Definition of wise

"wise" in the noun sense

1. wise

a way of doing or being

"in no wise"

"in this wise"

2. Wise, Stephen Samuel Wise

United States Jewish leader (born in Hungary) (1874-1949)

3. Wise, Isaac Mayer Wise

United States religious leader (born in Bohemia) who united reform Jewish organizations in the United States (1819-1900)

"wise" in the adjective sense

1. wise

having or prompted by wisdom or discernment

"a wise leader"

"a wise and perceptive comment"

2. judicious, wise, heady

marked by the exercise of good judgment or common sense in practical matters

"judicious use of one's money"

"a wise decision"

3. knowing, wise, wise to

evidencing the possession of inside information

4. fresh, impertinent, impudent, overbold, smart, saucy, sassy, wise

improperly forward or bold

"don't be fresh with me"

"impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup"

"an impudent boy given to insulting strangers"

"Don't get wise with me!"

Source: WordNet® (An amazing lexical database of English)

Princeton University "About WordNet®."
WordNet®. Princeton University. 2010.

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Quotations for wise

Wise fear
Begets care. [ Proverb ]

Dare to be wise. [ Horace ]

Be merry and wise. [ Proverb ]

A word to the wise. [ Proverb ]

Wise without learning. [ Horace ]

Laugh, if you are wise. [ Mart ]

He is oft the wisest man
Who is not wise at all. [ Wordsworth ]

Misfortunes make us wise. [ Proverb ]

The bell strikes one.
We take no note of time,
But from its loss,
To give it then a tongue,
Is wise in man. [ Young ]

Be merry if you are wise. [ Martial ]

Experience makes us wise. [ Hazlitt ]

Make friends of the wise. [ Stobaeus ]

Penny wise, pound foolish. [ Burton ]

The least foolish is wise. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

In peace, who is not wise? [ Hitopadesa ]

A wise and salutary neglect. [ Burke ]

No one is wise at all times. [ Pliny the Elder ]

A wise man is a great wonder. [ Proverb ]

Wise as far as the beard goes. [ Proverb ]

Great men are not always wise. [ Bible ]

The fool doth think he is wise. [ Shakespeare ]

A wise man may learn of a fool. [ French Proverb ]

The wise man is seldom prudent. [ Marie Ebner-Eschenbach ]

No man is born wise or learned. [ Proverb ]

To the wise a word may suffice. [ Proverb ]

If things were to be done twice.
All would be wise. [ Proverb ]

And so upon this wise I prayed -
Great Spirit, give to me
A heaven not so large as yours
But large enough for me. [ Emily Dickinson ]

A wise man's loss is his secret. [ Proverb ]

Be not wise in your own conceits. [ Bible ]

A word to the wise is sufficient. [ Terence ]

Whoever is not too wise, is wise. [ Martial ]

No man is wise enough by himself. [ Plautus ]

Experience makes even fools wise. [ Proverb ]

Wise judges are we of each other! [ Richelieu ]

Wise above that which is written. [ St. Paul ]

Wise men may chance to be caught. [ Proverb ]

To a wise man, living is thinking. [ Proverb ]

A fool is wise in his own conceit. [ Proverb ]

Into contradicting
Be thou never led away;
When with the ignorant they strive,
The wise to folly fall away. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

"Now" is the watchword of the wise. [ Proverb ]

A wilful man had need be very wise. [ Proverb ]

The over curious are not over wise. [ Massinger ]

A fool may give a wise man counsel. [ Proverb ]

Authority intoxicates,
And makes mere sots of magistrates;
The fumes of it invade the brain.
And make men giddy, proud and vain;
By this the fool commands the wise;
The noble with the base complies;
The sot assumes the role of wit.
And cowards make the base submit. [ Butler ]

The words of the wise are as goads. [ Proverb ]

He is wise that is wise to himself. [ Euripides ]

Wise men have reason, other men wit. [ Proverb ]

A wise man may be kind without cost. [ Proverb ]

We hate delay, yet it makes us wise. [ Proverb ]

No man is always wise except a fool. [ Proverb ]

Nature is always wise in every part. [ Lord Thurlow ]

Hail mildly, pleasing solitude.
Companion of the wise and good,
But from whose holy, piercing eye,
The herds of fools and villains fly;
Oh! how I love with thee to walk,
And listen to thy whispered talk,
Which innocence and truth imparts,
And meets the most obdurate hearts. [ Thomson ]

Be wise today; 'tis madness to defer. [ Young ]

For never, never wicked man was wise. [ Homer ]

A wise head hath a close mouth to it. [ Proverb ]

It is held that sorrow makes us wise. [ Tennyson ]

No wise man ever wished to be younger. [ Swift ]

The wise man is born to rule the fool. [ Proverb ]

Defer not till tomorrow to be wise,
Tomorrow's sun to thee may never rise. [ William Congreve ]

Even the fool is wise after the event. [ Homer ]

Adversity makes wise, though not rich. [ Proverb ]

The wind in one's face makes one wise. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Though old and wise, yet still advise. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Temperate anger well becomes the wise. [ Philemon ]

Honest men marry soon, wise men never. [ Scotch ]

No man can be wise on an empty stomach. [ George Eliot ]

Reproof never does a wise man any harm. [ Proverb ]

He that never thinks never can be wise. [ Johnson ]

Moderation is the pleasure of the wise. [ Voltaire ]

The fool wanders, the wise man travels. [ Proverb ]

He that never thinks can never be wise. [ Johnson ]

How wise must one be to be always kind. [ Marie Ebner-Eschenbach ]

Wise men have but few of their society. [ Proverb ]

Study thyself; what rank or what degree
The wise Creator hath ordained for thee. [ John Dryden ]

The wise for cure on exercise depend:
God never made His work for man to mend. [ Dryden ]

The wise man knows himself to be a fool. [ William Shakespeare ]

Nor love, nor honor, wealth, nor power,
Can give the heart a cheerful hour
When health is lost. Be timely wise;
With health all taste of pleasure flies. [ Gay ]

Be wisely worldly, but not worldly wise. [ Quarles ]

Wise men say nothing in dangerous times. [ Selden ]

Fools tie knots and wise men loose them. [ Proverb ]

Wise to resolve, and patient to perform. [ Pope ]

He is a wise man who knows what is wise. [ Xenophon ]

Who are a little wise the best fools be. [ Donne ]

The mouse is wise, but the cat is wiser. [ T. Brake ]

Often times to please fools wise men err. [ Proverb ]

