about you. [ Proverb ]
Say first, of God above or man below.
What can we reason but from what we know? [ Pope ]
Love rules the camp, the court, the grove,
And men below and saints above;
For love is heaven, and heaven is love. [ Scott ]
Boldly and wisely in that light thou hast.
There is a Hand above will help thee on. [ Bailey ]
Love betters what is best,
Even here below, but more in heaven above. [ Wordsworth ]
Death is not rare, alas! nor burials few,
And soon the grassy coverlet of God
Spreads equal green above their ashes pale. [ Bayard Taylor ]
Be you never so high, the law is above you. [ Proverb ]
I desire to see the things which are above. [ Motto ]
Things which are above us are nothing to us. [ Proverb ]
Heaven is above all yet; there sits a judge.
That no king can corrupt. [ William Shakespeare ]
Great is truth, and mighty above all things. [ Apocrypha ]
The stars are forth, the moon above the tops
Of the snow-shining mountains - Beautiful!
I linger yet with nature, for the night
Hath been to me a more familiar face
Than that of man; and in her starry shade
Of dim and solitary loveliness,
I learned the language of another world. [ Byron ]
The grave, where sets the orb of being, sets
To rise, ascend, and culminate above
Eternity's horizon evermore. [ Abraham Coles ]
All below is strength, and all above is grace. [ Dryden ]
O happiness of blindness! now no beauty
Inflames my lust; no other's goods my envy,
Or misery my pity; no man's wealth
Draws my respect; nor poverty my scorn,
Yet still I see enough! man to himself
Is a large prospect, raised above the level
Of his low creeping thoughts; if then I have
A world within myself, that world shall be
My empire; there I'll reign, commanding freely,
And willingly obeyed, secure from fear
Of foreign forces, or domestic treasons. [ Denham ]
He is below himself who is not above an injury. [ Quarles ]
Little deeds of kindness, little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden like the heaven above. [ F. S. Osgood ]
There is ever a song somewhere, my dear,
Be the skies above or dark or fair,
There is ever a song that our hearts may hear -
There is ever a song somewhere, my dear -
There is ever a song somewhere. [ James Whitcomb Riley ]
The stream can never rise above the spring-head. [ Proverb ]
Power above powers!
O heavenly eloquence!
That with the strong rein of commanding words,
Dost manage, guide, and master the eminence
Of men's affections, more than all their swords! [ Daniel ]
Something beyond! The immortal morning stands
Above the night, clear shines her prescient brow;
The pendulous star in her transfigured hands
Lights up the Now. [ Mary Clemmer ]
Character teaches over our head, above our wills. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
No man can ever rise above that at which he aims. [ Archibald A. Hodge ]
Diligence, above all, is the mother of good luck. [ Samuel Smiles ]
And high above the fight the lonely bugle grieves. [ Grenville Mellin ]
Fate holds the strings, and men like children move
But as they're led; success is from above. [ Lord Lansdowne ]
Gifts come from above in their own peculiar forms. [ Goethe ]
A perfect faith would lift us absolutely above fear. [ George MacDonald ]
He is above his enemies that despises their injuries. [ Proverb ]
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. [ St. James ]
The kid that keeps above, is in no danger of the wolf. [ Proverb ]
He that hews above his height, may have chips in his eyes. [ Proverb ]
Mark how there still has run, inwoven from above,
Through thy life's darkest woof, the golden thread of love. [ R. C. Trench ]
Generosity is the part of the soul raised above the vulgar. [ Goldsmith ]
Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. [ Victor Hugo ]
We should be above jealousy when there is real cause for it. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
Things above your height are to be looked at, not reached at. [ Proverb ]
It would take an angel from above to paint the immortal soul. [ Mrs. Welby ]
In life, as in a promenade, woman must lean on a man above her. [ A. Karr ]
For any man to match above his rank is but to sell his liberty. [ Massinger ]
Without philosophy we should be little above the lower animals. [ Voltaire ]
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. [ Colossians, chap. iii ]
Government is an art above the attainment of an ordinary genius. [ South ]
To place wit above sense, is to place superfluity above utility. [ Mme. de Maintenon ]
All's one to her; above her fan she'd make sweet eyes to Caliban. [ Aldrich ]
A profound conviction raises a man above the feeling of ridicule. [ J. Stuart Mill ]
An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves. [ Mrs. L. M. Child ]
Reason can discover things only near, - sees nothing that's above her. [ Quarles ]
He that thinks his business below him, will always be above his business. [ Proverb ]
