Samuel Taylor Coleridge

1772 - 1834


Last Lines of Samuel Taylor Coleridge

A war-embrace of wrestling life and death?About my neck was hung.Alas! I quit a life of pleasure.And deep the cavern of the mountain mutters.And drunk the milk of Paradise.And Heaven is overflowing!And Hope without an object cannot live.And knows not whether he be first or last.And penance more will do.And say I greet thee with a brother's love!And still dreams on.And tells the jest without the smile.And 'tis a record from the dream of life.Because to thee they are not what they were.Beloved! flew your spirit by?Do thou the same!Even me, the priest of this poor sacrifice.Even now the keen North-East is on its way.For ever by my side.For us she bore the heavenly Lord!Forbids me to die!Has he no friend, no loving mother near?He rose the morrow morn.His soul is with the saints, I trust.I dream thee with mine eyes, and at my heart I feel thee!I love my Love, and my Love loves me!I shot the Albatross.If love's strong fears would let me tell his name!Like lead into the sea.Like the whizz of my cross-bow!Love is the Spirit of Life, and Music the Life of the Spirit!Make ready my grave-clothes to-morrow.May be born in a holy twilight!Meets it with brow uplift, and stays his reaping.Memory, bosom-spring of joy.Mix with the blest, nor know that I had died!My bright and beauteous Bride.No sparrow falleth to the ground.Peace, Peace on Earth! the Prince of Peace is born.Rise to the swelling of the voiceful sea.Say, I come to-morrow.Shivering with ecstasy sank upon her bosom.Shone through her body visibly.The Albatross's blood.The things that seek the earth, how full of noise and riot!They had taken his all; and REVENGE WAS SWEET!To hunt the wolf in the woods to-day.To-day! to-day!To-morrow Lewti may be kind.Too foolish for a tear, too wicked for a smile!