Words Extracted From The
Mammoth Censored Word List (343,463 Words)
Mammoth Censored Word List (343,463 Words)
Words ending with ra in the mammoth censored word list.
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ra contained within the censored mammoth word list.
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abracadabra acciaccatura acidanthera adiaphora afara agora akhara alchera algebra ambulacra amokura amphora anaphora anestra angophora angora angostura anoestra antara antidora antisera antra aphelandra appoggiatura araara archentera arpillera aspidistra aura aurora baccara backra bajra bakra bandora bandura barra bauera begorra bhangra bombora bra bravura bursera busera cacciatora caesura caldera calyptera calyptra camera camorra candelabra canephora capoeira capuera capybara caracara carbonara carbora caricatura carnivora cascadura cascara cataphora cathedra cembra centra cephalagra cerebra cesura chakra chara chaulmoogra chaulmugra chelicera chikara chiliahedra chimaera chimera chinkara chiragra chokra cholera chupacabra ciguatera cithara claustra cleopatra clepsydra cobra cocinera coelentera coleoptera coloratura coppra copra cordillera corpora crossandra crura cuboctahedra cubododecahedra curandera curara datura decahedra demerara deodara dhoora dhourra dhurra diaspora dicentra dichondra dielytra dihedra diptera dobra dodecahedra doosra doura drosera dulcamara duodecahedra durra elytra endopleura enneacontahedra enneahedra entera entoplastra epanaphora epeira ephedra ephemera epicentra epiplastra episclera era etcetera exedra exhedra extra eyra fatshedera fedora femora fenestra fioratura fioritura flora footra fora foraminifera foutra fulcra genera gerbera glomera goburra gogobera gopura goura grandiflora guayabera gunnera gurdwara habanera haftara haphtara harira hectotriadiohedra hedera hegira hejira hejra heketara hemelytra hemielytra hemihedra hemivertebra hendecahedra heptahedra herbivora hetaera hetaira heuchera hexahedra hexakisoctahedra hexakistetrahedra hexatetrahedra hexecontahedra hexoctahedra hijra holohedra hurra hydra hymenoptera hyoplastra hypertetrahedra hypoplastra icosahedra icosidodecahedra icositetrahedra injera interambulacra intervertebra involucra ixora jagra jettatura kalyptra katsura kinara kithara kokra kookaberra kookaburra korora koura kumara kumera labara labra lavatera lavra lecanora lempira lepidoptera lepra leucitohedra libra lira liriodendra lonicera lubra lustra lycra macroflora macrolepidoptera madeira maiasaura mampara mandira mandora mandragora mangabeira mangalsutra manticora mantra maquiladora mara marinara marinera mascara matadora mbira megaflora megara mesentera micra microcamera microchiroptera microflora microlepidoptera mikra minicamera moira mojarra monera monoptera monstera morra mowra mudra multicamera multipara murra mycoflora naira natura neuroptera neurospora ngarara nomenklatura nonchimera nullipara octahedra octakishexahedra octohedra oenothera okra olestra omnivora ondatra opera ophiura orchestra orra orthoptera osetra ossetra ouvirandra ovipara oxymora pachysandra pakora palabra palaestra palestra palmyra palpebra pandora pandura panjandra parapara pareira parera parra partitura parura passiflora patera pellagra pentadodecahedra pentagonohedra pentahedra pentahexahedra penumbra pereira petara philodendra philtra phylloxera phytophthora picara picra pignora pintadera pitara plectra plethora pleura pluripara podagra polyhedra popera porphyra primavera primipara procerebra pronephra prostanthera protovertebra protura psora puerpera purpura pyritohedra quadratura rangatira rangiora rasbora rejoneadora remora retinispora retinospora rhodora rhombohedra ristra riviera rostra sabra saburra sacra sacrovertebra samara samsara santera sasarara sassarara sastra satara satyra sayonara scalenohedra schefflera schlumbergera sclera scolopendra scordatura scorzonera semantra semivertebra senhora senora sequestra sera serra sesquialtera shastra shirra shoora shura sierra signora simulacra sirra sistra solera solfatara sopra sorra spectra spirogyra sternebra stichera stirra subgenera sumatra sundra supra surra sutra synura taira tamara tamboura tambura tanagra tantara tantarara tapadera tarantara taratantara tayra telecamera tempera tempura tephra terebra terra terramara tessarescaedecahedra tessera tessitura tetartohedra tetra tetrahedra tetrahexahedra tetrakaidecahedra tetrakishexahedra tiara titarakura totara toxocara trapezohedra triacontahedra triakisicosahedra triakisoctahedra triakistetrahedra trihedra triquetra trisoctahedra tristetrahedra tuatara tuatera tughra tugra tundra ultra umbra urethra vara velatura verra vertebra vettura videocamera vihara villeggiatura vinifera viscachera viscera viverra vivipara wirra womera wommera woomera woorara xiphiplastra yantra zabra zamarra zambra zebra zingara zygantra