Achsa White Sprague

Nov. 17, 1827 - Jul. 6, 1862


Tempter And Tempted

by Achsa White Sprague

Deep in the grave,
To sin a slave,
She went for rest;
Poor weary heart
That had no part
With aught that's blest.

The voice of sin
Had power to win --
Her soul to blast;
No tears to flow,
Few cared to know
Where she was cast.

She once was true
Young heart as you,
And free from stain;
The tempter came --
With him the blame,
With her the pain.

And yet the world
Its vengeance hurled
On her so weak;
But took him in,
All stained with sin,
With none to speak.

Well, let her die!
Forgotten lie,
With none to weep;
Her tomb shall break,
A voice awake
Her from her sleep;

And angel tears
Shall soothe her fears,
And blot her sin;
And clothed in white,
Grown pure and bright,
She Heaven shall win.

O'er him at last --
Death's portals past --
Remorse shall roll;
A guilty stain,
The mark of Cain,
Be on his soul.


The Poet And Other Poems.
Copyright 1864
Boston: William White And Co.,
158 Washington Street.