Words Extracted From The
Mammoth Uncensored Word List (344,306 Words)

Mammoth Uncensored Word List (344,306 Words)

10 letter words ending in c in the mammoth uncensored word list.

This is a list of all words that end with the letter c and are 10 letters long contained within the uncensored mammoth word list. This is an uncensored word list, and it has some really nasty words. If this offends you, use instead. If you need more resolution than 2 letters, try our live dictionary words ending with search tool, operating on the uncensored mammoth word list.

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ablastemic acetylenic acherontic achromatic acolaustic acolouthic acroamatic acrocranic acrolithic acrophobic acrophonic acrophytic activistic adenocytic adiactinic adipocytic adipogenic adipolytic adipopexic adrenergic aerobiotic aerocystic aerometric aeronautic aerophagic aerophobic aerophoric aerophytic aerostatic aerotactic aerotropic aetiologic agamogenic agraphobic agrichemic agrochemic agrophytic agrypnotic albinistic aldermanic algolagnic algophobic algorismic alkahestic allanturic allergenic alloerotic allogeneic allometric allopathic allopatric allophanic allophonic allosteric allotropic alphabetic alphameric alphametic altimetric altruistic alveolitic amebocytic ametabolic amniocytic amphibolic amphigoric amphoteric amylolytic amyotropic anabolitic anachronic anaclastic anacoustic anacrustic anaglyphic anaglyptic anakinetic anamnestic anamniotic anamorphic anapaestic anaplastic anaptyctic anchoretic anchoritic anchylotic andrarchic androgenic andrologic andronymic anemologic anesthetic angiogenic angiotaxic anharmonic anhidrotic anhydrotic anisomeric annalistic anorthitic antibiotic anticyclic antidromic antiemetic antierotic antiheroic antilithic antipathic antipoetic antiseptic antistatic antithetic antizootic anxiolytic aphaeretic aphephobic aphoristic apoblastic apodeictic apoenzymic apogametic apolaustic apolegamic apologetic apopemptic apoplectic aposematic apotropaic aptronymic aquaphobic aragonitic archaistic archeozoic archetypic argillitic argonautic arithmetic arrhythmic arthralgic ascocarpic ascosporic aspermatic assertoric asthenopic astigmatic astrocytic astrologic astronomic astronymic asymmetric asymptotic asyntactic asyzygetic athrocytic atraumatic audiogenic audiologic auricyanic auriscopic aurocyanic austenitic authigenic autochemic autocratic autoerotic autogeneic autohaemic autophobic autophytic autoscopic autostylic autotropic auxodromic aviophobic axoplasmic azeotropic azobenzoic azygomatic bacilluric bacteremic bacteruric baphometic barbituric baroclinic barometric barophilic barophobic baroscopic basophilic batholitic bathylitic battologic bentonitic bicephalic bicondylic bimetallic bioblastic biocenotic biocentric bioclastic biodynamic biogenetic biographic biokinetic biomimetic biomorphic bioorganic bioplasmic bioplastic biorythmic biospheric biotrophic blastodisc bolometric bradytelic bromacetic bromoauric bronchitic bryophagic bryophytic cabalistic cacochymic cacopathic cacophonic caenogenic cainogenic canonistic caoutchouc carbazotic carbazylic carbonuric carbonylic carboxylic cardialgic cariogenic caryatidic catalectic cataleptic cataphonic cataphoric catapultic catathymic catatoniac catechetic cellulosic cenophytic cenotaphic ceonocytic cerebellic chavtastic chemiatric chemotaxic cherubimic chiasmatic chiliastic chirologic chironomic chiropodic chocaholic chocoholic cholagogic choliambic chondritic choriambic choronymic cibophobic cinephilic cinnabaric cinnamonic clavulanic cliometric cnidocytic coelomatic coenobitic coenocytic coliphagic collagenic collotypic coloristic concentric congeneric congenetic copesettic coprolitic corollitic corybantic cosmogenic cosmogonic cosmologic cosmoramic cospecific costocolic costogenic coumarilic crescentic cryohydric cryometric cryophilic cryophobic cryophytic cryoscopic cryostatic cryptozoic crystallic cumaphytic cyanacetic cyanformic cyanhydric cyanoauric cyanogenic cybernetic cyclopedic cycloramic cyclotomic cynophobic cystinuric cystocytic cytochemic cytometric cytopathic cytophagic cytophilic cytostatic cytotropic dactylitic decahedric decametric decimetric