Nay, Do Not Weep
by Thomas Moore
Nay, do not weep, my Fanny dear!
While in these arms you lie,
The world hath not a wish, a fear,
That ought to claim one precious tear
From that beloved eye!
The world! -- ah, Fanny! love must shun
The path where many rove;
One bosom to recline upon,
One heart, to be his only one,
Are quite enough for love!
What can we wish that is not here
Between your arms and mine?
Is there on earth a space so dear
As that within the blessed sphere
Two loving arms entwine?
For me, there's not a lock of jet
Along your temples curl'd,
Within whose glossy, tangling net,
My soul doth not at once forget
All, all the worthless world!
'Tis in your eyes, my sweetest love!
My only worlds I see;
Let but their orbs in sunshine move,
And earth below and skies above,
May frown or smile for me!
The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore.Copyright undated, very old
The Walter Scott Publishing Co. Ltd.