Odes Of Anacreon: Yes, be the glorious revel mine...
Yes, be the glorious revel mine...
by Thomas Moore
Yes, be the glorious revel mine,
Where humour sparkles from the wine!
Around me, let the youthful choir
Respond to my beguiling lyre;
And while the red cup circles round,
Mingle in soul as well as sound!
My soul, to festive feeling true,
One pang of envy never knew;
And little has it learn'd to dread
The gall that envy's tongue can shed.
Away! I hate the slanderous dart
Which steals to wound th' unwary heart;
And oh! I hate with all my soul
Discordant clamours o'er the bowl,
Where every cordial heart should be
Attuned to peace and harmony.
Come, let us hear the soul of song
Expire the silver heart along;
Thus simply happy, thus at peace,
Sure such a life should never cease!
The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore.Copyright undated, very old
The Walter Scott Publishing Co. Ltd.