Fools make feasts, and wise men eat them. [ Proverb ]

A fool when he is silent is counted wise. [ Proverb ]

He commands enough that obeys a wise man. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

The conscience is more wise than science. [ Lavater ]

Wise men may well be mistaken in futures. [ Proverb ]

Fools may sometimes give wise men counsel. [ Proverb ]

The law of the wise is a fountain of life. [ Bible ]

He seems wise with whom all things thrive. [ Proverb ]

There is no art that can make a fool wise. [ Proverb ]

A wise man turns chance into good fortune. [ Proverb ]

A sad, wise valor is the brave complexion. [ George Herbert ]

A man must become wise at his own expense. [ Montaigne ]

Early to bed, and early to rise,
Will make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. [ Proverb ]

It is great folly to wish only to be wise. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

A nod for a wise man, and a rod for a fool. [ Proverb ]

Is there aught in sleep can charm the wise?
To lie in dead oblivion, losing half
The fleeting moments of too short a life;
Total extinction of the enlightened soul! [ James Thomson ]

Be wise to-day! 'tis madness to defer;
Next day, the fatal precedent will plead;
Thus on, till wisdom is pushed out of life.
Procrastination is the thief of time. [ Edward Young ]

Who reasons wisely, is not therefore wise,
His pride in reasoning, not in acting lies. [ Pope ]

The truly generous is the truly wise;
And he who loves not others, lives unblest. [ Horace ]

Young men are made wise, old men become so. [ Proverb ]

Fools are wise men in the affairs of women. [ Proverb ]

'Tis better to be born fortunate than wise. [ Italian Proverb ]

Fears of the brave and follies of the wise. [ Johnson ]

Fools build houses, and wise men enjoy them. [ Proverb ]

Mark what unvaried laws preserve each state.
Laws wise as Nature, and as fixed as Fate. [ Pope ]

Grief should be the instructor of the wise;
Sorrow is knowledge: they who know the most
Must mourn the deepest o'er the fatal truth,
The Tree of Knowledge is not that of Life. [ Byron ]

What is it to be wise?
It is but to know how little can be known,
To see all others' faults, and feel our own. [ Pope ]

Unthought-of frailties cheat us in the wise. [ Pope ]

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise. [ Solomon ]

He's wise that knows when he is well enough. [ Proverb ]

Greatness, thou gaudy torment of our souls,
The wise man's fetter and the rage of fools. [ Otway ]

Fools set stools tor wise men to stumble at. [ Proverb ]

Riches serve a wise man, but command a fool. [ Proverb ]

Abundance is a blessing to the wise;
The use of riches in discretion lies:
Learn this, ye men of wealth - a heavy purse
In a fool's pocket is a heavy curse. [ Cumberland ]

Wise men care not for what they cannot have. [ Proverb ]

He is not wise that is not wise for himself. [ Proverb ]

Wise is the man prepared for either end,
Who in due measure can both spare and spend. [ Lucian ]

Hunger is not satisfied with wise sentences. [ Proverb ]

Wise and good is better than rich and great. [ Proverb ]

Experience is the only prophecy of wise men. [ Lamartine ]

To swear is neither brave, polite, nor wise. [ Pope ]

We think our fathers fools, so wise we grow;
Our wiser sons, no doubt, will think us so. [ Pope ]

None but a wise man can employ leisure well. [ Proverb ]

It is a wise father that knows his own child. [ William Shakespeare ]

A wise physician, skilled our wounds to heal.
Is more than armies to the public weal. [ Pope ]

Fortune confounds the wise.
And when they least expect it turns the dice. [ Dryden ]

The wisest men are wise to the full in death. [ John Ruskin ]

It is not wise to be wiser than is necessary. [ Quinault ]

Better to hunt in fields for health unbought,
Than fee the doctor for a nauseous draught.
The wise for cure on exercise depend;
God never made his work for man to mend. [ Dryden ]

Many books,
Wise men have said, are wearisome; who reads
Incessantly, and to his reading brings not
A spirit and judgment equal or superior,
Uncertain and unsettled still remains -
Deep versed in books, and shallow in himself. [ Milton ]

Wise men argue causes, and fools decide them. [ Anacharsis ]

Think not ambition wise, because it is brave. [ Sir W. Davenant ]

He is a wise child that knows his own father. [ Proverb ]

A wise man cares not for what he cannot have. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Love works a different way in different minds,
The fool enlightens and the wise he blinds. [ John Dryden ]

Type of the wise who soar, but never roam,
True to the kindred points of Heaven and Home. [ Wordsworth ]

You can never be wise unless you love reading. [ Johnson ]

The wise man has long ears and a short tongue. [ German Proverb ]

The wise man changes his mind, the fool never. [ Spanish Proverb ]

Modest doubt is called the beacon of the wise. [ William Shakespeare ]

A wise look may secure a fool, if he talk not. [ Proverb ]

How prone to doubt, how cautious are the wise! [ Homer ]

Wise men make proverbs, and fools repeat them. [ Proverb ]

'Tis greatly wise to talk with our past hours. [ Young ]

Do proper homage to thine idol's eyes.
But not too humbly, or she will despise
Thee and thy suit though told in moving tropes;
Disguise even tenderness, if thou art wise. [ Byron ]

They make their fortune who are stout and wise. [ Tasso ]

The wise hand does not all the tongue dictates. [ Cervantes ]

A wise man is never less alone than when alone. [ Proverb ]

Where ignorance is bliss 'Tis folly to be wise. [ Gray ]

If you are wise, and prize your peace of mind,
Believe me true, nor listen to your Jealousy,
Let not that devil which undoes your sex,
That cursed curiosity seduce you
To hunt for needless secrets, which, neglected,
Shall never hurt your quiet, but once known
Shall sit upon your heart, pinch it with pain,
And banish sweet sleep forever from you. [ Rowe ]

It is greatly wise to talk with our past hours,
And ask them what report they bore to heaven. [ Young ]

The wise and active conquer difficulties,
By daring to attempt them. Sloth and folly
Shiver and shrink at sight of toil and hazards,
And make the impossibility they fear. [ Rowe ]

Timely and wise fear of danger prevents danger. [ Proverb ]

Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it. [ Publius Syrus ]

As you are old and reverend, you should be wise. [ William Shakespeare ]

All the world is not wise conduct and stratagem. [ Proverb ]

So wise, so young, they say, do never live long. [ William Shakespeare ]

None can be wise and safe but he that is honest. [ Proverb ]

The wise through excess of wisdom is made a fool. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

