by Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Once Pain beat on my heart,
And well-nigh killed it.
I shuddered at the smart,
But said God willed it.
And down and down again,
With awful power,
Fell the great hand of Pain,
Hour after hour.
While, like a mighty flail,
The fierce blows hurt me,
I cried God doth prevail:
He'll not desert me.
Blow upon cruel blow,
The great hand gave me,
Yet I cried He doth know,
And he will save me.
I did not loudly cry,
And ask God's reason;
I knew He'd tell me why,
In his own season.In His good time,
I said,
In trusting blindness,
And I was not afraid
To wait his kindness.
I did not trust in vain.
God drew me nearer,
And whispered Smile again!
The way is clearer.
And lo! my mortal sight
Could reach to heaven,
My faith dispelled the night,
And light was given.
ShellsCopyright 1873
Hauser & Storey, Milwaukee