degmacytic dekametric democratic dermatomic desmosomic diabulimic diacaustic diachronic diacoustic diagenetic diagnostic diagraphic diapasonic diapedetic diarrhetic diarrhoeic diastaltic diathermic diazeuctic dicephalic dichogamic dichotomic dichroitic didactylic didascalic dielectric dietotoxic digoneutic dihydritic dikaryotic dilemmatic dimethylic dinophytic dinosauric diorthotic diphtheric diphyletic diplomatic diplosomic diprosopic disorganic dispondaic disulfuric disyllabic ditheistic ditheletic dithoracic docimastic dodecanoic donatistic doromaniac dosimetric dynamistic dysenteric dysgraphic dyskinetic dysmorphic dysplastic dysthymiac dystrophic ecchymotic eccoprotic ecocentric ecomorphic ecospheric ecphractic ectodermic ectophloic ectophytic egocentric elaiosomic electronic elegiambic eluotropic emblematic embolismic emmetropic empathetic emphractic emphysemic encephalic encopretic encrinitic endergonic endermatic endobiotic endocarpic endocrinic endocritic endodermic endodontic endolithic endopelvic endophloic endophytic endoscopic endosmotic endosporic endostylic enharmonic enhydritic enphytotic entodermic entophytic epenthetic epexegetic epibenthic epiblastic epicanthic epicardiac epideictic epigastric epigenetic epiglottic epigraphic epimeletic epimorphic epipelagic epirogenic episematic epispastic epispermic erethismic erethistic ergomaniac ergometric ergophilic ergophobic erotogenic erythorbic erythritic escharotic essayistic estrogenic ethnogenic ethnologic etymologic eucaryotic eudaemonic euharmonic eukaryotic eulogistic euphuistic eurhythmic europhobic eurybathic eurycnemic euthanasic evaporitic exocentric exocytotic exoenzymic exogenetic exoplasmic exopoditic exorcistic exospermic exospheric exothermic fabulistic familistic fatalistic felspathic feministic fetometric fetoscopic fiberoptic fibrocytic finalistic florigenic fluidistic frigorific futuristic gabbroitic galactemic galliambic gamomaniac gamophobic gamostelic gamotropic ganglionic gasometric gastralgic genealogic genethliac genophobic geobotanic geocentric geodynamic geogenetic geoglyphic geognostic geographic geomorphic geopolitic geospheric geotechnic geothermic glasnostic glucogenic glucosidic glucosuric glucuronic glutaminic glyceridic glycogenic glycohemic glycoluric glycolytic glycopexic glycosemic glycosidic glycosuric gneissitic gnomologic gonococcic gonophoric gonorrheic granulitic gynephobic gynocratic gynophobic gynophoric gyroscopic gyrostatic hadephobic haematinic haematitic haematuric haemocytic haemolytic haemotoxic hagiologic halobiotic halophilic halophytic haplologic haplotypic harmolodic harmotomic hebraistic hedonistic heliotaxic heliotypic helminthic helophytic hematozoic hemicyclic hemiplegic hemitropic hemophilic hemophobic hemostatic heptapodic heptarchic heptatonic herkogamic hermatypic heroicomic heteroecic hexaemeric hexahedric hexahydric hexametric hexaplaric hierarchic hierodulic hierologic hieronymic hippiatric hippuritic histaminic histocytic histogenic histologic histolytic histrionic hodophobic holohedric holophonic holophytic holosteric holostylic homeomeric homeotypic homocyclic homoerotic homophilic homophobic homophonic homophoric homophytic homorganic homostylic horoscopic humanistic humoristic hupaithric hyaluronic hydroiodic hydrologic hydrolytic hydroponic hydrosodic hydrosolic hydrotaxic hydroxylic hylophobic hylophytic hymnologic hypalgesic hyperaemic hyperbaric hyperbatic hyperbolic hyperdulic hypergenic hypergolic hypermanic hyperpneic hypersonic hypertonic hypnagogic hypnogenic hypnogogic hypnologic hypnotoxic hypocritic hypodermic hyponastic hypostatic hypotactic hypothetic hypoxaemic hysteretic iatrogenic ichthyotic iconomatic idealistic ideogramic idiolectic idiopathic idiophonic inartistic infrasonic inharmonic inquilinic interionic intragenic iodometric iodophoric ionophoric ionotropic iridocytic ischialgic ischuretic isentropic isocaloric isochasmic isocheimic isochronic isodynamic isoenzymic isogametic isogenetic isoglossic isoglottic isographic isokinetic isomorphic isopiestic isoplethic isoseismic isothermic jeremiadic jingoistic kabalistic kainogenic kaolinitic karyocytic karyogamic karyolitic karyologic karyolytic