And then her look - Oh, where's the heart so wise
Could, unbewilder'd, meet those matchless eyes?
Quick, restless, strange, but exquisite withal.
Like those of angels. [ Moore ]

A wise man will make tools of what comes to hand. [ Proverb ]

Travel makes a wise man better, but a fool worse. [ Proverb ]

Show is not substance; realities govern wise men. [ William Penn ]

He that is a wise man by day is no fool by night. [ Proverb ]

Wanton jests make fools laugh and wise men frown. [ Fuller ]

The wise weigh their words in a balance for gold. [ Ecclus ]

A wise man loses nothing, if he but save himself. [ Montaigne ]

He's a wise man that leads passion by the bridle. [ Proverb ]

The loquacity of fools, is a lecture to the wise. [ Proverb ]

Every scrap of a wise man's time is worth saving. [ Proverb ]

He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one;
Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading;
Lofty and sour to them that loved him not;
But to those men that sought him, sweet as summer. [ William Shakespeare, Henry VIII ]

What man would be wise, let him drink of the river
That bears on his bosom the record of time;
A message to him every wave can deliver
To teach him to creep till he knows how to climb. [ John Boyle O'Reilly ]

How shall I speak thee, or thy power address,
Thou god of our idolatry, the Press?
By thee, religion, liberty, and laws,
Exert their influence, and advance their cause:
By thee, worse plagues than Pharaoh's land befell.
Diffused, make earth the vestibule of hell;
Thou fountain, at which drink the good and wise,
Thou ever bubbling spring of endless lies,
Like Eden's dread probationary tree.
Knowledge of good and evil is from thee! [ Cowper ]

Better mad with all the world than wise all alone. [ French Proverb ]

Fools may invent fashions that wise men will wear. [ Proverb ]

Prosperity destroys fools, and endangers the wise. [ Proverb ]

A wise God shrouds the future in obscure darkness. [ Horace ]

Tomorrow will I live, the fool does say:
Today itself's too late; the wise lived yesterday. [ Cowley ]

If the wise erred not, it would go hard with fools. [ George Herbert ]

The multitude of fools is a protection to the wise. [ St. Augustine ]

When clouds are seen, wise men put on their cloaks. [ William Shakespeare ]

One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well. [ A. Bronson Alcott ]

One always wishes to be happy before becoming wise. [ Mme. Necker ]

A wise traveller never depreciates his own country. [ Goldoni ]

A wise man need not blush for changing his purpose. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

They only are wise who know that they know nothing. [ Carlyle ]

Be wise with speed;A fool at forty is a fool indeed. [ Edward Young ]

Who lives without folly is not so wise as he thinks. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

He is wise that hath wit enough for his own affairs. [ Proverb ]

It is as wise to moderate our belief as our desires. [ Landor ]

Fools bite one another, but wise men agree together. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

As we grow old we become more foolish and more wise. [ Rochefoucauld ]

He is a wise man, who when he's well can hold him so. [ Proverb ]

You, if you are wise, will not know what you do know. [ Ter ]

It becomes a wise man to try negotiation before arms. [ Terence ]

Suffering is the mother of fools, reason of wise men.

The great consulting-room of a wise man is a library. [ George Dawson ]

Children are the keys of Paradise;
They alone are good and wise,
Because their thoughts, their very lives, are prayer. [ R. H. Stoddard ]

Wise men may look ridiculous in the company of fools. [ Proverb ]

None is so wise but the fool sometimes overtakes him. [ Proverb ]

Thank God, men that are greatly guilty are never wise. [ Burke ]

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. [ Proverb ]

Send a wise man on an errand and say nothing unto him. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Be wise; Soar not too high to fall, but stoop to rise. [ Massinger ]

Who then is free? The wise man who can govern himself. [ Horace ]

A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters the fool. [ Bulwer ]

Wise men have but few confidants and cunning ones none. [ H. W. Shaw ]

Custom is the plague of wise men and the idol of fools. [ Proverb ]

From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own. [ Syrus ]

When you organise a strike, it is war you organise;
But to organise our labour were the labour of the wise. [ Dr. Walter Smith ]

A wise man may look ridiculous in the company of fools. [ Proverb ]

The first chapter of fools is to esteem themselves wise. [ Proverb ]

Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. [ Jesus ]

The lust of fame is the last that a wise man shakes off. [ Tac ]

Wise men learn by other men's harms, fools by their own. [ Proverb ]

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise. [ Bible ]

Great wealth makes us neither more wise nor more healthy. [ Proverb ]

The wise hand doth not all that the foolish mouth speaks. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Fools lade out all the water, and wise men take the fish. [ Proverb ]

My heart contains of good, wise, just, the perfect shape. [ Milton ]

The Wise (Minstrel or Sage), out of their books are clay;
But in their books, as from their graves they rise.
Angels - that, side by side, upon our way,
Walk with and warn us! [ Edward Bulwer-Lytton ]

That which makes wise men modest, makes fools unmannerly. [ Proverb ]

There is no condition but what sits well upon a wise man. [ Proverb ]

A blockhead can find more faults than a wise man can mend. [ Gaelic Proverb ]

A wise scepticism is the first attribute of a good critic. [ Lowell ]

He is no wise man that cannot play the fool upon occasion. [ Proverb ]

If a wise man should never miscarry, the fool would burst. [ Proverb ]

But now so wise and wary was the knight
By trial of his former harms and cares,
That he descry'd and shunned still his slight;
The fish, that once was caught, new bait will hardly bite. [ Spenser ]

A fool may chance to put something into a wise man's head. [ Proverb ]

The conquered is never called wise, nor the conqueror rash. [ Proverb ]

A fool may make money, but it takes a wise man to spend it. [ Proverb ]

Wise books for half the truths they hold are honored tombs. [ George Eliot ]

The wise weigh their words in the balance of the goldsmith. [ Ecclus ]

A wise man begins in the end; a fool ends in the beginning. [ Proverb ]

He that marries before he is wise will die before he thrive. [ Scotch Proverb ]

Zeal is fit only for wise men, but is found mostly in fools. [ Proverb ]

You may be a wise man, and yet not know how to make a watch. [ Proverb ]

A bold fellow is the jest of wise men, and the idol of fools. [ Proverb ]

A fool resents good counsel, but a wise man lays it to heart. [ Confucius ]

Zeal is fit for wise men, but flourishes chiefly among fools. [ Tillotson ]

It is wise not to seek a secret, and honest not to reveal it. [ Proverb ]

