Words Extracted From The
Mammoth Uncensored Word List (344,306 Words)

Mammoth Uncensored Word List (344,306 Words)

11 letter words ending in re in the mammoth uncensored word list.

This is a list of all words that end with the letters re and are 11 letters long contained within the uncensored mammoth word list. This is an uncensored word list, and it has some really nasty words. If this offends you, use instead. If you need more resolution than 2 letters, try our live dictionary words ending with search tool, operating on the uncensored mammoth word list.

184 Words

(0.053441 % of all words in this word list.)

abandonware acupressure acupuncture aecidospore agriculture anthochlore antiseizure antiwelfare aplanospore aquaculture aquiculture archesphere arthrospore astrosphere autogravure bacterivore bathysphere bersagliere billionaire blastophore blastospore bonbonniere bouquetiere boutonniere candidature carabiniere cephalomere chemosphere chromophore clinochlore coadventure coccosphere compressure conchospore condottiere conjuncture consigliere contracture cosmosphere counterbore counterfire countermure crackleware craniophore crippleware declinature decomposure decumbiture dermatomere detritovore diminoflore disarmature disaventure disjointure disjuncture displeasure distincture divestiture doctrinaire duplicature earthenware ensepulchre entablature expenditure exudativore farthermore ferronniere fluorophore foreclosure forevermore furthermore gametophore gelliflowre genouillere gomphothere graniteware gravisphere groundshare halfmeasure heliosphere hydrosphere hymenophore hypersphere implicature incurvature insculpture insectivore intersphere invertivore investiture isodiaphere keratophyre kinetochore kitchenware lacquerware lamprophyre leatherware legionnaire legislature leucosphere lithosphere lowpressure majoritaire manufacture mariculture melanophore mentonniere mesentomere microampere microsclere microsphere milliampere millionaire minilecture minoritaire monoculture musculature myrrhophore nematophore nonfolklore nonfracture odontophore ommatophore orthocentre osteosuture overdeclare overdenture overmeasure overpicture overprepare overrestore ozonosphere petrosphere phaneromere photosphere planisphere ploughshare polyculture pomiculture portraiture preexposure profitshare progeniture proveditore purpresture pyrogravure quasisphere reconfigure reconnoitre recurvature relicensure restructure rhizosphere rotogravure selftorture sepiostaire sericulture skillcentre supernature supersedere supersedure tectosphere temperature terpsichore tetrasphere theretofore thermophore throughfare titanothere transfigure trichophore trochophore troposphere ultrasecure underinsure unigeniture urbiculture urediospore vasculature viniculture viticulture vociculture xanthophore zillionaire