Beautiful Sleep
by Achsa White Sprague
Beautiful sleep!
We call you, we implore you,
Come to us now;
Help us to rest the weary head,
From which the strength and power have fled,
And soothe the aching brow.
Beautiful sleep!
We kneel in prayer before you,
We pray you keep
Your watch around the bed of one
Whose work in life is scarce begun;
Oh, bid her not to weep.
Beautiful sleep!
Wonder not that we adore you;
For thou dost make
For mortals such sweet dreams,
That brighter each thing seems
Than in the hour they wake.
Beautiful sleep!
We pray you, we adjure you,
To bring your balm,
And round this soul thy mantle cast,
Till all the midnight hours are past.
Oh, shield us from all harm,
Beautiful sleep!
The Poet And Other Poems.Copyright 1864
Boston: William White And Co.,
158 Washington Street.