Let a man be never so wise, he may be caught with sober lies. [ Swift ]

Youth might be wise; we suffer less from pains than pleasures. [ Bailey ]

Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous. [ Abd el-Kader ]

As wise as Waltham's calf, that ran nine miles to suck a bull. [ Proverb ]

When a wise man gives thee better counsel, give me mine again. [ Shakespeare ]

The tall, the wise, the reverend head. Must lie as low as ours. [ Isaac Watts ]

Words are wise men's counters, but they are the money of fools. [ Hobbes ]

A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart. [ Swift ]

Desire of glory is the last garment that even wise men put off. [ Proverb ]

He that is foolish in the fault, let him be wise in punishment. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another's. [ Proverb ]

He who is never guilty of follies is not so wise as he imagines. [ La Rochefoucauld ]

Opportunity is rare, and a wise man will never let it go by him. [ Bayard Taylor ]

A wise man's thoughts walk within him, but a fool's without him. [ Proverb ]

He is no wise man that will quit a certainty for an uncertainty. [ Johnson ]

An old wise man's shadow is better than a young buzzard's sword. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Even ill luck itself is good for something in a wise man's hand. [ Proverb ]

What the fool does at length the wise man does at the beginning. [ Spanish Proverb ]

Silence is the wit of fools, and one of the virtues of the wise. [ Bonnard ]

Is there any one so wise as to learn by the experience of others? [ Voltaire ]

A fool may speer (ask) more questions than a wise man can answer. [ Scotch Proverb ]

From ignorance our comfort flows, The only wretched are the wise. [ Prior ]

Fools may ask more in an hour, than wise men can answer in seven. [ Proverb ]

He who is only just is stern; he who is only wise lives in gloom. [ Voltaire ]

Wise men learn something of fools, but fools nothing of wise men. [ Proverb ]

We prize books, and they prize them most who are themselves wise. [ Emerson ]

The love of fame is the last weakness which even the wise resign. [ Tacitus ]

If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue. [ Quarles ]

A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. [ Bible ]

What the fool does in the end, the wise man does at the beginning. [ Italian Proverb ]

Men are never very wise and select in the exercise of a new power. [ Wm. Ellery Channing ]

Etiquette is the invention of wise men to keep fools at a distance. [ Steele ]

It is not knowing much, but what is useful, that makes a wise, man. [ Proverb ]

The truly wise man should have no keeper of his secrets but himself. [ Guizot ]

They that are full of themselves are wise only for want of thinking. [ Proverb ]

Most things have two handles, and a wise man takes hold of the best. [ Proverb ]

He is a fool who cannot be angry; but he is a wise man who will not. [ Seneca ]

A wise writer does not reveal himself here and there, but everywhere. [ Lowell ]

He is a hard man who is only just, and he a sad man who is only wise. [ Voltaire ]

There occur cases in human life when it is wisdom not to be too wise. [ Friedrich Schiller ]

A woman who is beautiful, good, rich, and wise, is four stories high. [ French Proverb ]

There is no other revelation than the thoughts of the wise among men. [ Arthur Schopenhauer ]

Every fool can find faults, that a great many wise men cannot remedy. [ Proverb ]

He who has once been very foolish will at no other time be very wise. [ Montaigne ]

In times of necessity the words of the wise are worthy to be observed. [ Hitopadesa ]

If thou hast never been a fool, be sure thou wilt never be a wise man. [ William M. Thackeray ]

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. [ Proverb ]

If you hear a wise sentence or an apt phrase, commit it to your memory. [ Sir Henry Sidney ]

The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright, and is as choice silver. [ Bible ]

A downright contradiction is equally mysterious to wise men as to fools. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

War is a game which, were their subjects wise, kings should not play at. [ William Cowper ]

A man cannot learn to be wise any more than he can learn to be handsome. [ H. W. Shaw ]

A fool's heart is in his tongue; but a wise man's tongue is in his heart. [ Quarles ]

Keep thy shop, and thy shop will keep thee.Light gains make heavy purses.
'Tis good to be merry and wise. [ George Chapman ]

The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions. [ Claude Levi-Strauss ]

I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. [ Bible ]

A wise judge, by the craft of the law, was never seduced from its purpose. [ Southey ]

To succeed in the world, we must be foolish in appearance, but really wise. [ Montesquieu ]

To some purpose is that man wise who gains his wisdom at another's expense. [ Plautus ]

Wise men sometimes avoid the world, that they may not be surfeited with it. [ La Bruyere ]

The writings of the wise are the only riches our posterity cannot squander. [ Landor ]

Wise men in the world are like timber-trees in a hedge, here and there one. [ Proverb ]

A wise man's heart is at his right hand; but a fool's heart is at his left. [ Bible ]

As a wise child makes a happy father, so a wise father makes a happy child. [ Proverb ]

He that knows useful things, not he that knows many things, is the wise man. [ Proverb ]

You read of but one wise man; and all that he knew was that he knew nothing. [ Congreve ]

It is a miserable thing for a wise man to be under the government of a fool. [ Proverb ]

What is every year of a wise man's life but a censure or critic on the past? [ Pope ]

People are never so near playing the fool as when they think themselves wise. [ Lady Montagu ]

Remember that in all miseries lamenting becomes fools, and action, wise folk. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

The weak have remedies, the wise have joys: superior wisdom is superior bliss. [ Young ]

London bridge was made for wise men to pass over, and for fools to pass under. [ Proverb ]

Wise and good men invented the laws, but fools and the wicked put them upon it. [ Proverb ]

A fool may throw a stone into a well, which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away. [ Arthur Helps ]

Wise men never sit and wail their woes, but presently prevent the ways to wail. [ William Shakespeare ]

The wisdom of the wise and the experience of ages may be preserved by quotation. [ Isaac Disraeli ]

For to err in opinion, though it be not the part of wise men, is at least human. [ Plutarch ]

The wise man draws more advantage from his enemies than a fool from his friends. [ Proverb ]

The wise man knows well that he does not know; the ignorant man thinks he knows. [ Spanish Proverb ]

Wise friends are the best book of life, because they teach with voice and looks. [ Calderon ]

Shallow men speak of the past, wise men of the present, and fools of the future. [ Mme. du Deffand ]

Let me embrace these sour adversities, for wise men say it is the wisest course. [ Shakespeare ]

The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. [ Proverb ]

A wise man neither suffers himself to be governed, nor attempts to govern others. [ La Bruyère ]

There is no mortal truly wise and restless at once; wisdom is the repose of minds. [ Lavater ]

