Hannah Flagg Gould



Last Lines of Hannah Flagg Gould

A harvest sweet and free?And am now a dying storm!And give to God my hymn of praise.And he's a captive there!And in darkness I must end!And life, light and freedom are poured through the tomb!And like her dying lamp go out in peace!And still praising Him, who said, 'Let there be light.'And the harvest is past recall!And the weary are at rest!Are quenched to beam no more!Are the stars and the falling dew.As the clouds scud before the warm sun!As three pence a pound on tea!As to try to kill her?As, flying my kite, I do to-day!But earth must not witness the sight.By the promise that God hath given!Eternal Wisdom veils the rest in shade.Follow him closely and be not afraid!For a seat in my own wild bower!For he is out on an angry deep!Has yet a whole eternity to live!His purpose to fulfill!I baptize thee, with a tear!If ever 't is seen in story!In his full glory, not arrayed like thee!In silence we'll praise him, my sweet White Flower.Is risen, and sweetly asks, Why weepest thou?Life and death like thine?Life, light and immortality!Life's troubled waters are crossed!Like her who sorrows here.Like the stricken bird and his falling feather!Locked up in the bosom that bore it.Mother, what's the cause of death?My life and its moral may read!Of a soul on an untried shore?Of these clasping hands on the wild, deep sea!Or frees, as he will, the obedient Winds!Or used the pirate's gold!Our journey to the tomb!Performed by thy sweet Violets!Shall 'tchick!' to tell them I'm drinking!Shun falsehood! -- love science, and seek only truth!So sweet, she will wake no more!Springing from a golden root!Still pure and never fading!That brightened my dark winter day.That is offered from the skies!The fall, and got over the bump!The name of Jemmy String!Thy nature, power, or purpose, who can speak?Thy passport when time shall end!Till the dead shall all awake!Till the voice of the New Year sounded 'one!'To celebrate the presence of her God!To flee from the ship made to run upon wheels.To send thee by the peaceful dove!To shine as twin stars on high!To win our love and lure us to the sky!Unawed by the scene, at the Judge's right hand!Upon the sod that sheltered me!Was fixed with the seal of death!What bore thee up, while others fell!When I'm beneath the sod!Where changes and clouds shall be known no more!Where kindred spirits meet beyond the skies.Which Gilead sheds for the pure in heart!While speaks the cold marble, 'He's gone! he is gone!'While ye are moaning for me!