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Bayard Taylor

Jan. 11, 1825 - Dec 19, 1878


Last Lines of Bayard Taylor

And cannot give us now!And found her brow less dewy-wet than mine.And lead me with thy helpless hands!And rooted in my heart of hearts!And sllently we parted for repose.And still, in passing, smiled.And the rainbow for the sun!And we to His wisdom are blind.Belongs to the bold!But Man's true mother, and his equal wife.But thou and I are true!But, weeping, turn my head awayComes never, never, nevermore!Crown me with regal acclaim!Do with me as you please, all fortunes are the same.Drops, like a weary dove, to fly no more.Dust shall become at the feet of your fame!God's mercy thou, and therefore shalt endure!In dumb subjection through the barren seas.In Father, Mother, Child!In the autumns of the Past!Is happier for thy sake!Low harmonies to suit the varied strain.Of pardon and of holiness!Of something happier, somewhere in the spheres.Or I will wrestle with thee till I die!Or weep to see me dead!Pardoned, and loved again!Says in its beating: Love is Rest.She is not purer than her child.Stands by to welcome thee!The blessed peace that follows pain.The freedom of the sun!The loving are the daring.The mother in her child is born again.The mystic summer wanes away.The ruined sculptor's monument.The sole inscriptions they have left behind.There is no pity in the heart of God.Thou dost punish us with blessing!Thou never couldst have loved before!To hear the awful music of my pain.To the dawning light of love?Wait in the womb of the snow!Waits the weary mariner.Will hers obey?With the phantom of the old!Without, the sun and snow!Worthy of the Father's love!