A wise neuter joins with neither, but uses both, as his honest interest leads him. [ William Penn ]

Circumstances are the rulers of the weak; they are but the instruments of the wise. [ Samuel Lover ]

A wise man in his house should find a wife gentle and courteous, or no wife at all. [ Euripides ]

He who is virtuous is wise; and he who is wise is good; and he who is good is happy. [ King Alfred's Boethius ]

No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had. [ Johnson, of Goldsmith ]

Seize wisdom ere 'tis torment to be wise; that is, seize wisdom ere she seizes thee. [ Young ]

We live in an age that reads too much to be wise and thinks too much to be beautiful. [ Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Grey ]

The wise man, even when he holds his tongue, says more than the fool, when he speaks. [ Proverb ]

Call him wise whose actions, words, and steps are all a clear because to a clear why. [ Lavater ]

Any one can give advice, such as it is, but only a wise man knows how to profit by it. [ Caleb C. Colton ]

Of all those arts in which the wise excel, Nature's chief masterpiece is writing well. [ John Sheffield ]

Anger may glance into the breast of a wise man, but rests only in the bosoms of fools. [ Proverb ]

He is wise who can instruct us and assist us in the business of daily virtuous living. [ Carlyle ]

Wise men, like wine, are best when old; pretty women, like bread, are best when young. [ Haliburton ]

The intellect of the wise is like glass; it admits the light of heaven and reflects it. [ Hare ]

Histories are as perfect as the historian is wise, and is gifted with an eye and a soul. [ Carlyle ]

The wise man will commit no business of importance to a proxy when he may do it himself. [ L'Estrange ]

The Italians are wise before the deed, the Germans in the deed, the French after the deed. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Those mothers are wise who seek to prepare their daughters for their probable destination. [ Solon ]

Wise men read very sharply all of your private history in your look and gait and behavior. [ Emerson ]

Extremes of fortune are true wisdom's test, and he's of men most wise who bears them best. [ Cumberland ]

In seeking wisdom thou art wise; in imagining that thou hast attained it, thou art a fool. [ Rabbi Ben Azai ]

Those are wise who through error press on to truth; those are fools who hold fast by error. [ Rückert ]

Whosoever formeth an intimacy with the enemies of his friends, does so to injure the latter.
O wise man! wash your hands of that friend who associates with your enemies. [ Saadi ]

If the advice of a fool for once happens to be good, it requires a wise man to carry it out. [ Lessing ]

The tongue of a fool is the key of his counsel, which, in a wise man, wisdom hath in keeping. [ Socrates ]

A wise man likes that best, that is itself; Not that which only seems, though it look fairer. [ Middleton ]

Wise, well-calculated breeding of a young soul lies fatally over the horizon in these epochs. [ Carlyle ]

When I am reading a book, whether wise or silly, it seems to me to be alive and talking to me. [ Swift ]

A fool is happier in thinking well of himself, than a wise man in others thinking well of him. [ Proverb ]

It is the wise alone who are capable of discerning that impartial justice is the truest mercy. [ Goldsmith ]

Choose a good disagreeable friend, if you be wise - a surly, steady, economical, rigid fellow. [ Thackeray ]

It is not enough plagues, wars, and famine rise to lash our crimes, but must our wives be wise? [ Young ]

Wise sayings are as saltpits; you may extract salt out of them, and sprinkle it where you will. [ Cicero ]

For words are wise men's counters, they do but reckon by them: but they are the money of fools. [ Thomas Hobbes ]

A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years' study of books. [ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ]

In the common run of mankind, for one that is wise and good you find ten of a contrary character. [ Addison ]

The feeble tremble before opinion, the foolish defy it, the wise judge it, the skillful direct it. [ Mme. Roland ]

God save the fools, and don't let them run out; for, without them, wise men couldn't get a living. [ Amer. Proverb ]

The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth. [ Bible ]

Had I succeeded well, I had been reckoned amongst the wise; so ready are we to judge from the event. [ Euripides ]

When a man seems to be wise, it is merely that his follies are proportionate to his age and fortune. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Few people are wise enough to prefer censure which may be useful, to flattery which may betray them. [ La Roche ]

The Golden Rule Of Three.

Three things to be - pure, just and honest.
Three things to govern - temper, tongue and conduct.
Three things to live - courage, affection and gentleness.
Three things to love - the wise, the virtuous and the innocent.
Three things to commend - thrift, industry and promptness.
Three things about which to think - life, death and eternity.
Three things to despise - cruelty, arrogance and ingratitude.
Three things to admire - dignity, gracefulness and intellectual power.
Three things to cherish - the true, the beautiful and the good.
Three things for which to wish - health, friends and contentment.
Three things for which to fight - honor, home and country.
Three things to attain - goodness of heart, integrity of purpose and cheerfulness of disposition.
Three things to give - alms to the needy, comfort to the sad and appreciation to the worthy.
Three things to desire - the blessing of God, an approving conscience and the fellowship of the good.
Three things for which to work - a trained mind, a skilled hand and a regulated heart.
Three things for which to hope - a haven of peace, a robe of righteousness and the crown of life. [ Beattie ]

Touch not the lute when drums are sounding around; when fools have the word, the wise will be silent. [ Herder ]

Well, thus we play the fools with the time, and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds and mock us. [ William Shakespeare ]

Many men have been capable of doing a wise thing, more a cunning thing, but very few a generous thing. [ Alexander Pope ]

Young men are apt to think themselves wise enough, as drunken men are to think themselves sober enough. [ Chesterfield ]

Fate is the friend of the good, the guide of the wise, the tyrant of the foolish, the enemy of the bad. [ W. R. Alger ]

Greece, so much praised for her wisdom, never produced but seven wise men: judge of the number of fools! [ Grecourt ]

He who provides for this life, but takes no care for eternity, is wise for a moment, but a fool forever. [ Tillotson ]

There is no greater fool than he who thinks himself wise; no one wiser than he who suspects he is a fool. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

One could take down a book from a shelf ten times more wise and witty than almost any man's conversation. [ Campbell ]

Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy: a very stupid daughter of a very wise mother. [ Voltaire ]

Most potent, effectual for all work whatsoever, is wise planning, firm combining and commanding among men. [ Carlyle ]

The truth we need is only lightly veiled, not deeply buried by the wise hand which has designed it for us. [ Gellert ]

He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which by has. [ Epictetus ]

Be saving, but not at the cost of all liberality. Have the soul of a king and the hand of a wise economist. [ Joubert ]