Prefer diligence before idleness, unless you esteem rust above brightness. [ Plato ]
Man should place himself above prejudices, and woman should submit to them. [ Mme. Necker ]
Poetry is the music of the soul, and, above all, of great and feeling souls. [ Voltaire ]
Whilst we converse with what is above us, we do not grow old, but grow young. [ Emerson ]
Envy, like flame, blackens that which is above it, and which it cannot reach. [ J. Petit-Senn ]
In politics, as in life, we must above all things wish only for the attainable. [ Heine ]
None can give the dew but God; it comes from above, and is of celestial origin. [ Bishop Reynolds ]
To elevate above the spirit of the age must be regarded as the end of education. [ Jean Paul ]
Man is the merriest species of the creation; all above or below him are serious. [ Addison ]
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune, but great minds rise above it. [ Washington Irving ]
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? [ Bible ]
True dignity is his whose tranquil mind virtue has raised above the things below. [ Beattie ]
I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience. [ William Shakespeare ]
Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortunes; but great minds rise above them. [ Washington Irving ]
Where musing Solitude might love to lift her soul above this sphere of earthliness. [ Shelley ]
Let us be thankful for health and competence, and, above all, for a quiet conscience. [ Izaak Walton ]
Reason cannot show itself more reasonable than to cease reasoning on things above reason. [ Sir P. Sidney ]
Strong conceit, like a new principle, carries all easily with it, when yet above common-sense. [ Locke ]
Poetry is right royal. It puts the individual for the species, the one above the infinite many. [ Hazlitt ]
Vanity, shame, and, above all, temperament, often make the valor of men, and the virtue of women. [ La Rochefoucauld ]
You will as often find a great man above, as below, his reputation, when once you come to know him. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
True philosophy raises us above grandeur, but nothing can raise us above the ennui which it causes. [ Mme. de Maintenon ]
Men of limited intelligence generally condemn everything that is above their power of understanding. [ La Roche ]
Heaven's above all; and there be souls that must be saved, and there be souls that must not be saved. [ William Shakespeare ]
Studies teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. [ Bacon ]
Truth may be stretched, but cannot be broken, and always gets above falsehood, as oil does above water. [ Cervantes ]
Philosophy may raise us above grandeur, but nothing can elevate us above the ennui which accompanies it. [ Mme. de Maintenon ]
The very beautiful rarely love at all. Those precious images are placed above the reach of the passions. [ Lander ]
Not because I raise myself above something but because I raise myself to something, do I approve myself. [ Jacobi ]
It is the coward who fawns upon those above him. It is the coward that is insolent whenever he dares be so. [ Junius ]
The happiest man is he, who being above the troubles which money brings, has his hands the fullest of Work. [ Anthony Trollope ]
He who climbs above the cares of this world and turns his face to his God, has found the sunny side of life. [ Spurgeon ]
From yon blue heaven above us bent, the grand old gardener and his wife smile at the claims of long descent. [ Tennyson ]
To maintain an opinion because it is thine, and not because it is true, is to prefer thyself above the truth. [ Venning ]
The two most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us. [ An Indian sage ]
An oath is a recognizance to heaven, binding us over in the courts above to plead to the indictment of our crimes. [ Southern ]
The man who will live above his present circumstances is in great danger of living, in a little, much beneath them. [ Addison ]
I too must attempt a way by which I may raise myself above the ground, and soar triumphant through the lips of men. [ Virgil ]
Give me the liberty to know, to think, to believe, and to utter freely, according to conscience, above all other liberties. [ Milton ]
There are attractions in modest diffidence above the force of words. A silent address is the genuine eloquence of sincerity. [ Goldsmith ]
Let no knowledge satisfy but that which lifts above the world, which weans from the world, which makes the world a footstool. [ Spurgeon ]
Few things are more unpleasant than the transaction of business with men who are above knowing or caring what they have to do. [ Johnson ]
If you cannot inspire a woman with love of you, fill her above the brim with love of herself: all that runs over will be yours. [ Colton ]
A coldness or an incivility from such as are above us makes us hate them, but a salute or a smile quickly reconciles us to them.