karyotypic kelyphitic kerygmatic kilometric kiloparsec kinnikinic koniphobic laboristic laccolitic lactogenic lactotoxic laeotropic lantanuric laryngitic lathyritic legalistic lemmocytic leptocytic leptosomic leucocytic leucopenic leukocytic leukopenic lienotoxic limnologic linguistic lipophilic lipophobic lipotropic lithologic lithotomic lithotypic localistic logopaedic logorrheic loxodromic lycophytic lygophobic lysimetric macrocytic madreporic magnetitic malolactic mammogenic mandarinic manometric margaritic masseteric mastocytic mastodonic mathematic matronymic maximistic mediagenic megacystic megalithic megaparsec megaphonic megaphytic megascopic megasporic melanistic melismatic melomaniac melophonic meningitic menopausic menorrheic mereonomic meristelic merohedric mesenteric mesocnemic mesocratic mesodermic mesokurtic mesophilic mesophytic mesoscopic metachemic metacyclic metaleptic metaphoric metaphysic metaphytic metastatic metathetic metempiric meteoritic methanolic metrologic metronomic metronymic miarolitic microcytic microlitic micrologic micromeric microoptic microtomic microtypic microzymic migmatitic minimistic misocapnic mobocratic modalistic molybdenic monadistic monoacidic monoatomic monocarpic monochroic monoclinic monocratic monocyclic monocystic monohydric monolithic monomaniac monometric monophasic monophobic monophonic monophytic monoplegic monoscopic monostelic monostotic monothetic monotropic monzonitic moralistic morganatic multigenic murophobic muscarinic muscologic muscovitic musophobic myasthenic mycophytic myelocytic myoblastic myographic myomorphic myospasmic myothermic mystagogic mythologic mythopoeic myxoedemic nanometric nanoscopic naphthalic naphthenic nativistic naturistic necrocytic necrologic neoblastic neoclassic neogenetic neomorphic neophiliac neoplastic nephelinic nephelitic nephologic nephralgic nepotistic neurocytic neurogenic neurologic neuronymic neurotoxic nihilistic nomophobic nomothetic nonaerobic nonallelic nonaquatic nonascetic noncaloric noncardiac noncaustic nonclastic noncryptic nondemonic nondynamic nonelastic nonendemic nonenzymic nonerratic nonfanatic nongastric nongeneric nongenetic nonglyphic nonhepatic nonketotic nonmelodic nonmimetic nonoceanic nonoolitic nonorganic nonplastic nonpolemic nonpsalmic nonseismic nonskeptic nonspheric nonstyptic nonvocalic normocytic nosophobic nosophytic nostologic nostomanic notaphilic novelistic numismatic nummulitic nyctalopic ochophobic ochratoxic octahedric octohedric oculogyric odontalgic oecophobic oenophobic oikophobic oleophilic oleophobic oligarchic oligomeric oliguretic olivinitic omniphobic oophoritic ophiolitic ophiologic ophthalmic opsomaniac optimistic optometric optophobic orchestric organismic orogenetic orographic orthoboric orthogenic orthopedic orthopneic orthotonic orthotopic osmometric osmophobic osmophoric osteocytic osteogenic osteolytic ovalocytic oxalacetic oxybenzoic oxybutyric oxymoronic oxystearic pacifistic paedagogic paediatric paedogenic paedonymic paganistic pagophobic palaestric paleotypic pancreatic pandeistic pandemonic pangenetic panislamic panophobic panpsychic panspermic pantheonic pantomimic papalistic papaphobic papillaric parabiotic parachutic paradisaic paradisiac paraenetic paraffinic paralactic paralimbic parametric paraphasic paraphilic paraphonic paraphytic paraplegic paratactic parathymic parodistic paroxysmic partonomic pathogenic pathologic patronymic pederastic pedophilic pedophobic peelgarlic pegmatitic pelargonic pentapodic pentarchic pentatomic pentatonic penteteric perchloric periaortic pericarpic pericyclic peridermic perimetric peripheric periphonic periphytic periscopic peritectic petrologic phagedenic phagocytic phagolytic phaneritic phantasmic phantastic phenologic phenotypic philatelic philologic phlegmatic phlegmonic phlogistic phocomelic phonematic phonolitic phonologic phonotypic phosphatic phosphonic phosphoric photogenic photolytic phototaxic phototonic phototoxic phototypic phrenesiac phycologic phylarchic phylogenic physiatric phytogenic phytologic phytonymic phytotoxic picrotoxic piezooptic pilocystic pituicytic planktonic platymeric pleochroic pleonastic pleonectic pleromatic pleustonic