It is certain that either wise bearing or ignorant carriage is caught as men take diseases, one of another. [ William Shakespeare ]

The heart of a wise man should resemble a mirror, which reflects every object without being sullied by any. [ Confucius ]

The wise man can dispense with the favour of the mighty, but not the mighty man with the wisdom of the wise. [ Bodenstedt ]

The first degree of folly is to hold one's self wise, the second to profess it, the third to despise counsel. [ English Proverb, collected by George Herbert ]

Such a man, truly wise, creams off nature, leaving the sour and the dregs for philosophy and reason to lap up. [ Swift ]

In all companies there are more fools than wise men; and the greater number always get the better of the wiser. [ Rabelais ]

Either a wise man will not go into bunkers, or, being in, he will endure such things as befall him wJth patience. [ A. Lang ]

The wise man tells not what he knows. It is not prudent to sport with one's head by revealing the king's secrets. [ Saadi ]

A fool always accuses other people; a partially wise man, himself; a wholly wise man, neither himself nor others. [ Herder ]

The wise are instructed by reason, ordinary minds by experience; the stupid by necessity; and brutes by instinct. [ Cicero ]

What blockheads are those wise persons who think it necessary that a child should comprehend everything it reads! [ Southey ]

Wise kings have generally wise councillors, as he must be a wise man himself who is capable of distinguishing one. [ Diogenes ]

He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, would vote for nothing but a supply of toothpicks. [ Douglas Jerrold ]

The dew of heaven is often as beneficial as rain; it is one of those dispensations of a wise and gracious Providence. [ Sturm ]

There are three things a wise man will not trust - the wind, the sunshine of an April day, and woman's plighted faith. [ Southey ]

Fools and sensible men are equally innocuous. It is in the half fools and the half wise that the greatest danger lies. [ Goethe ]

The wise men of old have sent most of their morality down the stream of time in the light skiff of apothegm or epigram. [ Whipple ]

She hath a natural, wise sincerity, a simple truthfulness; and these have lent her a dignity as moveless as the centre. [ Lowell ]

Wise men are not wise at all hours, and will speak five times from their taste or their humour to one from their reason. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

May I deem the wise man rich, and may I have such a portion of gold as none but a prudent man can either bear or employ! [ Plato ]

Be wise today; 'tis madness to defer; Next day the fatal precedent will plead; Thus on, till wisdom is push'd out of life. [ Young ]

Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak well are two things. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks. [ Ben Jonson ]

It is not expedient or wise to examine our friends too closely; few persons are raised in our esteem by a close examination. [ Rochefoucauld ]

Oppression makes wise men mad; but the distemper is still the madness of the wise, which is better than the sobriety of fools. [ Burke ]

Wine leads to folly, making even the wise to laugh immoderately, to dance, and to utter what had better have been kept silent. [ Homer ]

The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in the government, is to live under the government of worse men. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Sincere wise speech{} (even) {} is but an imperfect corollary, and insignificant outer manifestation of sincere wise thought. [ Carlyle ]

To educate the wise man, the State exists; and with the appearance of the wise man, the State expires. The wise man is the State. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

He that is not handsome at twenty, strong at thirty, wise at forty, rich at fifty, will never be handsome, strong, wise, or rich. [ Proverb ]

The wise man is but a clever infant, spelling letters from a hieroglyphical prophetic book, the lexicon of which lies in eternity. [ T. Carlyle ]

A wise man in the company of those who are ignorant has been compared by the sages to a beautiful girl in the company of blind men. [ Saadi ]

Wise men are instructed by reason; men of less understanding, by experience; the most ignorant, by necessity; and beasts, by nature. [ Cicero ]

At the gates of the forest the surprised man of the world is forced to leave his city estimates of great and small, wise and foolish. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

I knew a wise man who had it for a by-word when he saw men hasten to a conclusion: Stay a little, that we may make an end the sooner. [ Bacon ]

These are the signs of a wise man: to reprove nobody, to praise nobody, to blame nobody, nor even to speak of himself or his own merits. [ Epictetus ]

As ceremony is the invention of wise men to keep fools at a distance, so good breeding is an expedient to make fools and wise men equal. [ Steele ]

Fortune, to show us her power in all things, and to abate our presumption, seeing she could not make fools wise, has made them fortunate. [ Montaigne ]

Wise were the kings who never chose a friend till with full cups they had unmasked his soul, and seen the bottom of his deepest thoughts. [ Horace ]

The love of fame is a passion natural and universal, which no man, however high or mean, however wise or ignorant, was yet able to despise. [ Dr. Johnson ]

Nature gives healthy children much; how much! Wise education is a wise unfolding of this; often it unfolds itself better of its own accord. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Some men are counted wise from the cunning manner in which they hide their ignorance. In what little they do know such men play the pedant. [ A. Ricard ]

For one word a man is often deemed to be wise, and for one word he is often deemed to be foolish. We ought to be careful indeed what we say. [ Confucius ]

Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; morals, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. [ Bacon ]

Our humble lilies of the valley and our field sparrows are wise enough to tell us of Nature's overruling care, that makes happiness possible. [ Newell Dwight Hillis ]

The way of the superior man is threefold - virtuous, he is free from anxieties; wise, he is free from perplexities; bold, he is free from fear. [ Confucius ]

The god, O men, seems to me to be really wise; and by his oracle to mean this, that the wisdom of this world is foolishness and of none effect. [ Plato ]

Wise laws and just restraints are to a noble nation not chains, but chains of mail, - strength and defense, though something of an incumbrance. [ Ruskin ]

The art of declamation has been sinking in value from the moment that speakers were foolish enough to publish, and hearers wise enough to read. [ Colton ]

A wise man shall overrule his stars, and have a greater influence upon his own content than all the constellations and planets of the firmament. [ Jeremy Taylor ]

Wise sayings are not only for ornament, but for action and business, having a point or edge, whereby knots in business are pierced and discovered. [ Bacon ]

The heart must be perpetually fortified by wise counsel and high moral principle, or it will inevitably submit to the invasion of the vilest foes. [ Magoon ]

Witty, above all, O be not witty; none of us is bound to be witty, under penalties; to be wise and true we all are, under the terriblest penalties. [ Carlyle ]

To the disgrace of men it is seen that there are women both more wise to judge what evil is expected, and more constant to bear it when it happens. [ Sir P. Sidney ]

To know what is useful and what useless, and to be skilful to provide the one and wise to scorn the other, is the first need for all industrious men. [ John Ruskin ]