Reason is the glory of human nature, and one of the chief eminences whereby we are raised above the beasts, in this lower world. [ Dr. Watts ]
Not because of any extraordinary talents did he succeed, but because he had a capacity on a level for business and not above it. [ Tacitus ]
I am above being injured by fortune; though she snatch away much, more will remain to me. The blessings I now enjoy transcend fear. [ Ov ]
No age, sex, or condition is above or below the absolute necessity of modesty; but without it one is vastly beneath the rank of man. [ Barton ]
A noble life, crowned with heroic death, rises above and outlives the pride and pomp and glory of the mightiest empires of the earth. [ James A. Garfield ]
What the poet has to cultivate above all things is love and truth; - what he has to avoid, like poison, is the fleeting and the false. [ Leigh Hunt ]
Her head was bare, but for her native ornament of hair, which in a simple knot was tied above - sweet negligence, unheeded bait of love! [ Dryden ]
Rules may teach us not to raise the arms above the head; but if passion carries them, it will be well done; passion knows more than art. [ Baron ]
The mind of a thoroughly well-informed man is like a bric-a-brac shop, all monsters and dust and everything priced above its proper value. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]
Make the most and the best of your lot, and compare yourself not with the few that are above you, but with the multitudes which are below you. [ Johnson ]
Never shrink from doing anything which your business calls you to do. The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him. [ Drew ]
He that is proud of riches is a fool. For if he be exalted above his neighbors because he hath more gold, how much inferior is he to a gold mine! [ Jeremy Taylor ]
Witty, above all, O be not witty; none of us is bound to be witty, under penalties; to be wise and true we all are, under the terriblest penalties. [ Carlyle ]
To set the mind above the appetites is the end of abstinence, which one of the Fathers observes to be, not a virtue, but the groundwork of a virtue. [ Johnson ]
Do you wish to be free? Then above all things, love God, love your neighbor, love one another, love the common weal; then you will have true liberty. [ Savonarola ]
The most manifest sign of wisdom is a continual cheerfulness; her state is like that of things in the regions above the moon, always clear and serene. [ Montaigne ]
Pride is like the beautiful acacia, that lifts its bead proudly above its neighbor plants - forgetting that it too, like them, has its roots in the dirt. [ Bovee ]
There is a greatness in being generous, and there is only simple justice in satisfying creditors. Generosity is the part of the soul raised above the vulgar. [ Goldsmith ]
Hath any wronged thee? be bravely revenged; slight it, and the work is begun; forgive it, and it is finished; he is below himself that is not above an injury. [ Quarles ]
Measure not thyself by thy morning shadow, but by the extent of thy grave; and reckon thyself above the earth by the line thou must be contented with under it. [ Sir T. Browne ]
Power above powers! O heavenly eloquence! that, with the strong reign of commanding words, dost manage, guide and master the high eminence of men's affections! [ Daniel ]
It is a gentle and affectionate thought, that in immeasurable height above us, at our first birth, the wreath of love was woven with sparkling stars for flowers. [ Coleridge ]
Slander and detraction can have no influence, can make no impression, upon the righteous Judge above. None to thy prejudice, but a sad and fatal one to their own. [ Thomas à Kempis ]
Humour is a sort of inverse sublimity, exalting, as it were, into our affections what is below us, while sublimity draws down into our affections what is above us. [ Carlyle ]
Praise is the best auxiliary to prayer; and he who most bears in mind what has been done for him by God will be most emboldened to supplicate fresh gifts from above. [ Henry Melvill ]
Equality is the life of conversation; and he is as much out who assumes to himself any part above another, as he who considers himself below the rest of the society. [ Steele ]
A smile is ever the most bright and beautiful with a tear upon it. What is the dawn without the dew? The tear is rendered by the smile precious above the smile itself. [ Landor ]
It is possible to be below flattery as well as above it. One who trusts nobody will not trust sycophants. One who does not value real glory will not value its counterfeit. [ Macaulay ]
Mediocrity is now, as formerly, dangerous, commonly fatal, to the poet; but among even the successful writers of prose, those who rise sensibly above it are the very rarest exceptions. [ Gladstone ]
Pray for and work for fullness of life above everything; full red blood in the body; full honesty and truth in the mind; and the fullness of a grateful love for the Saviour in your heart. [ Phillips Brooks ]
The joys of heaven are without example, above experience, and beyond imagination - for which the whole creation wants a comparison; we, an apprehension; and even the Word of God, a revelation. [ Bishop Norris ]
