Last Lines of Rose Terry Cooke
A promise and pledge that he hastens my rest.And live in the dear woods where my lost childhood played.But there is life in me.Close fast on her the heavenly gate!God keep both song and strength to decorate His Spring!Hark! -- hear'st the bride-song stealing in?I cannot reach my rose.If I could read Schemhammphorasch?Keep me sleeping and safe for thee!Leapt from her heart with life's last flame.Low at my feet the soft gray billows laughed.That woman's game is solitaire?The chamber is there!The deep, pure ocean of my love for thee.The sacred secret of the rose.
This is the man that loved the Queen?To that transcendent life where we shall yet rejoice.Toll on, ye midnight bells!When the living rest and the dead shall meet.Will she double-lock the door?With his lie!