Praise has different effects, according to the mind it meets with; it makes a wise man modest, but a fool more arrogant, turning his weak brain giddy. [ Feltham ]

The esteem of wise and good men is the greatest of all temporal encouragements to virtue; and it is a mark of an abandoned spirit to have no regard to it. [ Burke ]

He is a wise man who knoweth that his words should be suited to the occasion, his love to the worthiness of the object, and his anger according to his strength. [ Hitopadesa ]

Be still, then, thou uneasy mortal; know that God is unerringly wise; and be assured that, amidst the greatest multiplicity of beings, He does not overlook thee. [ James Hervey ]

Few of the many wise apothegms which have been uttered, from the time of the seven sages of Greece to that of poor Richard, have prevented a single foolish action. [ Macaulay ]

Wise sayings are the guiding oracles which man has found out for himself in that great business of ours, of learning how to be, to do, to do without, and to depart. [ John Morley ]

A wise man will always be a Christian, because the perfection of wisdom is to know where lies tranquillity of mind and how to attain it, which Christianity teaches. [ Landor ]

There are errors which no wise man will treat with rudeness while there is a probability that they may be the refraction of some great truth still below the horizon. [ Coleridge ]

There is in human nature generally more of the fool than of the wise; and therefore those faculties by which the foolish part of men's minds are taken are more potent. [ Bacon ]

Teeth, hair, nails, and the human species, prosper not when separated from their place. A wise man, being informed of this, should not totally forsake his native home. [ Hitopadesa ]

Too austere a philosophy makes few wise men; too rigorous politics, few good subjects; too hard a religion, few religious persons whose devotion is of long continuance. [ St. Evremond ]

The seven wise men of Greece, so famous for their wisdom all the world over, acquired all that fame, each of them, by a single sentence consisting of two or three words. [ South ]

It is delightful to transport one's self into the spirit of the past, to see how a wise man has thought before us, and to what a glorious height we have at last reached. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

Wise men mingle mirth with their cares, as a help either to forget or overcome them; but to resort to intoxication for the ease of one's mind is to cure melancholy by madness. [ Charron ]

Wise men are wise but not prudent, in that they know nothing of what is for their own advantage, but know surpassing things, marvellous things, difficult things, and divine things. [ John Ruskin ]

The wise will determine from the gravity of the case; the irritable, from sensibility to oppression; the high-minded, from disdain and indignation at abusive power in unworthy hands. [ Burke ]

We are not to be astonished that the wise walk more slowly in their road to virtue than fools in their passage to vice; since passion drags us along, while wisdom only points out the way. [ Confucius ]

We protract the career of time by employment, we lengthen the duration of our lives by wise thoughts and useful actions. Life to him who wishes not to have lived in vain is thought and action. [ Zimmermann ]

All truly wise thoughts have been thought already, thousands of times; but to make them truly ours, we must think them over again honestly, till they take firm root in our personal experience. [ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

There may often be less vanity in following the new modes than in adhering to the old ones. It is true that the foolish invent them, but the wise may conform to, instead of contradicting, them. [ Joubert ]

Error is a hardy plant; it flourisheth in every soil; In the heart of the wise and good, alike with the wicked and foolish; For there is no error so crooked, but it hath in it some lines of truth. [ Tupper ]

We are always more disposed to laugh at nonsense than at genuine wit; because the nonsense is more agreeable to us, being more conformable to our own natures: fools love folly, and wise men wisdom. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

The strong man is the wise man; the man with the gift of method, of faithfulness, of valour; who has insight into what is what, into what will follow out of what, the eye to see and the hand to do. [ Carlyle ]

The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. [ Bible ]

In my opinion, the unjust man whose tongue is full of glozing rhetoric, merits the heaviest punishment; vaunting that he can with his tongue gloze over injustice, he dares to act wickedly, yet he is not over-wise. [ Euripides ]

No man is so foolish but he may give another good counsel sometimes, and no man so wise but he may easily err, if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that was taught only by himself had a fool for a master. [ Ben Jonson ]

It is harder to avoid censure than to gain applause; for this may be done by one great or wise action in an age. Rut to escape censure a man must pass his whole life without saying or doing one ill or foolish thing. [ Hume ]

Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend. [ Lord Bacon ]

The mind should be accustomed to make wise reflections, and draw curious conclusions as it goes along; the habitude of which made Pliny the Younger affirm that he never read a book so bad but he drew some profit from it [ Sterne ]

Happy men are full of the present, for its bounty suffices them; and wise men also, for its duties engage them. Our grand business undoubtedly is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. [ Thomas Carlyle ]

Love works miracles every day: such as weakening the strong, and strengthening the weak; making fools of the wise, and wise men of fools; favoring the passions, destroying reason, and, in a word, turning everything topsy-turvy. [ Marguerite de Valois ]

Give not thy tongue too great a liberty, lest it take thee prisoner. A word unspoken is like the sword in the scabbard, thine; if vented, thy sword is in another's hand. If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue. [ Quarles ]

Wisdom is like electricity. There is no permanently wise man, but men capable of wisdom, who, being put into certain company, or other favorable conditions, become wise for a short time, as glasses rubbed acquire electric power for a while. [ Emerson ]

The wise men of old have sent most of their morality down to the stream of time in the light skiff of apothegm or epigram; and the proverbs of nations, which embody the common sense of nations, have the brisk concussion of the most sparkling wit. [ Edwin Percy Whipple ]

Hath fortune dealt thee ill cards? let wisdom make thee a good gamester. In a fair gale, every fool may sail, but wise behavior in a storm commends the wisdom of a pilot; to bear adversity with an equal mind is both the sign and glory of a brave spirit. [ Quarles ]

It makes me mad when I go to all the trouble of having Martha cook up about a hundred drumsticks, the the guy at the Marineland says, You can't throw chicken to the dolphins. They eat fish. Sure they eat fish, if that's all you give them. Man, wise up. [ Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts ]

It is not the reading of many books which is necessary to make a man wise or good, but the well-reading of a few, could he be sure to have the best. And it is not possible to read over many on the same subject without a great deal of loss of precious time. [ Richard Baxter ]

Exaggeration is neither thoughtful, wise, nor safe; it is a proof of the weakness of the understanding, or the want of discernment of him that utters it, so that even when he speaks the truth, he soon finds it is received with large discount, or utter unbelief. [ W. B. Kinney ]

He hazards much who depends for his learning on experience. An unhappy master, he that is only made wise by many shipwrecks; a miserable merchant, that is neither rich nor wise till he has been bankrupt. By experience we find out a short way by a long wandering. [ Roger Ascham ]