Noble blood! bah! What blood is more noble or so pure as that of the lion? And yet he is only a brute. It is merit, education and virtue, not blood, that lift men above the level of the brutes. [ Michael le Faucheur ]
It is the work of fancy to enlarge, but of judgment to shorten and contract; and therefore this must be as far above the other as judgment is a greater and nobler faculty than fancy or imagination. [ South ]
Fame confers a rank above that of gentleman and of kings. As soon as she issues her patent of nobility, it matters not a straw whether the recipient be the son of a Bourbon or of it tallow-chandler. [ Bulwer-Lytton ]
There is a moral excellence attainable by all who have the will to strive after it; but there is an intellectual and physical superiority which is above the reach of our wishes, and is granted to a few only. [ Crabb ]
Simplicity and purity are the two wings by which man is lifted up above all earthly things. Simplicity is in the intention; purity in the affection. Simplicity tends to God, purity apprehends and tastes him. [ Thomas a Kempis ]
The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous; and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again. [ Thomas Paine ]
The more we can be raised above the petty vexations and pleasures of this world into the eternal life to come, the more shall we be prepared to enter into that eternal life whenever God shall please to call us hence. [ Dean Stanley ]
Humour has justly been regarded as the finest perfection of poetic genius. He who wants it, be his other gifts what they may, has only half a mind; an eye for what is above him, not for what is about him or below him. [ Carlyle ]
We should carry up our affections to the mansions prepared for us above, where eternity is the measure, felicity the state, angels the company, the Lamb the light, and God the inheritance and portion of His people forever. [ Jeremy Taylor ]
Do not fear to put novels into the hands of young people as an occasional holiday experiment, but above all, good poetry in all kinds, - epic, tragedy, lyric. If we can touch the imagination, we serve them; they will never forget it. [ Emerson ]
Art is the effort of man to express the ideas which nature suggests to him of a power above nature, whether that power be within the recesses of his own being, or in the Great First Cause of which nature, like himself, is but the effect. [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]
Genius is that power of man which by its deeds and actions gives laws and rules; and it does not, as used to be thought, manifest itself only by over-stepping existing laws, breaking established rules, and declaring itself above all restraint. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]
The parallel circumstances and kindred images to which we readily conform our minds are, above all other writings, to be found in the lives of particular persons, and therefore no species of writing seems more worthy of cultivation than biography. [ Dr. Johnson ]
Great men, though far above us, are felt to be our brothers; and their elevation shows us what vast possibilities are wrapped up in our common humanity. They beckon us up the gleaming heights to whose summits they have climbed. Their deeds are the woof of this world's history. [ Moses Harvey ]
O blessed health! thou art above all gold and treasure; 'tis thou who enlargest the soul, and openest all its powers to receive instruction, and to relish virtue. He that has thee has little more to wish for, and he that is so wretched as to want thee, wants everything with thee. [ Sterne ]
Extreme old age is childhood; extreme wisdom is ignorance, for so it may be called, since the man whom the oracle pronounced the wisest of men professed that he knew nothing; yea, push a coward to the extreme and he will show courage; oppress a man to the last, and he will rise above oppression. [ J. Beaumont ]
If our eloquence be directed above the heads of our hearers, we shall do no execution. By pointing our arguments low, we stand a chance of hitting their hearts as well as their heads. In addressing angels, we could hardly raise our eloquence too high; but we must remember that men are not angels. [ Colton ]
The education which has, however, made me a writer has been a living one. I have not only read much, I have seen much, and enjoyed much, and, above all, I have sorrowed much. God has put into my hands every cup of life, sweet and bitter, and the bitter has often become sweet, and the sweet bitter. [ Amelia E. Barr, The Art of Authorship, 1891 ]
A literary career is a more thorny path than that which leads to fortune. If you have the misfortune not to rise above mediocrity, you feel mortified for life; and if you are successful, a host of enemies spring up against you. Thus you find yourself on the brink of an abyss between contempt and hatred. [ Voltaire ]
Men pursue riches under the idea that their possession will set them at pace, and above the world. But the law of association often makes those who begin by loving gold as a servant finish by becoming themselves its slaves; and independence without wealth is at least as common as wealth without independence. [ Colton ]