plutarchic plyometric pneometric poetastric poikilitic polaristic polyarchic polyatomic polyaxonic polycarpic polychemic polychroic polyclinic polycrotic polycyclic polycystic polydipsic polyhedric polyhydric polymastic polymathic polyonymic polyphagic polyphasic polyphobic polyphonic polystelic polythetic ponophobic populistic porcelanic porismatic poroscopic postanoxic postatomic postexilic potophobic pozzolanic preceramic premeiotic premycotic prepyloric presbyopic presomitic prevocalic priapismic procryptic proenzymic proglottic prognathic prognostic pronephric propylitic proselytic prosthetic protanopic prothallic protocolic protogenic prototypic protreptic pugilistic pupaphobic pycnoxylic pyogenetic pyorrhoeic pyrochemic pyrogallic pyrolignic pyromaniac pyromantic pyrometric pyrophitic pyrophobic pyrophoric pyrophytic pyrostatic pythogenic qabalistic quartzitic quietistic quinolinic radiogenic radiolitic radiologic radiolytic radiometic radiotoxic renotropic retropubic rheometric rheophilic rheophoric rheophytic rheoscopic rheostatic rheotactic rheotropic rhinologic rhizogenic ricinoleic rigoristic robophobic royalistic rupophobic rypophobic sacroiliac sacropubic salimetric saprogenic saprolitic sapropelic sarcologic sarcomeric satanistic satellitic saxophonic scalpellic scatologic schismatic scholastic sciaphobic scientific sciolistic sciomantic sciophobic sciophytic scorpionic seborrheic selaphobic semaphobic semaphoric semichemic semideific semimythic semiologic semipublic semitropic septicemic serocystic shagtastic shopaholic sialagogic sialogogic simplistic sinophobic sitomaniac sitophobic skeletonic skiametric skiascopic skiatronic skiophytic sociologic solaristic solecistic solfataric solonetzic solvolytic sonophobic sophomoric spheroidic spintronic splanchnic sporogenic sporogonic stenopaeic stenotopic stenotypic sternalgic stochastic stomatitic strabismic stuporific stylolitic subaquatic subgeneric subhepatic submorphic suboceanic subphrenic subspheric subtetanic sulfamidic sulfanilic sulfhydric sulfoxylic supersonic supertonic supraoptic suprapubic suriphobic symbiontic symphystic symplasmic symplastic synchronic synclastic synergetic syngenetic syphilitic systematic tabophobic tachygenic tachylitic tachylytic tachypneic tachytelic talismanic taphonomic tasimetric tautologic tautomeric tautonymic taxidermic telechiric telemetric teleologic teleonomic telepathic telephonic telescopic telesmatic telophasic tenebrific tetrabasic tetraenoic tetrameric tetrapodic tetrarchic tetrasemic tetratomic theocratic theomaniac theomantic theopathic theophanic theophobic theophoric theosophic thermionic thioacetic thiocyanic tholeiitic thrombotic thymidylic thymocytic thyrocytic thyrotoxic thyroxinic timocratic tocophobic tokenistic tokophobic tonometric topophobic topotactic torporific totalistic totemistic toxalbumic toxicaemic toxidermic toxinaemic toxiphobic toxiphoric toxophilic toxophobic toxophoric tragicomic transgenic transsonic tremolitic triblastic tribologic tribrachic trichromic triglyphic trigrammic trigraphic trilobitic trimorphic triploidic tristichic tritanopic trithionic tropologic tularaemic tumorgenic tungstenic turophobic tympanitic typhogenic ultrabasic ultraistic ultramafic ultrasonic unacademic unanalytic unanarchic unaromatic unartistic unathletic uncherubic uncholeric undertunic undidactic undogmatic undomestic undramatic uneconomic unemphatic ungeologic unhistoric unhygienic unionistic unmagnetic unmechanic unmetallic unmeteoric unmnemonic unneurotic unpathetic unpedantic unphonetic unprolific unrhythmic unromantic unsemantic unspecific unsyllabic unsymbolic untheatric unthematic urbanistic urethritic uricolytic uricosuric uricotelic urobenzoic urodynamic urographic uropoietic urosomitic urosthenic vagotropic valvogenic variolitic visiogenic vitalistic vocalistic volumetric workaholic xenobiotic xenogeneic xenolithic xenomaniac xenophilic xenophobic xenophytic xenotropic xeroclinic xerodermic xerophagic xerophilic xerophobic xerophytic xiphopagic xylophilic xylophobic xylophonic zelophobic zoographic zoomorphic zoophiliac zooplastic zootrophic zygodontic zygophoric zygophytic zygosporic zygotactic zymophoric zymophytic