Never to speak by superlatives is a sign of a wise man; for that way of speaking wounds either truth or prudence. Exaggerations are so many prostitutions of reputation; because they discover the weakness of understanding, and the bad discerning of him that speaks. [ J. Earle ]

Granted the ship comes into harbour with shrouds and tackle damaged; the pilot is blameworthy; he has not been all-wise and all-powerful; but to know how blameworthy, tell us first whether his voyage has been round the globe or only to Ramsgate and the Isle of Dogs. [ Carlyle ]

Socrates was pronounced by the oracle of Delphos to be the wisest man in Greece, which he would turn from himself ironically, saying there could be nothing in him to verify the oracle, except this, that he was not wise and knew it, and others were not wise and knew it not. [ Bacon ]

No man of honor, as the word is usually understood, did ever pretend that his honor obliged him to be chaste or temperate, to pay his creditors, to be useful to his country, to do good to mankind, to endeavor to be wise or learned, to regard his word, his promise, or his oath. [ Swift ]

Oratory is the huffing and blustering spoiled child of a semi-barbarous age. The press is the foe of rhetoric, but the friend of reason; and the art of declamation has been sinking in value from the moment that speakers were foolish enough to publish, and readers wise enough to read. [ Colton ]

Art is a jealous mistress, and, if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture, or philosophy, he makes a bad husband, and an ill provider, and should be wise in season, and not fetter himself with duties which will imbitter his days, and spoil him for his proper work. [ Emerson ]

He is wise who can instruct us and assist us in the business of daily virtuous living; he who trains us to see old truth under academic formularies may be wise or not, as it chances, but we love to see wisdom in unpretending forms, to recognise her royal features under a week-day vesture. [ Carlyle ]

Logic is a large drawer, containing some useful instruments, and many more that are superfluous. A wise man will look into it for two purposes, to avail himself of those instruments that are really useful, and to admire the ingenuity with which those that are not so, are assorted and arranged. [ Colton ]

There are circumstances of peculiar difficulty and danger, where a mediocrity of talent is the most fatal quantum that a man can possibly possess. Had Charles the First and Louis the Sixteenth been more wise or more weak, more firm or more yielding, in either case they had both of them saved their heads. [ Colton ]

Wise, cultivated, genial conversation is the best flower of civilisation, and the best result which life has to offer us--a cup for gods, which has no repentance. Conversation is our account of ourselves. All we have, all we can, all we know is brought into play, and as the reproduction, in finer form, of all our havings. [ Ralph Waldo Emerson ]

Wise men, for the most part, are silent at present, and good men powerless; the senseless vociferate, and the heartless govern; while all social law and providence are dissolved by the enraged agitation of a multitude, among whom every villain has a chance of power, every simpleton of praise, and every scoundrel of fortune. [ John Ruskin ]

Young men are as apt to think themselves wise enough, as drunken men are to think themselves sober enough. They look upon spirit to be a much better thing than experience; which they call coldness. They are but half mistaken; for though spirit without experience is dangerous, experience without spirit is languid and ineffective. [ Chesterfield ]

Blessings on him who invented sleep, the mantle that covers all human thoughts, the food that appeases hunger, the drink that quenches thirst, the fire that warms cold, the cold that moderates heat, and, lastly, the general coin that purchases all things, the balance and weight that equals the shepherd with the king, and the simple with the wise. [ Cervantes ]

A wise man will select his books, for he would not wish to class them all under the sacred name of friends. Some can be accepted only as acquaintances. The best books of all kinds are taken to the heart, and cherished as his most precious possessions. Others to be chatted with for a time, to spend a few pleasant hours with, and laid aside, but not forgotten. [ Langford ]

It was the saying of a great man, that if we could trace our descents, we should find all slaves to come from princes, and all princes from slaves; and fortune has turned all things topsy-turvy in a long series of revolutions; beside, for a man to spend his life in pursuit of a title, that serves only when he dies to furnish out an epitaph, is below a wise man's business. [ Seneca ]

A man that is young in years may be old in hours, if he have lost no time; but that happeneth rarely. Generally, youth is like the first cogitations, not so wise as the second; for there is a youth in thoughts as well as in ages; and yet the invention of young men is more lively than that of old, and imaginations stream into their minds better, and, as it were, more divinely. [ Bacon ]

Gaze not on beauty too much, lest it blast thee; nor too long, lest it blind thee; nor too near, lest it burn thee. If thou like it, it deceives thee; if thou love it, it disturbs thee; if thou hunt after it, it destroys thee. If virtue accompany it, it is the heart's paradise; if vice associate it, it is the soul's purgatory. It is the wise man's bonfire, and the fool's furnace. [ Quarles ]

If thy desire to raise thy fortunes encourage thy delights to the casts of fortune, be wise betimes, lest thou repent too late; what thou gettest, thou gainest by abused providence; what thou losest, thou losest by abused patience; what thou winnest is prodigally spent; what thou losest is prodigally lost; it is an evil trade that prodigality drives; and a bad voyage where the pilot is blind. [ Quarles ]

A statue lies hid in a block of marble, and the art of the statuary only clears away the superfluous matter and removes the rubbish. The figure is in the stone; the sculptor only finds it. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul. The philosopher, the saint, or the hero, - the wise, the good, or the great man, - very often lies hid and concealed in a plebeian, which a proper education might have disinterred, and have brought to light. [ Joseph Addison ]

wise in Scrabble®

The word wise is playable in Scrabble®, no blanks required.

Scrabble® Letter Score: 7

Highest Scoring Scrabble® Play In The Letters wise:


All Scrabble® Plays For The Word wise


The 55 Highest Scoring Scrabble® Plays For Words Using The Letters In wise


wise in Words With Friends™

The word wise is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required.

Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 7

Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Play In The Letters wise:


All Words With Friends™ Plays For The Word wise


The 59 Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Plays Using The Letters In wise


Words within the letters of wise

2 letter words in wise (2 words)

3 letter words in wise (1 word)

4 letter words in wise (1 word)

Word Growth involving wise

Shorter words in wise


Longer words containing wise

airwise pairwise






clockwise anticlockwise

clockwise contraclockwise

clockwise counterclockwise


































unwise sunwise

unwise unwisely

unwise unwiseness

unwise unwiser

unwise unwisest



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wisecrack wisecracking

wisecrack wisecracks


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wisely unwisely



wiseness unwiseness

wiser unwiser

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