True humor springs not more from the head than from the heart; it is not contempt; its essence is love: it issues not in laughter, but in still smiles, which lie far deeper. It is a sort of inverse sublimity, exalting, as it were, into our affections what is below us, while sublimity draws down into our affections what is above us. [ Carlyle ]
The study of art possesses this great and peculiar charm, that it is absolutely unconnected with the struggles and contests of ordinary life. By private interests, by political questions, men are deeply divided, and set at variance; but beyond and above all such party strifes, they are attracted and united by a taste for the beautiful in art. [ Guizot ]
Nothing makes a woman more esteemed by the opposite sex than chastity; whether it be that we always prize those most who are hardest to come at, or that nothing besides chastity, with its collateral attendants, truth, fidelity, and constancy, gives the man a property in the person he loves, and consequently endears her to him above all things. [ Addison ]
All the poets are indebted more or less to those who have gone before them; even Homer's originality has been questioned, and Virgil owes almost as much to Theocritus, in his Pastorals, as to Homer, in his Heroics; and if our own countryman. Milton, has soared above both Homer and Virgil, it is because he has stolen some feathers from their wings. [ Colton ]
It is a mathematical demonstration, that these twenty-six letters admit of so many changes in their order, and make such a long roll of differently-ranged alphabets, not two of which are alike, that they could not all be exhausted though a million millions of writers should each write above a thousand alphabets a day for the space of a million millions of years. [ R. Bentley ]
To be honest, to be kind, to earn a little, and to spend a little less, to make upon the whole a family happier for his presence, to renounce when that shall be necessary and not to be embittered, to keep a few friends, but these without capitulation; above all, on the same condition, to keep friends with himself: here is a task for all a man has of fortitude and delicacy. [ Robert Louis Stevenson ]
You must study to give colour by apt images, and warmth by natural passion and earnestness. The music of words and the cadence of sentences is a matter which depends on the ear. Above all things monotony in the form of the sentences is to be avoided; variety means wealth and always pleases. Condensation also ought to be particularly studied, and a loose, rambling, ill-compacted form of sentence avoided. [ John Stuart Blackie, The Art Of Authorship, 1891 ]
In eloquence, the great triumphs of the art are when the orator is lifted above himself; when consciously he makes himself the mere tongue of the occasion and the hour, and says what cannot but be said. Hence the term abandonment,
to describe the self-surrender of the orator. Not his will, but the principle on which he is horsed, the great connection and crisis of events, thunder in the ear of the crowd. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]
Whosoever shall look heedfully upon those who are eminent for their riches will not think their condition such as that he should hazard his quiet, and much less his virtue, to obtain it, for all that great wealth generally gives above a moderate fortune is more room for the freaks of caprice, and more privilege for ignorance and vice, a quicker succession of flatteries, and a larger circle of voluptuousness. [ Johnson ]
Wherever there is a sky above him and a world around him, the poet is in his place; for here too is man's existence, with its infinite longings and small acquirings; its ever-thwarted, ever-renewed endeavours; its unspeakable aspirations, its fears and hopes that wander through eternity; and all the mystery of brightness and of gloom that it was ever made of, in any age or climate, since man first began to live. [ Carlyle ]
As monarchs have a right to call in the specie of a state, and raise its value, by their own impression; so are there certain prerogative geniuses, who are above plagiaries, who cannot be said to steal, but, from their improvement of a thought, rather to borrow it, and repay the commonwealth of letters with interest again; and may more properly be said to adopt, than to kidnap a sentiment, by leaving it heir to their own fame. [ Sterne ]
We have more poets than judges and interpreters of poetry. It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one. There is, indeed, a certain low and moderate sort of poetry, that a man may well enough judge by certain rules of art: but the true, supreme, and divine poesy is equally above all rules and reason. And whoever discerns the beauty of it with the most assured and most steady sight sees no more than the quick reflection of a flash of lightning. [ Montaigne ]
What profusion is there in His work! When trees blossom there is not a single breastpin, but a whole bosom full of gems; and of leaves they have so many suits that they can throw them away to the winds all summer long. What unnumbered cathedrals has He reared in the forest shades, vast and grand, full of curious carvings, and haunted evermore by tremulous music; and in the heavens above, how do stars seem to have flown out of His hand faster than sparks out of a mighty forge! [ Beecher ]